(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1995, 1996, all rights reserved. 1.0 SYSTEMVIEW AGENT FOR OS/2 VERSION 1.4.3 README FILE ________________________________________________________ ATTENTION: For best results, please display this README file in a monospace font. If your editor is using a proportional font, you might notice some irregularities in spacing and alignment. References to IBM SystemView Agent, IBM SystemView Common Agent, and System Management Agent all refer to the same product. This file is a supplement to the documentation that accompanies the IBM SystemView Agent for OS/2 1.4.3 licensed program. It includes helpful hints found in our testing as well as updated information that was not available in time for our publications. +--- NOTE TO WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) USERS -------------------------------+ | | | The SystemView Agent for OS/2 program is available as an installable | | package from the SystemView installation media (such as the CD | | Showcase for SystemView Server for AIX) or from the WWW. The | | SystemView Agent web page can be accessed through the following | | Uniform Resource Locator (URL): | | | | http://www.software.ibm.com/sysman/technology/caprod.html | | | | The instructions provided in this README file describe how to | | install SystemView Agent for OS/2 from diskette onto the local | | workstation. If you have downloaded a .ZIP file from the web page, | | use the PKUNZIP utility to expand the zipped file before following | | these instructions. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ This file covers the following topics: o Installing SystemView Agent for OS/2 (1.1) o Upgrading from Version 1.1 or earlier (1.2) o Minimum software requirements (1.3) o Software compatibility requirements (1.4) o SNMP support for OS/2 (1.5) o Configuring SNMP with SystemView Agent for OS/2 (1.6) o SNMP DPI subagent development toolkit (1.7) o Data type mapping by the DMI subagent (1.8) o Byte ordering (1.9) o Known problems (1.10) Contact your IBM representative for more information if you have any questions about the information provided in this README file. 1.1 INSTALLING SYSTEMVIEW AGENT FOR OS/2 _________________________________________ To install the SystemView Agent for OS/2 program: 1. Insert SystemView Agent diskette 1 into drive A of the workstation. 2. At the OS/2 command prompt, do one of the following: o Type "A:" and press ENTER. At the A prompt, type "INSTALL" and press ENTER. o Enter "A:INSTALL /S:A:" 3. Select CONTINUE to proceed with the installation process. Follow the steps presented by the Software Installer for OS/2 program to do the following: o Select the DMI AND SNMP component to install. o Specify the target drive and directory for installation. o Configure SNMP parameters, if desired. If you prefer to perform the SNMP configuration after the installation is complete, select the OK pushbutton on the SNMP Configuration notebook to continue the installation. 4. Restart your workstation to activate the changes. You can verify installation after you reboot by opening the IBM SystemView Agent for OS/2 folder and double-clicking on the DMI MIF Browser icon. If the DMI service layer is active, a component icon is displayed in the browser window. For more information regarding the SystemView Agent for OS/2 program, refer to the online documents located in the IBM SystemView Agent for OS/2 folder. 1.2 UPGRADING SYSTEMVIEW AGENT FOR OS/2 FROM VERSION 1.1 OR EARLIER ____________________________________________________________________ If you have SystemView Agent for OS/2 Version 1.1 or earlier currently installed on your system, there are two methods to upgrade to SystemView Agent for OS/2 Version 1.4.3: o Upgrade using the install program. To upgrade using the install program, select the UPDATE option and follow the steps to update the installed components. When the update is complete, run the install program again, this time selecting the INSTALL ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS option and the DMI AND SNMP component. This ensures that Version 1.4.3 is properly installed over earlier versions of the program. o Deinstall the existing version and then install Version 1.4.3 using the install program. To deinstall a previous version of the program, you MUST use the Deinstall utility from the SystemView Agent for OS/2 folder and reboot the workstation. After the previous version is successfully deleted, install Version 1.4.3 using the install program. 1.3 MINIMUM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS __________________________________ The minimum software required to run SystemView Agent for OS/2 is listed here, along with any updates or fixes necessary to ensure proper operation of the product: +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Software | Level | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |OS/2 | Version 3.0 or higher | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |TCP/IP for OS/2 | Version 3.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ 1.4 SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ________________________________________ The software listed below requires program fixes to ensure proper operation with SystemView Agent for OS/2. +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Software | Fix | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Multiple Protocol Transport | For Warp Connect: APAR IC11318 | |Services (MPTS) | For LAN Server 4.0: APAR IC11319 | | | | | | NOTE: You can also turn off | | | Remote Directory Services to | | | avoid the incompatibility | | | without installing the APARs | | | listed above. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ 1.5 SNMP SUPPORT FOR OS/2 __________________________ With Version 1.4.3, SystemView Agent for OS/2 now provides SNMP support for the OS/2 platform. If the following files are found in the TCPIP or MPTN subdirectories, they are deleted as part of the SystemView Agent for OS/2 installation: o SNMP.EXE o SNMPD.EXE o SNMPGRP.EXE o SNMPTRAP.EXE o SNMPDLL.DLL o SNMPCOMM.DLL o DPI20DLL.DLL o DPI32DLL.DLL Updated versions of these files are then installed by SystemView Agent for OS/2. NOTE: If the SystemView Agent for OS/2 program is removed at a later time, these files are NOT restored. 1.6 CONFIGURING SNMP WITH SYSTEMVIEW AGENT FOR OS/2 ____________________________________________________ If you want to change the configuration of the SNMP agent after you have installed SystemView Agent for OS/2 1.4.3, you must use the OS/2 Agent Configuration utility in the IBM SystemView Agent for OS/2 folder. If you attempt to change the SNMP configuration through an alternate means (such as the TCP/IP Configuration notebook), your changes will not have any effect on the SNMP agent. 1.7 DPI SNMP SUBAGENT DEVELOPMENT TOOLKIT __________________________________________ The DPI 2.0 subagent interface is included with the DMI toolkit in the SystemView Agent for OS/2. A header file, library, and sample file are provided with the interface and are located in the DPI subdirectory in the directory where you installed SystemView Agent for OS/2 (the default directory is SVA). To compile the DPI 2.0 function, ensure that the snmp_dpi.h file provided with the DMI toolkit is specified before the header files provided with the TCP/IP toolkit. Softcopy documentation for the SNMP subagent DPI API is also included with the SystemView Agent for OS/2 program. You can access this information by double-clicking on the DPI Programmer's Guide icon in the IBM SystemView Agent for OS/2 folder. 1.8 DATA TYPE MAPPING AND THE DMI SUBAGENT ___________________________________________ The DMI subagent performs the following mapping of DMI data types to SNMP data types: +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |DMI Data Type | SNMP Data Type | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Counter | Counter | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Counter64 | Counter | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Gauge | Gauge | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Octetstring | Octetstring | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Displaystring | Displaystring | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |String | Displaystring | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Integer | Integer | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Integer64 | Octetstringhex | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Enumerated integer | Integer | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ 1.9 BYTE ORDERING __________________ Because the service layer does not perform any byte swapping, it is important to use the same packing mechanism when packing a 64-bit value (counter64 or int64) for transmission to the service layer and when unpacking a 64-bit value returned from the service layer. To follow conventions on machine byte ordering, express 64-bit values in the following way: typedef struct { #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned long Low32; unsigned long High32; #else unsigned long High32; unsigned long Low32; #endif } int64; This structure assumes that an unsigned long is 32 bits. 1.10 KNOWN PROBLEMS ____________________ The problems listed here have already been identified to the SystemView Agent for OS/2 development team and are being addressed. Where appropriate, we have suggested actions that will enable you to get around the problem or minimize its effects. 1.10.1 CANCELLING INSTALLATION If you choose to cancel installation of the SystemView Agent before installation is complete and then choose to delete the previously installed files, you must reboot your workstation before attempting to reinstall the SystemView Agent. If NetView for OS/2 is installed, do not cancel the installation of SystemView Agent until the installation is complete. If you must cancel the installation, do not select to delete the transferred files. If you choose to delete transferred files some NetView for OS/2 files may be deleted and NetView for OS/2 will no longer be operational. If this occurs, deinstall both NetView for OS/2 and SystemView Agent, and then reinstall both products. 1.10.2 SNMP.INI NOT FOUND DURING INSTALL It is possible that during the installation of SystemView Agent, the SNMP.INI file may not be found, which results in blank fields in your OS/2 Agent Configuration Utility windows. If this occurs, select OK and continue with the installation. After rebooting, make sure a copy of the SNMP.INI file is in the directory specified by the SNMPDIR environment variable. Make any necessary changes to the SNMP configuration using the OS/2 Agent Configuration Utility and then reboot to restart the SNMPD and DMISA processes. 1.10.3 SNMPD MAY GENERATE WARNING MESSAGE The SNMPD process may generate the following message: "e1: snmp_moh.c(1088): Not expected to be here". If this occurs, ignore it. The SNMPD process will recover from this situation. 1.10.4 DMISA CANNOT REREGISTER WITH SNMPD ON NETBIOS The DMISA process does not reregister with SNMPD via NetBIOS if DMISA is stopped and restarted. If this occurs, restart SNMPD then restart DMISA, or reboot your system. 1.10.5 CLOSING DMISA ON NETBIOS-ONLY MACHINE GENERATES MESSAGES On a NetBIOS-only machine, stopping the DMISA process may generate a series of MESSAGE FILE NOT FOUND messages. If this occurs, ignore it. 1.10.6 SERVICE LAYER RETURNS KEYS IN MIF ORDER For non-instrumented components, the service layer returns keyed attributes in the order that they appear in the MIF file. For instrumented components, the service layer returns attributes in the order that they are returned by the instrumentation. 1.11 TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS __________________________________ The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this README file, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |IBM | SystemView | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |NetView | OS/2 | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS.