Object Desktop --- Tricks and Tips --- Rexx Utilities Object Desktop ships with several utilities to help you manage your Workplace Shell desktop and the Object Desktop components you have installed. To use these utilities, you must have the OS/2 REXX feature installed on your system. To install REXX, please refer to your OS/2 documentation. Note that these utilities are held copyright materials by Stardock Systems, Inc., and you may not redistribute them. You are free to use them on a system that has Object Desktop installed with a valid license. OPEN.CMD To open an object from the OS/2 command line, typically you must run a program with command arguments naming the file or directories you wish to work with. Object Desktop does not, however, contain typical executable programs that you can run against data files. Because of this design, we have provided a utility which will allow you to open data files and folders from the command line. To open a data file, specify OPEN.CMD (data file name) on the OS/2 command line. Similarly, you may open a folder with the same syntax. The OPEN.CMD batch file contains several command line arguments which can be displayed by running the batch file without arguments and choosing 'N' to the prompt to open the current directory. OBJDSK.CMD If you have removed a portion of Object Desktop by accident, you may recreate any or all of the Object Desktop objects using this utility. This utility performs similar functions to that of the installation program. It may be very useful to network managers who wish to automate the creation of the Object Desktop folder. (If you have Object Package installed you can alternatively use the default Object Desktop package file supplied in the Packages folder to restore your original Object Desktop objects.) For example, to recreate your Control Center run the following command: OBJDSK /CC Or to restore your enter Object Desktop folder and its contents run the following command: OBJDSK /C For a complete listing of parameters run OBJDSK.CMD without any parameters. SAVEOBJ.CMD Object Desktop has many desktop configuration options. This REXX script allows you to save the setup of four Object Desktop objects into new REXX scripts which you can use to recreate your configuration. The following objects may be saved using this utility: 1. Control Center 2. Keyboard LaunchPad 3. Tab LaunchPad 4. Object Navigator SETUPTLP.CMD The OS/2 Warp LaunchPad has a feature which allows you to open a view of the LaunchPad by double clicking on any empty area of a folder or the Workplace Shell desktop. This REXX script will allow you to setup the Object Desktop Tab LaunchPad to work in this mode, and disable this feature of the Warp LaunchPad. In addition to running this script, you may wish to modify the following line in your CONFIG.SYS: SET AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS,TASKLIST,FOLDERS,CONNECTIONS,LAUNCHPAD to remove the "LAUNCHPAD" option. You AUTOSTART setting should look similar to the following line to remove the Warp LaunchPad feature: SET AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS,TASKLIST,FOLDERS,CONNECTIONS To modify your CONFIG.SYS, you should use the OS/2 System Editor, the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, or your favorite text editor. As with all configuration changes, you should always ensure a backup of your configuration is made before proceeding by using the OS/2 desktop archive feature or another backup mechanism. OBJDRMOV.CMD To remove Object Desktop using manual removal procedures as outlined by this document, you may run OBJDRMOV.CMD to remove entries placed in the OS2.INI file by Object Desktop Professional. This batch file removes Object Desktop objects from your desktop, and also deregisters SOM (System Object Model) classes that were installed by the Object Desktop installation program. After running this batch file, you should reboot your computer. Once your computer is restarted, you may remove the DLLs placed in the Object Desktop installation directory as specified in the installation program. NAVIGATE.CMD Since Object Desktop does not have any executable files, we have provide NAVIGATE.CMD to allow you to open up Object Navigator to a specific directory. To open Object Navigator from the OS/2 command line, speficify the NAVIGATE.CMD (full path name) on the OS/2 command line Example: NAVIGATE C:\OBJDESK\EXTRAS will open Object Navigator and display the contents of the EXTRAS directory. ¸ 1996 by Stardock Systems, Inc. Last modified on 01.28.97