Object Desktop, Version 1.5, Fix Kit #1 --------------------------------------- Defects Fixed With This Release: General: 1. Updates to OPEN.CMD (text open), SAVEOBJ.CMD (syntax error), and NEWDESK.CMD (more error checking). 2. New script: NAVIGATE.CMD. Rollup: 3. Controls hidden after rolling up Task Manager. 4. Standard system close box does not roll window down when closing while rolled up. Only 'X' does the roll down. 5. Alt+F12 accelerator interferes with Golden Commpass close and delete feature (problem may also affect other applications). Object Package: 6. Drop from self onto self is valid, but no transients are allowed. 7. SET TEMP or SET TMP missing, temp files show up. Should use , or dir with enough space. 8. Shared memory setup query stops working when more than one object does not do a DosFreeMem() properly, and the same shared memory name is reused later. Would only occur with Object Desktop Professional security component. 9. During transaction write, disable adds/remove/open. 10. Uncaught exceptions can end shell. Now displays error message with location information for diagnostics. 11. Workplace Shell restart occurs dropping IBM Works onto package due to contact list class returning > 350MB as the size of the default icon. 12. NULLs in large package file from customer packaging entire desktop. 13. When only one element exists in a package, settings not displayed in the package editor. 14. Setup string removal of one item would sometimes merge (remove) adjacent setup string value. 15. Package position off-screen should map to center. 16. LaunchPad restore from default package has "?" objects. (Disk objects never have object ids, and hence can't be set....unresolvable). 17. LaunchPad doesn't restore last drawer or last object in front panel. (due to #9 above) 18. Changing the ICONPOS key does not remove the internal icon coordinate value. 19. Multimedia folder causes long file name error from shell sometimes. 20. Not saving "Start minimized", "Start maximized", or "Close on exit" values for program objects. 21. Storing/restoring VA C++ Workframe project objects does not save/restore project data. This problem was due to project object being a subclass of WPFileSystem, not WPDataFile as is normal. 22. Storing a cc:Mail archive file would cause a trap, which would sometimes hang the PMSHELL. 23. If object did not support "extra" setup data, and hence none was stored, editing the object setup string resulted in any setup data beyond the "default" to be lost. Object Inspector: 24. Setting object id does not always clear previous. Enhanced Folder: 25. Painting problems on border. 26. Icon pos not working in flowed mode. 27. When browsed, open causes another view when concurrent view is not on. 28. Can't open navigate view. OPEN=NAVIGATE. 29. OPEN.CMD doesn't invoke OPEN=NAVIGATE. 30. Painting problems with URLs when folder is in transparent mode. 31. No way to disable URL enhancements: OBJD_URLNOPAINT and OBJD_URLNOOPEN now supported as environment vars in CONFIG.SYS. Set either of these to "1" like the following: SET OBJD_URLNOPAINT=1 To get the desired behavior. 32. Web Explorer with object id and does not open via double click behavior. Object Navigator: 33. No setup string for opening to dir. New setup verb added NAVIGATE=E:\OS2 (path or object id). 34. The bubble text for tool buttons display partially off-screen when the button is next to the right hand side of the screen. 35. View CD ROM subsequent reads cause error when CD ROM is not in drive. 36. Math overflow calculating free space on drives > 4gb. Enhanced Data File: 37. No setup string for opening to text view. New setup verb added as OPEN=TEXT. Installation: 38. Some hangs during install. 39. Failure creating Enhanced Folder, failure creating Keyboard LaunchPad. 40. Missing LSI.MSG and LSIH.MSG cause problems during file replacement when installing over v1.0.3. 41. Reinstall of components does not create objects. 42. OBJDINST RESTORE utility clips dialog components on screen resolutions < 1024x768 (eg. VGA). 43. OBJDINST REG utility attempts to register class even when previously registered. This occassionally causes a failure to install on some systems with Object Desktop 1.0 installed. Control Center: 44. Must store hidden state. 45. Drives object shadowed to control center causes disk error and OBJDTRAP.LOG when re-opening after disk removed from A (or CD ROM). 46. Previous 1.0 behavior for browse objects for drives object did not display disk objects as folders. New 1.5 behavior treats disks as "fly out" folders. To achieve the 1.0 behavior, set the following in the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS and reboot: SET OBJD_NODISKSASFOLDERS=1 This will cause all disk objects to be treated as objects that when clicked on will open the default view. 47. Math overflow calculating free space on drives > 4gb. Tab LaunchPad: 48. Must store hidden state. 49. Colors can't be dropped onto tabs any more. 50. Empty slots are left when objects are removed or deleted from Tab LaunchPad. 51. If objects are deleted that appear on a tab, the number of objects is not adjusted, causing the tab to need to be scrolled. 52. The bubble text for object buttons display partially off-screen when the button is next to the right hand side of the screen. Master Setup: 53. Even when Control Center & Tab LaunchPad not configured to autostart, they sometimes do from Master Setup (very rare). 54. Not providing setup strings to Object Package. Task Manager: 55. Does not saved locked window strings to Object Package. Object Archive: 56. Errorlevel 11 thrown at times extracting objects from an archive that have very large sizes or 100% compression ratio.