A window activator to manage parametrs of an active window. Usage: ACTIVATE.EXE [option] [target window's title] Usage:ACTIVATE [option] [target switch entry's title] Options: /A ... activate(default). /C ... check whether the ACTIVATE.EXE itself is active. /D ... deactivate. /I ... ignore case. /L ... only list target switch entry(or all switch entry). /N ... minimize. /O ... target is limited to only one. /P[B] ... partial target specification(top/bottom). /R[n][,msg] ... repeat work every n seconds till push any key. (default=10sec) /S[class] ... appoint main window class name. /T[class] ... appoint client window class name. /V ... be verbose. /W[n][+] ... wait n seconds at before end of the process. (default=1sec, '+'=put beep sound) /X ... maximize. /- ... stop switches scanning. /? ... show this message. Only Japanese documentation is prepared for ACTIVATE. http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/os2/util/se326995.html