Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: CMD02.ZIP Short Description: JdeBP's 32-bit Command Interpreter version 1.1 Long Description: A Pure 32-bit command interpreter that is a replacement for the 16-bit CMD that is supplied with IBM OS/2, allowing one to finally replace one of the 16-bit vestiges that remains in OS/2 Warp; along with a suite of ancillary utilities (ANSI, ATDOWN, BEEP, BRIGHTBG, CLS, CMDLOAD, COLOUR, COPY, COPYPLUS, COPYSTD, DATE, DEL, DELAY, DESCRIBE, DETACH, DIR, ECHODOT, ECHOS, ERASE, FREE, HELPMSG, KEYLOCKS, LABEL, LINES, MD, MKDIR, MORE, MORESTD, MOVE, PAUSE, PRINTENV, RD, REM, REN, RENAME, RMDIR, START, TIME, TRUENAME, TYPE, VOL, WPSARC, and ZDIR). The command interpreter comes with a choice of three front ends (TTY, TUI, and GUI), and supports various enhancements not in IBM's 16-bit CMD, such as implicit environment variables, easily nested command scripts, subroutines (GOSUB/RETURN), and directory stacks. The command interpreter and utilities support long filenames, deep directory trees, ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990 (POSIX 1003.1) timezones, operation until the year 2106, and automatic unattended changes to and from daylight savings time in multiple different timezones simultaneously. They take advantage of the architecture of 32-bit OS/2 for things like efficient directory searches and the ability to deal with more than 64KiB of data. Installation instructions are in README.TXT. Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/util/shell Your name: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard Email address: Program contact name: (same) Program contact email: (same) Program URL: http://homepage.ntlworld.com./jonathan.deboynepollard/Softwares/cmd.html Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 2.0 or later. Additional requirements: Runtime libraries of JdeBP's 32-bit Unicode Console API (CONRT.RAR or CONRT.ZIP).