Rexx Autostart by Herwig Bauernfeind with additions from Chuck McKinnis is designed to provide a workaround for timing problems that may lead to a WPS hang on startup on certain OS/2 versions and fixlevels. * Features (Version 1.89): * Objects in the startup folder will not be opened until the Workplace Shell has been populated * You can delay the opening of objects in the startup folder until: * Warp Center has opened. * Warp Toolbar (Launchpad) has opened. * Stardock's Object Desktop Control Center and/or Tab Launchpad have opened. * A specified delay has occurred. * You can declare any folder as your startup folder. * A LAN startup folder is provided to contain objects that should not be started until a LAN connection has been established * Requirements: This program was designed and tested on a system that runs OS/2 Warp 4 FixPack 15. Therefore the "recommended" platforms are: * OS/2 Warp 4 * OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business * eComStation * Merlin Convenience Pack (available through IBM Software Choice) * Aurora Convenience Pack (available through IBM Passport Advantage) * REXX (Classic REXX or Object REXX) installed * WPTools by Henk Kelder (required DLL included with package) * NetUtil from IBM Employee Written Software (required DLL included with package) * Rexx Autostart 1.89 will not work on OS/2 Version 3.xx! However, an earlier version, Rexx Autostart 1.62, is available on this site. * Installation: Download and unzip it to work directory. Navigate to that directory and run the install.exe. The VXRexx source is available as