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After copying a new set of files to these directories, InstallStar (SHSINST.EXE) then deletes the old files of the same name from the UniMaint directory. It creates a new WPS Desktop folder named 'UniTools' and all of its sub-folders using the new paths for the files. The file BASELIST.TXT is included in the installed directory to show all files installed by this CSD. When applying a UniMaint version 5.1 CSD over version 5.0, you must use SHSINST.EXE. The older GTINST.EXE will not apply CSDs with a minor version change. InstallStar should automatically close any open UniMaint windows, including UniWatch, as necessary to complete the installation. However, open UniMaint dialog windows that do not automatically close when UniMaint closes may not close. If required, InstallStar will prompt you to close all UniMaint windows when necessary. You can prevent such an interruption by closing all UniMaint related windows and dialogs before starting installation. To install the CSD, perform the following steps (if you are reading this from InstallStar, jump to paragraph 3): 1. Copy the self-extracting installation file U5101155.EXE to a temporary directory or the directory in which you intend to install the program and run it to extract the files. 2. You may start the install program with or without the compressed file as a parameter. The U5101155.CSD file is the compressed file that contains all other files and installation definitions. (a) If you start the installation program with a command of 'SHSINST X:\UNIMAINT\U5101155.CSD' you will bypass the Source Directory dialog. Note that the full path to the CSD file is required. (b) If you start with 'SHSINST' the Source Directory dialog will appear. Press the browse button and find and double click the U5101155.CSD file. This will complete the source path in the dialog. NOTE: Some users are failing to add the CSD filename to the source path. There may be more than one CSD located in the source directory and the user is responsible for selecting the CSD file to install. 3. Press the 'License' button (required to enable the Install button) and read the License. When finished with reading the licence, you may read the README.TXT file by pressing the 'Readme' button. 4. Press the 'Install' button to start the installation. A Target Directory dialog will appear. The Target Directory dialog entry field should be displaying the current UniMaint directory if it is found in the config.sys path statement. Otherwise it will be displaying the current directory. If the target directory is not set to the UniMaint directory, manually change the drive/directory to the UniMaint directory or use the Browse button to find and select the target directory. Press Ok to accept the target directory as entered and the extraction of files will begin. 5. When queried about updating the Desktop, select 'Update'. When installing over version 5.0, InstallStar does NOT delete the old Desktop 'Tools' folder - you must delete the old Desktop 'Tools' folder using the Desktop 'Delete' command after installation is complete. Be sure you select 'Tools' (or whatever you have it named) and not the new 'UniTools' folder when deleting the folder. Normally you should not need to deregister the AcsAgent WPS class as in some past CSDs. InstallStar will do that as required. However, it it fails to deregister the class automatically, the file ACSDEREG.CMD is provided to allow you to easily deregister it from the command line. Follow the online help if that should happen. To insure that the InstallStar program files (SHSINST.EXE, SHSINST.HLP and SHSINST.INF) are saved for future use, these files are copied to the UniMaint sub-directory INSTALL during installation. You may delete these files from the installation directory (either the temporary or UniMaint directory) after installation is complete. It is also recommended that you keep a copy of the CSD file in the INSTALL sub-directory. If you receive a BASE LEVEL INVALID error during installation, you must reinstall from the original source file(s) and then apply the CSD. The reason for this is that required data from the original install is missing in the OS2.INI file. _________________________________________________________________ UNIMAINT PRIVATE INI FILE You may force UniMaint to use a private UNIMAINT.INI file instead of the OS2.INI file for storage of program parameters. To do so, copy the UNIMAINT.BKI file in the UNIMAINT directory to UNIMAINT.INI. This will be an empty INI file. If UniMaint is run with this empty file, all UniMaint settings and path data will be set to default parameters. You may retain your current settings by using UniMaint to copy the 'Uni Maintenance' and 'UniWatch' (if it exists) applications from the current OS2.INI file to UNIMAINT.INI. To copy the OS2.INI 'Uni Maintenance' and 'UniWatch' applications, select each application in the Applications window of UniMaint then use the popup menu to 'Copy Application'. Select the UNIMAINT.INI file in the File Dialog. Then close UniMaint. Thereafter the private UNIMAINT.INI file will be used. To re-commence using the OS2.INI file for storage, delete the UNIMAINT.INI file. _________________________________________________________________ UNIMAINT RECENT CHANGE HISTORY ********************* V5.10.23 - 31 Dec 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.23 are: 1. There were some routines that called the error termination routine without filling in the message area. 2. One of the UniWatch routines would not set the return to good when testing the timers and not finding a problem. 3. If there was a parameter error in UniWatch it was not reported correctly. 4. A number of changes were made to the logging in UniWatch to improve the intialization logging and improve the identification of the failing routine. ********************* V5.10.22 - 26 Dec 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.22 are: 1. The sequence of how things are dumped when we get an exception was changed to insure that we get as much data as possible. 2. Code was added to UniWatch to track a couple additional messages. 3. Additional logging was added to UniWatch in an attempt to diagnose an intermittent startup problem. 4. There was a bug in the routine that checks the size of a New INI File when both the application and key names were null. A 1 was returned and the return should be zero. 5. When UniWatch was started without an existing control file the resulting window was not correctly painted and some of the triggers were not reset. 6. If UniWatch could not find the UniMaint INI file then it would not report an error but would attempt to use a null INI file handle. 7. Code was added to the New INI File Processing routines to do logging. 8. Code was added to the routines that toggle the various diagnostic modes from the about dialog to allow for more user control. ********************* V5.10.21 - 4 Nov 00 *********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.21 are: 1. It was possible for the hwndFrame value to be null during the initialization which could cause a sys3175 error. ********************* V5.10.20 - 20 Oct 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.20 are: 1. Code was added to UniWatch to capture system abends so that diagnostic information could be logged. ********************* V5.10.19 - 11 Oct 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.19 are: 1. Code was added for the Agressive Handle Repair. ********************* V5.10.18 - 05 Sep 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.18 are: 1. An item was added to the Options Dailog that will force safe mode. 2. Additional diagnostic code was placed in the Portable Restore Initialization. ********************* V5.10.17 - 6 Jul 00 *********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.17 are: 1. Additional diagnostic code was added to the routine that updates the file handle entries in the OS2SYS.INI file. 2. There was a possibility of the repair handles trying to write a zero length BLOCKxx entry which would cause an INI Write error. ********************* V5.10.16 - 5 Jul 00 *********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.16 are: 1. When the Repair was done using one of the Tools objects the Desktop was not reset even if the option to do the reset was set to yes. 2. When there was a problem switching the System and User INI files one of the OS2*.INI files could be opened using New INI File Processing and that is invalid. 3. If a value that appears in one of the wizards had a validation routine it was not validated correctly when the wizard was run because the validation was done after the dialog in question was dismissed. 4. Code was added so that the first run of the version would force the Do Not Save Repaired Items flag to ON. 5. The logging of the New INI File processing structures was improved so that it would bbe easier to diagnose problems. 6. Additional controls were added to insure that the User and System INI files are never opened using New INI File Porcessing. ********************* V5.10.15 - 24 Apr 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.15 are: 1. Not all of the places that needed to have the delay stuff adjusted were changed so the adjustment did not normally work. 2. Code was added to log and dump the old and new values when the delay information was adjusted. ********************* V5.10.14 - 23 Apr 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.14 are: 1. The Loop Defaults were reset to 1000 for both the option and the xref counts and the delay was set to zero. 2. Code was added to force the delay to 1 during the Uninstall and the xref count was divided by 200 for the Uninstall except that it cannto go below 5. 3. Code was added warning users if they make any changes to the counts or delay that it could have very serious performance considerations. 4. One of the controls in the Cross Reference Defaults dialog could not be selected using the mouse because of a problem in the length of the text field that contained the header information. ********************* V5.10.13 - 20 Apr 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.13 are: 1. The supplemental information was improved in some of the uninstall routines. 2. The function that executes the command processor has to be modified so that the environment needed can be selected by the caller. 3. A warning was added if and when a user changed and of the delay parameters. ********************* V5.10.12 - 27 Feb 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.12 are: 1. In order to preserve the ability to delay thing enough to allow the user to get control and also not make some of the functions take too long intervals were created that control how many times a loop needs to execute before the wait api is called. 2. There was still a problem with the Wizard Validate. If it got called during the execution of a Wizard rather than at the end of a dialog then the same variable was used for loop control and the results of the validation and this could cause an endless loop. 3. The routine that looks for a file that does not contain drive and path information should treat a general failure as a file not found rather than a logic error. 4. Additional diagnostic code was added to the routine that renames or duplicates ini file applications or keys. 5. The New INI File read and write routines were changed to allow zero length reads and writes. 6. There were still some problems with the loop delay counts so some of the delays were removed and the defaults were changed. ********************* V5.10.11 - 10 Feb 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.11 are: 1. The code to allow the user to gain control of the desktop was placed in too many locations and some of the functions started taking too much time to complete. 2. There was a place in the Uninstall where it was possible to lock up the PM processing thread while the cross reference table was being built. The code was moved to another thread so this will no longer happen. 3. The default for the Loop Delay was changed from 1 to 0. 4. Code was added to insure that the WinWait api is not even called when the Loop Delay is zero. 5. There was a problem in the Wizard validate loops in several dialogs that could cause a sys3175 abend. 6. Code was added to each dialog to record messages if we are writing them to a file so it will be easier to diagnose message related problems. 7. The routine in the Cross Reference which does the qsort compare was modified so that it will give up the processor every 1000 compares so that messages can be processed. ********************* V5.10.10 - 06 Feb 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.10 are: 1. Code was added in a number of places to make sure that the user could get control of the desktop during functions that used a lot of cpu cycles. ********************* V5.10.09 - 01 Feb 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.09 are: 1. There were situations during the Uninstall, Archive and Reinstall where the Cancel would cause a logic error. ********************* V5.10.08 - 01 Feb 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.08 are: 1. There was a problem that caused a sys3175 when an attempt was made to write the results of an ini filecompare. 2. A second write when using the Compare INI files would get a 1010 logic error. 3. If the Uninstall Defaults was opened and then an Uninstall attempted the dialog that said you cannot do the uninstall until the current function is completed was displayed. 4. Even thought the OK button would effectively cancel the Uninstall, a Cancel button was added to the dialog so that the user could be sure they were ending the Uninstall without changing anything. ********************* V5.10.07 - 27 Jan 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.07 are: 1. The code to assign Object ID's did not work correctly on Desktops with the invalid DM/2 WPS objects. 2. There was a bug in the code to find the Desktop using the WPS methods because a memory area was freed twice. ********************* V5.10.06 - 24 Jan 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.06 are: 1. Desktops with the invalid DM/2 Objects still had a Repair problem because Shadowed object could not be found. 2. Desktops with DM/2 Objects did not have Startup Objects identified correctly. 3. There was a potential problem with the Open File that would cause a sys3175. ********************* V5.10.05 - 21 Jan 00 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.05 are: 1. DeskMan/2 has started to create objects in the 0x50000 range which is abnormal and a number of things had to be adjusted to handle these objects. 2. Because the invalid DM/2 object can be used as the desktop, additional code has been added to use the WPS methods to find the Desktop if we can get the Agent Object started. 3. There were a couple of places in the repair where a loop could occur if there were certain very rare types of errors. 4. A default value will now be added to the Desktop Backup Description. ********************* V5.10.04 - 23 Dec 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.04 are: 1. When the Desktop Backup was run from the UniMaint menu, UniMaint was installed on a FAT drive and OS/2 was installed on an HPFS drive then the backup did not actually backup the Desktop directory and did not give an error message. ********************* V5.10.03 - 10 Oct 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.03 are: 1. It was possible to delete objects in UniSafe so code was added to prevent it. 2. There was one rare condition that would result in a Timer not being stopped when using one of the Copy or Move items on the Action menu and this has been fixed. 3. The default error log filename in IniCopy was changed to IniCopy.err so that the default for this file would be the same whether it was run on it's own or by UniMaint. 4. Code was added to eliminate the logic errors that occur when an attempt is made to allocate a block of memory that is zero bytes long. 5. When an error occurred during the switching of the User and/or System INI files an error message was displayed but there was no way to cause a dump of the variables so code was added to supply this facility. ********************* V5.10.02 - 20 Sep 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.02 are: 1. There was still a problem with UniWatch and saving the size to the INI file so additional code was added to make sure the save was done anytime the size was different from the saved size. 2. The Automatic Backup Wizard was changed to make sure that the user knows that they need to set Automatic Backup Option on in the Desktop Backup and do an initial Desktop Backup from UniMaint to create the initial AutoCtrl.INI file. ********************* V5.10.01 - 30 Aug 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.01 are: 1. There was a problem with starting UniWatch when the window was minimized so the sequence of events was changed. ********************* V5.10.00 - 28 Aug 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 5.10.00 are: 1. The copy Group did not work because an attempt was made to use an ini file after it was closed. 2. Chages were made to reflect that Jim Read now owns UniMaint. _________________________________________________________________ UNIMAINT COMPLETE CHANGE HISTORY A complete list of UniMaint changes is available after installation in INICHNGE.TXT. _________________________________________________________________ INFOZIP UTILITIES InfoZIP has graciously allowed the inclusion of ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE with the UniMaint product. These programs are provided at no cost to the user as a service. It is very likely that you already have these fine native OS/2 archiving utilities. InfoZIP products are widely available on the internet. For a list of InfoZIP sources, read the WHERE file. You will also find a link to the latest versions on www.filestar.com. The ZIP.DOC and UNZIP.DOC files are included to provide documentation for the InfoZIP products. Unimaint makes extensive use of the Zip and Unzip programs. It is recommended that you add the path to these programs to the config.sys path statement so that one copy of the files are available to all programs that use them. Please read the following license and copyright notice: ******************* Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Info-ZIP" is defined as the following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi, Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Christian Spieler, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren, Rich Wales, Mike White This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Altered versions--including, but not limited to, ports to new operating systems, existing ports with new graphical interfaces, and dynamic, shared, or static library versions--must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source. Such altered versions also must not be misrepresented as being Info-ZIP releases--including, but not limited to, labeling of the altered versions with the names "Info-ZIP" (or any variation thereof, including, but not limited to, different capitalizations), "Pocket UnZip," "WiZ" or "MacZip" without the explicit permission of Info-ZIP. Such altered versions are further prohibited from misrepresentative use of the Zip-Bugs or Info-ZIP e-mail addresses or of the Info-ZIP URL(s).