PW-Software presents: - Q - B - M - C - A - The MCA-Reader Version 6.1 Now: this is the final, compact version, freed from all crap and unneccessary features, able to start from disk and gives in a relatively short time all the installed Adapters within an MCA-system. Some features which are left: - integrated online help - mouse integration - useless system-info a la NORTON SysInfo - control over menues - windows - cryption and weird licensing techniques etc. What's included ? A display about the eight possible slots, even if the system supplies only 3 or 4 of them, display of the recognized Adapter-IDs and a compare to a list of already known Adapters in MCA.DAT. I think this will do in most cases. The file MCA.DAT is an ASCII-File, which can be opened or edited with nearly all kind of Editors. The Format is the following: Character 1 - 4 : The adapter-ID in capitals Character 5 : A (CHR$ 32 resp. 20H) Character 6 - 54: The adapterstring, including some comments (DOUBLE etc.) Character 55- 56: CR+LF (0Ah + 0Dh) as separator and for easier editing The Program is entirely written in Quick-Basic 4.5 and converted with the Compiler into a Stand-Alone EXE, includes all neccessary libraries. Terms Of Use ------------ The QBMCA-Software is a Freeware Ulitity. This means that no charges or fees may be asked for it - except for the data- media (Disk, Tape, Punch-card, Modem-time ...). The user has no common right to the source code. The code may not be changed, converted, disassembled or used in a commercial task. The files MCA.DAT and QBMCA.PAR may of course be changed. It is left to the user if he wished to change or add thinge here. The original MCA.DAT dated April 16th, 1994 included 546 entries. Warranties ---------- The author of this program gives no warranties of any kind. Use of this program is on own risk. I am quite sure that it runs under any evil circumstance (Windows DOS-box, OS/2 DOS box) but ... you know: it's Freeware. If you make mistakes or draw wrong conclusions ... that's not my problem. Hints ? ------- RTFM : Read The Fucking Manuals IBM Microchannel is pretty easy to understand. Someone who removes or adds cards in a MCA-system and does not know what he's doing is very soon in peril. Changes and Remarks ------------------- 14.09.1994: MCA.DAT includes 746 Entries. A new identification of doubles and frequently re-named adapters has been established. This ident consists of a [!] at the end of the line. There are no double IDs in the file anymore. Doubles may lead to mis-identification. [PHW] 06.11.1994: MCA.DAT knows now 895 adapters. Consequently every text-string is converted into capitals. This makes the readability probably a little worser, but sorting and editing is easier. Why should only the *user* have an advantage ? [PHW] 07.11.1994: MCA.DAT has now 898 entries. Most important: the IBM Raid-Controller and the frequently used Matrox MVGA, which is used instead of the short SVGA-card on certain IBM Servers. 10.03.1995: MCA.DAT has now 904 entries. Filesize is 50624 bytes Several newer IBM adapters have been added. Cross-compare with QCONFIG from DOS 6.3 result in 6 new entries and some dozen changes. [Applies only to the QBMCA-Autoboot Version:] 19.05.1995: The disk has passed some rework and is now PC-DOS 6.3 based. MODE CO80 has been added to enhance readability on monochrome or LCD-systems. The color choice with blue letters on light-blue background wasn't a very clever idea anyway ... 24.05.1995: The changes were worth a new version-number. QBMCA is now actual with Version 6.0 Rev. A (German). There is a parameter-file QBMCA.PAR, where certain adjustments can be made in ASCII-text form. Pretty easy to look through. A report can be generated, either as a textfile (with full path) or to a printer device. The disk must be writeable in this case ! To avoid problems, the report-line can be marked with a colon and will then be ignored. 06.02.1996: MCA.DAT contains now 910 entries. Filesize is 50960 bytes. LAN-Etherstreamer, F/W-Streaming RAID adapter and IBM-Wide-Area Connector plus the alternative used IBM SVGA Adapter /A (on 9595A) have been added. 14.03.1996: MCA.DAT has now 959 entries. Filesize is 53705 bytes Cross-checking with the data from QCONFIG from PC-DOS 7.0 lead to some more entries. New check for doubles and some changes with the text-strings 23.06.1997: MCA.DAT contains 971 Entries. Filesize 54377 Bytes Checking with other sources, 2 double entries deleted, 14 Entries added 26.06.1997: MCA.DAT contains 1185 Entries. Filesize 66.361 Bytes A real powerplay - long weeks of searching in Internet and the cross-check Should be the last update for a longer time ... 14.06.1997: Revision B (English) appears Let's be international and competitive. :-) 01.07.1997: MCA.DAT contains 1190 Eintrge. Filesize 66.640 Bytes Discovered a rather silly mistake and added 5 further entries. 08.01.1998: MCA.DAT contains 1.278 entries. Filesize is 71.568 bytes Some more cross-checking with various sources and already existing files causes a lot changes and additions. 28.04.1998: from now on there is only one Version available QBMCA 6.1 Rev.A A new parameter has been added: language=nnn where nnn contains the 3-bytes language code. The corresponding file which holds the texts within the program is QBMCA.nnn The name of the text-file QBMCA.TXT has been changed into QBMCAnnn.TXT 17.01.2000: MCA.DAT contains 1.352 entries. Filesize is 75.712 bytes Finally a new MCA.DAT after a very long time. Technically nothing changed - only the number of identified adapters. The Boot-Disk is now based on PC-DOS 7.0 ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources and Trademarks ---------------------- During the programming of QBMCA the following products were used: MicroSoft Quick Basic Version 4.5 [Programmcoding] MicroSoft Windows Version 3.1d [Compatibilitts-Test] IBM Disk Operating System 5.02 German [Programmcoding] IBM PS/2 Systeme (Modelle 50,55,56,80 ...) [Prog. + Comp. + Test] IBM Operating System /2 2.1 [Compatibilitts-Test] IBM PS/2 Technical Reference Manual [Information + Prog.] IBM DOS 5.0 Technical Reference [Information + Prog.] IBM PC DOS 6.3 [Disk-Bootsystem] IBM OS/2 Technical Reference Manual [Ha ha ...] In addition: [Fitness of the programmer] Jacobs Coffee (about one pound) Marlboro 100s (several boxes) fire, water, milk, sugar, lots of music a quiet environment, a bed, some PS/2 with installed adapters some 12"-pizza Inferno with pepperoni MicroSoft is a trademark from MicroSoft Corporation (USA) IBM is a trademark from International Business Machines Inc. (USA) Lincoln is in Nebraska (also USA) with best wishes for a professional job: Peter H. Wendt (PW-Software Production) Lerdisser Strasse 4 32689 Kalletal (05264) 654043 [answering machine as well] I use to work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at CompuNet Computer Vertriebs GmbH Ost-West-Strae 49 20457 Hamburg (040) 30053-384 / -261 (Fax) Notes-ID: CNHHPHW IBM-Mail: DECNRPHW Internet: -or- Also check my MCA Enthusiasts Page at Final Remark: ------------- Is there any life before death ? It seems so.