PS/2 8525 & 8530, Mod. 25 & 30-0xx (8086 CPU) |
Has no Power On Password | The Models with only Floppies have no protection at all, the Models with a harddisk may have a case-lock, which includes a keyboard lock (Mod. 30-021). If the "Key"-symbol shows up on a Mod. 25 or 30 - it is most likely a 286-machine of that type. |
PS/2 8525-286 & 8530, Mod. 30-Hxx, -Exx (80286 CPU) |
Jumper J13 | front / left edge of the board |
PS/2 8525, Mod. 25SX (386SX CPU) |
Jumper J2 | middle / left edge of the planar. |
PS/2 9533, Premium Line Mod. 33 |
Jumper J20 | middle / front between riser connector and FPU-socket.
PS/2 8535 & 8540, Mod. 35 & 40 |
Boards A: (same as 9533 - 4 or 8MB onboard + 2 option memory sockets) |
Jumper J20 | middle / front between riser connector and FPU-socket |
Boards B: (3 x 72-pin memory sockets; all modules removeable) |
Jumper J14 | middle / right between riser connector and power supply |
PS/2 8550, 8570 & 8580, Mod. 50, 70 & 80 |
Earlier Models: |
Pair of jumper pins at the left outside edge of the battery / speaker unit | Apply a short between the two pins (jumper, coin, screwdriver tip) and power the machine on. When the memory count has completed and the system beeps remove the short |
Later Models: |
Short black cable with insulated plug at the end | Use a short piece of wire or a thin screwdriver inside the insulated plug and short it with GND (case of power supply, upper side of floppy disk drive) and power the machine on. When the memory count has completed and the system beeps remove the short |
PS/2 8555, Mod. 55SX |
Internal connection in the speaker cable | Locate the cable from the vertical slot riser card to the frontside mounted speaker. Detach the cable at the riser card, turn it by 180° and plug it back. Power on the machine. Plug stays in this position until the next password deletion is required (if any !) |
PS/2 8556 & 8557, Mod. 56 & 57 |
Jumper J18 | middle / rear, under the COM-port |
PS/2 9556 & 9557, Premium Line Mod. 56 & 57 |
Jumper JMP1 | middle / rear, under the COM-A port The left one of the two. Do Not change the JMP2 (Privileged-access password enable) |
PS/2 8560, Mod. 60 |
Pair of jumper pins at the left outside edge of the battery / speaker unit | Apply a short between the two pins (jumper, coin, screwdriver tip) and power the machine on. When the memory count has completed and the system beeps remove the short |
PS/2 8565, Mod. 65SX |
Internal connection in the speaker cable | Locate the cable from the systemboard to the frontside mounted speaker. Detach the cable at the systemboard, turn it by 180° and plug it back. Power on the machine. Plug stays in this position until the next password deletion is required (if any !) |