Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 Release 1.5 and Higher READWSOD.TXT Copyright 2001 Lotus Development Corporation. Copyright IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. Lotus, and SmartSuite are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation and/or IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. This document contains information about installing and configuring Lotus SmartSuite Release 1.5 and higher on IBM WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0. For additional information about installing to a File Server, refer to the READNET.TXT file located in the root directory of the SmartSuite CD-ROM. For additional information about installing and using SmartSuite applications, refer to the README.TXT file, also located in the root directory of the SmartSuite CD-ROM. For the most up-to-date information about SmartSuite, check the SmartSuite Web site at http://www.lotus.com/smartsuiteos2. The latest editions of Release Notes (README files) and other valuable information can be found by clicking the "Downloads" link at the bottom of the Web page. To get the latest support information about SmartSuite and WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0, you can search for relevant Lotus Support Technotes on the Lotus Customer Support search page on the Web. Go to http://www.support.lotus.com/csserv.nsf/linkfr/search and click "SmartSuite/eSuite Knowledge Base," and then click Search. Type the text string "WorkSpace AND OS/2" in the query box, limit the number of Results to 10 (or more), and then click Search. -------- CONTENTS -------- A. System Requirements B. If You Are Updating from SmartSuite Release 1.1 C. Overview: Installing and Configuring SmartSuite Release 1.5 and Higher on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 D. Installing SmartSuite Release 1.5 and Higher on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 E. The SmartSuite Registration Program F. Differences Between SmartSuite Server-Client and WorkSpace On-Demand Client Installations G. Uninstalling SmartSuite Release 1.5 and Higher H. Troubleshooting ---------------------- A. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- Server Operating System Requirements: * Warp Server 4.0 (Entry or Advanced) with FixPak 32 (or higher) without SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) --or-- * Warp Server for e-Business with or without SMP Note: For more information about SmartSuite and SMP, see Section H, "Troubleshooting." * IBM WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 Note: WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 automatically installs OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 6, which is sufficient to run SmartSuite Release 1.5 and higher on client machines. Server Hardware Requirements: Refer to your IBM WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 Administrator's Guide for server hardware guidelines. In addition, SmartSuite Release 1.5 and higher requires: * 32 MB of RAM * 223 MB of free disk space * OS/2 Warp 4 (or higher) compatible CD-ROM drive * OS/2 Warp 4 (or higher) compatible VGA (or higher) adapter and monitor * OS/2 Warp 4 (or higher) compatible mouse or other compatible pointing device * A WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, a Primary Domain Controller server, an Application server, and a server containing the user directories Note: The servers can be the same machine or separate machines. Client Operating System Requirements: * WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 Client (includes Warp 4, FixPak 6, and Remote IPL client image) Client Hardware Requirements: * WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 compatible network adapter with RIPL chip * Pentium 90 MHz processor or equivalent * 32 MB of RAM * OS/2 Warp 4 (or higher) compatible VGA (or higher) video adapter and monitor * OS/2 Warp 4 (or higher) compatible mouse or other compatible pointing device To improve performance, Lotus recommends: * More than 32 MB of RAM if users will run multiple SmartSuite applications simultaneously * Temporary operating system swapper space on a local hard drive * Pentium or equivalent processor running clock speeds greater than 90 MHz -------------------------------------------------- B. IF YOU ARE UPDATING FROM SMARTSUITE RELEASE 1.1 -------------------------------------------------- Note: You can skip this section if SmartSuite Release 1.1 for OS/2 is NOT installed on your system. If you are updating from Release 1.1, you should delete all SmartSuite program files prior to beginning the installation of Release 1.5 or higher. The Release 1.5 or higher installation process is now automated and utilizes different locations for storing the program files. There is no uninstall function provided for a SmartSuite Release 1.1 installation on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0. To successfully uninstall SmartSuite for this type of installation, you should delete all the SmartSuite-specific files that are stored on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, the Primary Domain Controller server, and the Application server. The most efficient way to uninstall SmartSuite is to delete and recreate the client machines and the users that SmartSuite is installed to, and then also delete other SmartSuite files including the LOTUSW4 tree on the Application server. If deleting the client machines and users is not an option, then you can follow the steps for manually deleting the SmartSuite-specific files (without deleting the client machines and users). The sections below provide instructions for uninstalling Release 1.1 using both methods. The directory structure for Release 1.1 is different than that found in Release 1.5 and higher. Refer to the sample directory structure below as you follow the steps to uninstall Release 1.1: V:\ (where V is the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server) |--RPLUSER | |--MACHINE01 | | |--FONTS | |--MACHINE02 | | |--FONTS | |--MACHINE03 | | |--FONTS | | | |--(and so on) | |--RPL | |--MACHINES | | |--MACHINE01 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | |--MACHINE02 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | |--MACHINE03 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | | | | |--(and so on) W:\ (where W is the Primary Domain Controller server) |--DCDB | |--USERS | | |--USERNAME01 | | | |--USERNAME01.FIT | | | |--OS2 | | | | |--SYSTEM | | | | | | | |--LOTUSW4 | | | | |--COMPNENT | | | | |--WORK | | | | | |--123 | | | | | |--APPROACH | | | | | |--WORDPRO | | | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | | | |--FLG | | | | |--123 | | | | |--APPROACH | | | | |--WORDPRO | | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | | |--FLG | | | | |--SMASTERS | | | | |--(other directories) | | | | | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | | | |--USERNAME02 | | | |--(same directory structure as USERNAME01) | | |--USERNAME03 | | | |--(same directory structure as USERNAME01) | | |--(and so on) | | | | | |--MACHINE01 | | | |--OS2 | | | | |--SYSTEM | | | | | | | |--LOTUSW4 | | | | |--COMPNENT | | | | |--WORK | | | | | |--123 | | | | | |--APPROACH | | | | | |--WORDPRO | | | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | | | |--FLG | | | | |--123 | | | | |--APPROACH | | | | |--WORDPRO | | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | | |--FLG | | | | |--SMASTERS | | | | |--(other directories) | | | | | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | | | |--MACHINE02 | | | |--(same directory structure as MACHINE01) | | |--MACHINE03 | | | |--(same directory structure as MACHINE01) | | |--(and so on) X:\ (where X is the SmartSuite Application server) |-- | |--LOTUSW4 | | |--COMPNENT | | |--WORK | | |--123 | | |--APPROACH | | |--WORDPRO | | |--ORGANIZE | | |--FLG | | |--SMASTERS | | | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | |--(other directories may exist) Uninstalling SmartSuite Release 1.1 by deleting client machines & users: ------------------------------------------------------ This procedure removes the SmartSuite-specific files from the system by deleting the client machines and users that SmartSuite is installed to. Note: If you do NOT want to delete the client machines and users, refer to the manual uninstall instructions in the next section. 1. Shut down all client machines and make sure that no one is accessing any SmartSuite-specific files. 2. Delete the SmartSuite application files stored in the LOTUSW4 subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files and subdirectories in X:\\LOTUSW4 and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. 3. (Optional) Delete the directory on the SmartSuite Application server. This directory is the redirect directory for the SmartSuite alias SSINSTAL. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete the \ directory on drive X. Caution: If you have installed other applications or files in the \ directory on the Application server, do not delete this directory. 4. Delete the Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 folder from the desktop on the server where you performed the SmartSuite installation. 5. (Optional) Files created by users are stored in a LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory on the Primary Domain Controller server. If you want to save the files created by users, you need to backup these files before proceeding to step 6. For example, in the directory structure above, you would copy all files and subdirectories in W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4\WORK to a backup location to save the files created by USERNAME01. Repeat this step to backup the files for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). Caution: If you proceed to step 6 and do not save a user's files located in the LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory to a backup location, all files created by that user will be deleted. 6. Delete the users that SmartSuite is installed to. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET USER /DELETE command to delete each user. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to delete each user. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to delete many users automatically at one time. For example, to delete USERNAME01 and USERNAME02, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET USER /DELETE USERNAME01 and then press RETURN. NET USER /DELETE USERNAME02 and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many users, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. Upon completion of this step, all SmartSuite files that were installed to the users are deleted. For example, in the directory structure above, all files and subdirectories in W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01, including the subdirectory USERNAME01, would be deleted for USERNAME01. 7. Recreate the users. Before you install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher, you need to recreate the users. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET USER /ADD command to recreate each user. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to recreate each user. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to recreate many users automatically at one time. For example, to recreate USERNAME01 and USERNAME02 (with the password "mypassword" and "user" privilege), at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET USER USERNAME01 mypassword /ADD /PRIVILEGE:user and then press RETURN. NET USER USERNAME02 mypassword /ADD /PRIVILEGE:user and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many users to recreate, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. 8. Delete the client machines. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET RIPLMACH /DELETE command to delete each client machine. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to delete each client machine. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to delete many client machines automatically at one time. For example, using the first method to delete MACHINE01 and MACHINE02, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET RIPLMACH /DELETE MACHINE01 and then press RETURN. NET RIPLMACH /DELETE MACHINE02 and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many client machines, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. Upon completion of this step, all SmartSuite files that were installed to the client machines are deleted. For example, in the directory structure above, the MACHINE01 directories and all subordinate directories and files would be deleted for MACHINE01 as follows: V:\RPLUSER\MACHINE01\*.* (including the FONTS directory) V:\RPL\MACHINES\MACHINE01\*.* (including CONFIG.SYS) W:\DCDB\USERS\MACHINE01\*.* 9. Recreate the client machines. Before you install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher, you need to recreate the client machines. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET RIPLMACH /ADD command to recreate each client machine. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to recreate each client machine. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to recreate many client machines automatically at one time. For example, to recreate MACHINE01 and MACHINE02 (which are ISAVGA machine class clients that have MAC addresses 121212121213 and 121212121212 with the specified adapter), at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET RIPLMACH /ADD MACHINE01 /OS:BB20.US /CL:ISAVGA /ADAPTER:"IBM 100/10 EtherJet PCI Adapter (OS/2)" /MAC:121212121213 and then press RETURN. NET RIPLMACH /ADD MACHINE02 /OS:BB20.US /CL:ISAVGA /ADAPTER:"IBM 100/10 EtherJet PCI Adapter (OS/2)" /MAC:121212121212 and then press RETURN. (and so on) Note: The example commands above automatically set the swap location to the local drive of the client machines. You should append the /SWAPPER:R parameter to the command to set the swap location to Remote on all client machines that do not have a hard disk. If you have many client machines to recreate, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. 10. In the LAN Admin Public Applications folder, delete the Lotus SmartSuite applications and Adobe Acroread. Select and right-click each application, and then select Delete from the drop-down menu. The following applications should be deleted: Approach FLG Lotus123 Organize Suitread Wordpro Explorg Explwpro Explflg Explapp Expl123 Acroread Note: You can delete these applications from an OS/2 command prompt using the NET APP command. For example, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET APP APPROACH /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP FLG /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP LOTUS123 /DELETE and then press RETURN. (and so on) 11. You can now install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher. Uninstalling SmartSuite Release 1.1 using manual steps: ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Shut down all client machines and make sure that no one is accessing any SmartSuite-specific files. 2. Delete the SmartSuite application files stored in the LOTUSW4 subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files and subdirectories in X:\\LOTUSW4 and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. 3. (Optional) Delete the \ directory on the SmartSuite Application server. This directory is the redirect directory for the SmartSuite alias SSINSTAL. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete the \ directory on drive X. Caution: If you have installed other applications or files in the \ directory on the Application server, do not delete this directory. 4. Delete the Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 folder from the desktop on the server where you performed the SmartSuite installation. 5. (Optional) Files created by users are stored in a LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory on the Primary Domain Controller server. If you want to save the files created by users, you need to backup these files before proceeding to step 6. For example, in the directory structure above, you would copy all files and subdirectories in W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4\WORK to a backup location to save the files created by USERNAME01. Repeat this step to backup the files for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). 6. Delete the user-specific SmartSuite files that are stored in the user directory path for each user on the Primary Domain Controller server. For example, in the directory structure above, delete all files and subdirectories in W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4, and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. Caution: Unless you have saved a user's files from the LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory to a backup location, all files created by that user will be deleted. Refer to step 5 for more information. Repeat this step for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). 7. Delete the machine-specific SmartSuite files that are stored in the user directory path for each client machine on the Primary Domain Controller server. For example, in the directory structure above, delete all files and subdirectories in W:\DCDB\USERS\MACHINE01\LOTUSW4, and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. Repeat this step for each client machine (MACHINE02, MACHINE03, and so on). 8. Delete the SmartSuite font files that are stored on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server for each client machine. For example, in the directory structure above, delete the files in V:\RPLUSER\MACHINE01\FONTS for MACHINE01. Repeat this step for each client machine (MACHINE02, MACHINE03, and so on). 9. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file for each client machine and remove all references to directories that include "LOTUSW4" and "SS97INST." For example, open the CONFIG.SYS file in V:\RPL\MACHINES\MACHINE01, and remove the following references from the LIBPATH statement: Z:\LOTUSW4\COMPNENT Z:\LOTUSW4\APPROACH Z:\LOTUSW4\123 (and so on) Z:\SS97INST\COMPNENT Z:\SS97INST\APPROACH Z:\SS97INST\123 (and so on) Search for and remove the references from other statements (like PATH, SOMIR, etc.) and then save the CONFIG.SYS file. Repeat this step for each client machine (MACHINE02, MACHINE03, and so on). 10. In the LAN Admin Public Applications folder, delete the Lotus SmartSuite applications and Adobe Acroread. Select and right-click each application, and then select Delete from the drop-down menu. The following applications should be deleted: Approach FLG Lotus123 Organize Suitread Wordpro Explorg Explwpro Explflg Explapp Expl123 Acroread Note: You can delete these applications from an OS/2 command prompt using the NET APP command. For example, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET APP APPROACH /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP FLG /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP LOTUS123 /DELETE and then press RETURN. (and so on) 11. You can now install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher. -------------------------------------------------------------- C. OVERVIEW: INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING SMARTSUITE RELEASE 1.5 AND HIGHER ON WORKSPACE ON-DEMAND 2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Installing and configuring SmartSuite Release 1.5 and higher on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 involves: * Setting up the WorkSpace On-Demand environment for SmartSuite * Performing a SmartSuite installation using the WSODCID.CMD program To successfully install SmartSuite in the WorkSpace On-Demand environment, you must configure and set up the following software and features on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server before you begin the SmartSuite installation. Note: Refer to IBM documentation for complete information about installing Warp Server 4.0 or Warp Server for e-Business, and WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0. On the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server: * Install Warp Server 4.0 (Advanced) or Warp Server for e-Business with WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 Note 1: If you are installing Warp Server 4.0, Lotus recommends that you install Warp Server 4.0 Advanced. Note 2: If you are installing WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 with the OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business Convenience Package, Lotus recommends that you use the "Install -nocheck" command instead of the "Install" command. For more information, refer to the README.TXT file on the root directory of the OS/2 Server Convenience Package CD-ROM. * Ensure that you have an operational WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 environment. All of the users must be created before you install SmartSuite. Additionally, all client machines (which will be used to run SmartSuite) must be created and fully operational in the RPL environment. Note: New users and client machines may be added at a later time, but they MUST be fully operational as RPL clients, before you begin the SmartSuite installation. * Ensure that all users who will be configured to run SmartSuite are logged OFF during the entire installation process. * Ensure that all client machines which will be configured to run SmartSuite are shut down during the entire installation process. It's unnecessary to have the client machines powered off. Note: Client machines MUST be restarted by pressing CTRL+Alt+Delete after completion of the SmartSuite installation. To successfully run SmartSuite, a WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 requester needs to access four sets of files, which may be located on one or more servers. * One set of files is client machine-specific; these files reside on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server and their locations must be correctly identified in the machine File Index Table (FIT) file and the client machine CONFIG.SYS file. * Another set of files is user-specific; these files reside on the Primary Domain Controller server and include the user FIT file, along with other files. * The third set of files is shared by all SmartSuite users; these files reside on the Application server. * The fourth set of files is user-specific; these files reside on the server containing the user directories. Note about Warp Server 4.0: If the Primary Domain Controller server is not on the same machine as the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, then install FixPak 32 (or higher) for Warp Server 4.0 and the server component (in the WorkSpace On-Demand install package) on the Primary Domain Controller. Do not run the GetRPL utility on the Primary Domain Controller server. Even though the Primary Domain Controller server will not be supporting RPL clients in this configuration, it still must have the server component (from the WorkSpace On-Demand install package) installed to allow it to work properly. During the SmartSuite installation process, files are installed to all four servers. * The WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server manages the RPL client machines and is where client machine-specific SmartSuite files are stored (consuming approximately 3 KB of disk space per machine). * The Primary Domain Controller server is where some user-specific files are stored. * The SmartSuite Application Server is where approximately 223 MB of SmartSuite application files are stored. * The server containing user directories is where user-specific SmartSuite files are stored (approximately 683 KB per user). Note 1: Lotus recommends NOT using the \IBMLAN\DCDB\USERS directory on the Primary Domain Controller server for the user directories. Note 2: The servers can be the same machine or separate machines. The WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, the Primary Domain Controller server, the Application server, and the server containing the user directories must all be running and connected to the network during the SmartSuite installation process. To complete the set up of the WorkSpace On-Demand environment, verify that: * The Warp Server environment is operational on all of the servers. * WorkSpace On-Demand is operational and all client machines and users are defined and operational. After you have installed your WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, have all of your client machines operational, and all of your users created, proceed to Section D, "Installing SmartSuite Release 1.5 and Higher on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0." -------------------------------------------------- D. INSTALLING SMARTSUITE RELEASE 1.5 AND HIGHER ON WORKSPACE ON-DEMAND 2.0 -------------------------------------------------- This section describes the SmartSuite installation procedure, and includes tips on using the installation program (WSODCID.CMD) as well as information about the log files generated during the installation. Note: Language versions of SmartSuite must be installed on separate servers in the WorkSpace On-Demand environment. For example, you cannot install the English and the German language versions of SmartSuite on the same server. Installation Tips ----------------- * You can cancel the installation and exit the WSODCID program at any time before the installation begins running in unattended mode. To cancel and exit, press CTRL+C, and then press ENTER. * Lotus recommends running the installation in a new OS/2 Full Screen session. If the installation is run in an OS/2 Window session, the window will lose focus. Also, some of the panels will fill the entire screen. If you use an OS/2 Window session, make sure you use the window scroll bars to read all the panel text. * You must be logged on with an administrator ID to run this SmartSuite installation program. If you are not already logged on, you will be given an opportunity to do so. If you logon without an administrator ID, the installation will fail. * During Pre-installation, there are several questions requesting the local drive letter of a particular resource. The local drive letter is the drive as defined on the server sharing that resource. It is not a re-directed drive letter. This local drive letter is used to automatically establish a session to access that resource. * A server name is a 1-14 character name that is defined in the Computername entry in the \IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI file on that machine. It is separate and distinct from a TCP/IP hostname (if one exists on that machine). * Directory names must NOT contain any spaces. * To run SmartSuite applications, every client machine that will be used, must have files installed. Additionally, every user running SmartSuite, must also have some files stored in their user directories. * During Pre-installation, you are prompted to specify the file name for the .LG1 and .LG3 log files. The name you specify should be unique. If you specify an existing file name, then that file will be overwritten during the installation. Note: Enter the name without the .LG1 and .LG3 extensions. These are appended automatically. Installation Procedure ---------------------- The SmartSuite installation process involves 3 steps that need to be performed in the following order: * Pre-installation: The WSODCID.CMD program collects the information about your LAN environment, verifies it, and reports the details in a log file. * File creation (manual process): Two files, MACHINE.LST and USER.LST, must be created to identify the client machines and users for the SmartSuite installation. * SmartSuite installation: The WSODCID.CMD program uses the information collected during Pre-installation and in the two files (MACHINE.LST and USER.LST) to automatically perform the SmartSuite installation. Note: The entire installation process must be run from the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server. 1. Insert the SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Open an OS/2 Full Screen session and at the command prompt, type X: (where "X" represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive) and then press ENTER. Note: You can perform a Distribution installation to copy the program files from the CD-ROM to a server, and then perform the installation from that location. "X" can be a local drive (including the CD-ROM drive) or a redirected drive to a remote server. For information about a Distribution installation, refer to the READNET.TXT file located in the root directory of the SmartSuite CD-ROM. 3. Open the Lotus License Agreement file in the OS/2 System Editor. You will be prompted to accept or decline the license agreement later during this installation process. a. At the OS/2 command prompt, type CD \\LICENSE (where is the SmartSuite language version) and then press ENTER. b. Open and read the License Agreement file for the SmartSuite language version you are using. For example, if you are using the English version of SmartSuite, open the file ENGLISH.TXT. After you have read the license agreement, exit the OS/2 System Editor. If you do not agree with the terms in the license agreement, do not continue with the installation. Otherwise, proceed to step 4. 4. When the OS/2 command prompt reappears, type CD .. and press ENTER to change back to the \ directory. 5. If you agree with the terms in the license agreement (step 3), type WSODCID and then press ENTER to start the SmartSuite installation program. Install consists of a series of text panels that are generally self-explanatory. 6. Complete the Pre-installation. Proceed through the text panels to the description of the three (3) steps in the installation process. On this panel, you can choose to perform the Pre-installation or the SmartSuite installation. If you have not previously performed the Pre-installation, do this first. If you have already completed the Pre-installation, skip to step 7. a. At the prompt "Which step do you want to perform?" type 1 and press ENTER to start the Pre-installation. b. A series of text panels prompt you for information about your LAN environment. At each prompt, enter the appropriate response and press ENTER. c. A text panel lists your selections for the following: 1 Primary Domain Controller server name 2 WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server name 3 SmartSuite Application server name 4 Server name containing user directories 5 Local drive of \IBMLAN tree on Workspace On-Demand RPL server 6 Local drive of \IBMLAN\DCDB on Primary Domain Controller server 7 Source directory for SmartSuite Install files 8 Directory on Application server to install SmartSuite 9 User directory path 10 Company name 11 Log file name for .LG1 and .LG3 log files On this text panel, you can modify or accept your selections: * To modify your selections, type the number of the setting you want to change and then press ENTER. * To accept the information, type NO and press ENTER. When you accept the information, the program: * Saves your selections * Displays a text panel with instructions for continuing the installation * Exits to the OS/2 command prompt The information you entered will be used later during the SmartSuite installation. 7. Complete the file creation (manual process). After you have completed the Pre-installation and exited the WSODCID program, you must create two new files to identify the client machines and users where you want SmartSuite installed. Note: SmartSuite installation modifies system files and the FIT files for each user, and copies new files for each client machine. Lotus recommends that you perform the SmartSuite installation on all client machines that could be used for SmartSuite applications and for all users who might need to access SmartSuite applications. a. At an OS/2 command prompt, use the OS/2 System Editor to create two new files. MACHINE.LST contains a list of the existing client machines where you want SmartSuite installed. USER.LST contains a list of the existing user names where you want SmartSuite installed. Type only a single name per line in each of the files. For example: MACHINE.LST USER.LST ----------- -------- machine1 username1 machine2 username2 machine3 username3 machine4 username4 where "machine#" is the name of an existing WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0 client machine and "username#" is the user ID of an existing user. Do not add any extra lines or spaces to these files. Note 1: The client machines you are installing must exist and be operational in the RPL environment. The machines and users you are installing must be shut down or logged off during the entire installation process. Note 2: The files MACHINE.LST and USER.LST must NOT be Read-only or in use by another program (like an editor). b. Copy these files to the \\INSTALL directory on the Application server where is the location where SmartSuite is being installed. (See step 6-c-8 above.) 8. Complete the SmartSuite installation. After you have completed the Pre-installation and created the MACHINE.LST and USER.LST files, type WSODCID and then press ENTER to initiate the SmartSuite installation. Proceed through the text panels to the description of the three (3) steps in the installation procedure. a. At the following prompt "Which step do you want to perform?" type 3 and press ENTER. b. A series of text panels prompt you to re-enter the Application Server name and directory where you want to install SmartSuite. A text panel displays the information you entered during Pre-installation. If necessary, you can modify this information. (Refer to step 6-c.) * To modify your selections, type the number of the setting you want to change and then press ENTER. * To accept the information, type NO and press ENTER. When you accept the information, the following prompts display on separate screens: "Do you want to perform SmartSuite installation on the Application server?" "Do you want to perform SmartSuite installation on any client machines?" "Do you want to perform SmartSuite installation for any users?" You can install SmartSuite on the Application server, on client machines, and for users. Before you can install on client machines and for users, you must install SmartSuite on the Application server first. Note: The MACHINE.LST and USER.LST files must exist for all installations. After SmartSuite is installed on the Application server, you can re-run the WSODCID program and install SmartSuite in any combination of the three categories. If this is the initial SmartSuite installation, follow the instructions in the next section (c). If SmartSuite is already installed on the Application server, follow the instructions in the section (d) below. c. During the initial installation, you should install SmartSuite on the Application server, the client machines listed in MACHINE.LST, and for users listed in USER.LST. Type YES to each question in section (b) and then press ENTER. The SmartSuite installation runs automatically to completion. d. During subsequent installations, you can choose which parts to complete. For example, to add users to an operational WorkSpace On-Demand environment, create a USER.LST file that lists the new user IDs (see step 7) and then run the WSODCID program. When the prompts in section (b) above display: * Answer NO to the first two questions (about installing on the Application server and client machines). * Answer YES to the question "Do you want to perform SmartSuite installation for any users?" Then proceed through the installation for the new users. In the future, if you re-install SmartSuite on the Application server, you must also re-install SmartSuite on any previously installed client machines and/or users. e. After the installation completes, check for details in the .LG1 log file. The directory name and file name where the .LG1 log file is located will be displayed on the screen at the end of the installation. More information about log files is available below and also in Section H, "Troubleshooting." 9. Restart each of the client machines to implement the new client machine configuration. Log Files --------- The following log files are created during the installation: 1. The .LG1 file is the primary log file and it provides information about how the entire installation progressed. 2. The .LG2 file provides specific details about the files copied or modified during the client machine and user installations. 3. The .LG3 file indicates the overall results of the file copy portion of the SmartSuite installation. The file name for the .LG2 log file will be either the client machine name or the user name that is currently being installed. All of the log files are stored in the \\INSTALL directory on the Application server (where is the location where SmartSuite is being installed). The log file names are displayed during the installation process and their location is provided as a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name. The installation program provides messages in the log file for every machine and user that is installed. They indicate if the SmartSuite files were copied correctly, if the client machine and/or user FIT files were created successfully, and if the CONFIG.SYS file for each client machine was created successfully. For additional information about the log files, refer to Section H, "Troubleshooting." -------------------------------------- E. The SmartSuite Registration Program -------------------------------------- There is a new product registration program in SmartSuite Release 1.5 and higher. Note: Old registrations using the ART registration tool that shipped in previous releases of SmartSuite have expired. Please re-register SmartSuite using the registration program included in SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher. To use the registration program after you have installed SmartSuite, follow these instructions: 1. Insert the SmartSuite CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. 2. Open an OS/2 command prompt window and type X: (where "X" represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive) and then press ENTER. 3. Type: CD IBMTOOLS and press ENTER to change to the directory where the registration program is located. 4. Type: REGISTER and press ENTER to initiate the registration program. Note: The SmartSuite registration program provides for registration via the Internet. To successfully register via the Internet, you must be using Netscape Navigator 4.61 (or higher). --------------------------------------------------- F. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SMARTSUITE SERVER-CLIENT AND WORKSPACE ON-DEMAND CLIENT INSTALLATIONS --------------------------------------------------- Some SmartSuite applications and icons that are installed during a File Server and subsequent Node installation are not installed to a client machine during the WorkSpace On-Demand installation. These items are either not available to a SmartSuite user, or the WorkSpace On-Demand administrator must manually configure them for the client machines, if they are desired. Desktop Folders --------------- The following are not available as standalone applications to SmartSuite users. These items are normally installed to the Lotus Accessories folder, which is not created on the client machine during the WorkSpace On-Demand installation. Lotus Freelance Graphics ScreenShow Player Lotus Freelance Graphics TeamShow Player Lotus SmartSuite Uninstall Lotus Software License Directory Note: The Freelance Graphics Players are accessible from within Freelance Graphics. The other applications are not available on the client machine. The following template files are not available to SmartSuite users directly from the Desktop. These template files are normally installed to the Lotus SmartMaster Templates folder, which is not created on the client machine during the WorkSpace On-Demand installation. Lotus 1-2-3 SmartMaster Templates Lotus Approach SmartMaster Templates Lotus Freelance Graphics SmartMaster Templates Note: Although SmartSuite users cannot use the OS/2 Warp template files to create documents from the Desktop, they can create documents using the SmartMaster templates from within the SmartSuite applications. Readme Files ------------ The following readme files are not installed to a client machine. These files are normally installed to the Lotus Assistance Center folder, which is not created on the client machine during the SmartSuite installation. 1-2-3 Product Updates Approach Product Updates Freelance Product Updates Organizer Product Updates Word Pro Product Updates However, SmartSuite users may access these files by changing to the S:\SS97INST directory, then changing to the LOTUSW4\ directory (where is a SmartSuite application directory), and opening the README.TXT file in the OS/2 System Editor. Note: If an OS/2 command prompt does not exist, you will need to create a public application for CMD.EXE. Alternatively, the WorkSpace On-Demand administrator can create entries in the FIT files for these readme files. Note: The SmartSuite README.TXT file is installed to the Lotus SmartSuite Release 1.5 folder on a client machine. This file provides SmartSuite users with information on where the product readme files are located in the \LOTUSW4 directory structure. In addition, the Word Pro readme file is available as an .LWP file in the user's WORK\WORDPRO directory. Online Books ------------ The SmartSuite online books (the SmartSuite printed books as Adobe Acrobat files) are not viewable on a client machine until the Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on the Application server and made accessible to the users. The WorkSpace On-Demand administrator must install the Reader on the Application server before users can view the online books. To install the Acrobat Reader on the Application server: 1. After the SmartSuite installation is complete, change to the drive location where you installed SmartSuite on the Application server. 2. Change to the \\LOTUSW4\ACROREAD directory (where is the name you selected during Pre-installation for the directory to install SmartSuite). 3. Type ARO2E30.EXE and press ENTER. 4. When the Install-directories dialog box appears, enter: :\\LOTUSW4\ACROREAD as the Installation directory (where and are the values you specified in step 1 and 2 above). 5. Click Install. 6. Click OK. The icons for the SmartSuite online books are located in the Online Books folder in the Lotus SmartSuite Release 1.5 folder on the client machine. Before users can open the online books, the administrator must modify the properties for each of the following online book files: EXPL123 Exploring 1-2-3 EXPLAPP Exploring Approach EXPLFLG Exploring Freelance Graphics EXPLORG Exploring Organizer EXPLWPRO Exploring Word Pro To modify the properties for the online books: 1. Open the LAN Services File and Print folder on the Application server. 2. Double-click the LAN Server Administration icon. 3. Double-click the Domain icon (the castle icon). 4. Double-click the Public Application Definitions icon. 5. Double-click one of the online book icons, for example, EXPL123. 6. On the Program Location tab, change these settings to: Program location = On Server. Alias = SSINSTAL. Remaining path to program = \lotusw4\acroread. 7. Click Apply. 8. On the Work Directory tab, change these settings to: Work directory location = On Server. Alias = SSINSTAL. Remaining path = \lotusw4\acroread. 9. Click Set. 10. Repeat steps 5 - 9 for each of the remaining online books. The SUITEGROUP group needs to have access rights to the new \\LOTUSW4\ACROREAD directory before users can open and view the online books. To update the access for the SUITEGROUP group: 1. Double-click Directories Resource Definitions. 2. Double-click SSINSTAL alias. 3. Click Manage Access. 4. Click the Permissions tab. 5. Click Apply, and then click OK to update the SUITEGROUP access for \\LOTUSW4\ACROREAD directory. 6. Click Set to close Directory Resource Definitions dialog. Note: The administrator can also make the Adobe Acrobat Reader a public application on the Application server and provide access so that the Reader icon appears on the client machine Desktop. However, this is not necessary if the user will only use the Reader to view the SmartSuite online books. To open online books in the Acrobat Reader on the client machine: 1. Double-click the SmartSuite Release 1.5 folder. 2. Double-click the Online Books folder. 3. Double-click the icon for the online book you want to open. ------------------------------------------------- G. UNINSTALLING SMARTSUITE RELEASE 1.5 AND HIGHER ------------------------------------------------- There is no uninstall function provided for a SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher installation on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0. To successfully uninstall SmartSuite for this type of installation, you should delete all the SmartSuite-specific files that are stored on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server, the Primary Domain Controller server, the Application server, and the server containing the user directories. The most efficient way to uninstall SmartSuite is to delete and recreate the client machines and the users that SmartSuite is installed to, and then also delete other SmartSuite files including the LOTUSW4 tree on the Application server. If deleting the client machines and users is not an option, then you can follow the steps for manually deleting the SmartSuite-specific files (without deleting the client machines and users). The sections below provide instructions for uninstalling Release 1.5 and higher using both methods. Refer to the sample directory structure below as you follow the steps to uninstall Release 1.5 and higher: V:\ (where V is the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server) |--RPLUSER | |--MACHINE01 | |--MACHINE02 | |--MACHINE03 | | | |--(and so on) | |--RPL | |--BB20.US | | |--PSFONTS | | |--SSFONTS | | | |--MACHINES | | |--MACHINE01 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | |--MACHINE02 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | |--MACHINE03 | | | |--CONFIG.SYS | | | | | |--(and so on) W:\ (where W is the Primary Domain Controller server) |--DCDB | |--USERS | | |--USERNAME01 | | | |--USERNAME01.FIT | | |--USERNAME02 | | | |--USERNAME02.FIT | | |--USERNAME03 | | | |--USERNAME03.FIT | | |--(and so on) | | | | | |--MACHINE01 | | |--MACHINE02 | | |--MACHINE03 | | |--(and so on) X:\ (where X is the SmartSuite Application server) |-- | |--LOTUSW4 | | |--COMPNENT | | |--WORK | | |--123 | | |--APPROACH | | |--WORDPRO | | |--ORGANIZE | | |--FLG | | |--SMASTERS | | | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | |--INSTALL | | |--MACHINE.LST | | |--USER.LST | | | |--(other directories may exist) Y:\ (where Y is the server containing the user directories) |--HOME (user directory path defined by user or system administrator) | |--USERNAME01 (LAN net account name) | | |--OS2 | | | |--SYSTEM | | | | | |--LOTUSW4 | | | |--COMPNENT | | | |--WORK | | | | |--123 | | | | |--APPROACH | | | | |--WORDPRO | | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | | |--FLG | | | |--123 | | | |--APPROACH | | | |--WORDPRO | | | |--ORGANIZE | | | |--FLG | | | |--SMASTERS | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | | | |--(other directories may exist) | | | |--USERNAME02 | | |--(same directory structure as USERNAME01) | |--USERNAME03 | | |--(same directory structure as USERNAME01) | | | |--(other directories may exist) Uninstalling Release 1.5 and higher by deleting client machines & users: ------------------------------------------------------ This procedure removes the SmartSuite-specific files from the system by deleting the client machines and users that SmartSuite is installed to. Note: If you do NOT want to delete the client machines and users, refer to the manual uninstall instructions in the next section. 1. Shut down all client machines and make sure that no one is accessing any SmartSuite-specific files. 2. Delete the SmartSuite application files stored in the LOTUSW4 subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files and subdirectories in X:\\LOTUSW4 and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. 3. Delete the SmartSuite installation files stored in the INSTALL subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files in X:\\INSTALL and also delete the INSTALL subdirectory. 4. (Optional) Delete the \ directory on the SmartSuite Application server. This directory is the redirect directory for the SmartSuite alias SSINSTAL. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete the \ directory on drive X. Caution: If you have installed other applications or files in the \ directory on the Application server, do not delete this directory. 5. Delete the Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 folder from the desktop on the server where you performed the SmartSuite installation using the WSODCID.CMD program. 6. Delete the fonts that SmartSuite installs to the \RPL\BB20.US\PSFONTS\SSFONTS directory on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files in V:\RPL\BB20.US\PSFONTS\SSFONTS, and also delete the SSFONTS subdirectory. 7. (Optional) Files created by users are stored in a LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory on the server containing the user directories. If you want to save the files created by users, you need to backup these files before proceeding to step 8. For example, in the directory structure above, you would copy all files and subdirectories in Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4\WORK to a backup location to save the files created by USERNAME01. Repeat this step to backup the files for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). Caution: If you proceed to step 8 and do not save a user's files located in the LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory to a backup location, all files created by that user will be deleted. 8. Delete the SmartSuite files that are stored in the user directory path on the server containing the user directories for each user. For example, in the directory structure above, delete all files and subdirectories in: * Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\OS2, and also delete the OS2 subdirectory. * Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4, and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. Caution: Unless you have saved a user's files from the LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory to a backup location, all files created by that user will be deleted. Refer to step 7 for more information. Repeat this step for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). 9. Delete the users that SmartSuite is installed to. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET USER /DELETE command to delete each user. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to delete each user. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to delete many users automatically at one time. For example, to delete USERNAME01 and USERNAME02, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET USER /DELETE USERNAME01 and then press RETURN. NET USER /DELETE USERNAME02 and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many users, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. Upon completion of this step, all SmartSuite files that were installed to the users are deleted. For example, in the directory structure above, the USERNAME01 directory and the subordinate directories and files would be deleted for USERNAME01 in W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01. 10. Recreate the users. If you plan to reinstall SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher, you need to recreate the users. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET USER /ADD command to recreate each user. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to recreate each user. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to recreate many users automatically at one time. For example, to recreate USERNAME01 and USERNAME02 (with the password "mypassword" and "user" privilege), at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET USER USERNAME01 mypassword /ADD /PRIVILEGE:user and then press RETURN. NET USER USERNAME02 mypassword /ADD /PRIVILEGE:user and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many users to recreate, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. 11. Delete the client machines. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET RIPLMACH /DELETE command to delete each client machine. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to delete each client machine. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to delete many client machines automatically at one time. For example, using the first method to delete MACHINE01 and MACHINE02, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET RIPLMACH /DELETE MACHINE01 and then press RETURN. NET RIPLMACH /DELETE MACHINE02 and then press RETURN. (and so on) If you have many client machines, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. Upon completion of this step, all SmartSuite files that were installed to the client machines are deleted. For example, in the directory structure above, the MACHINE01 directories and all subordinate directories and files would be deleted for MACHINE01 in these locations: V:\RPLUSER\MACHINE01\*.* V:\RPL\MACHINES\MACHINE01\*.* W:\DCDB\USERS\MACHINE01\*.* 12. Recreate the client machines. If you plan to reinstall SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher, you need to recreate the client machines. There are several ways to do this: * At an OS/2 command prompt, use the NET RIPLMACH /ADD command to recreate each client machine. * Use the LAN Admin graphical user interface (GUI) to recreate each client machine. * Use OS/2 command and response files (.CMD and .RSP) to recreate many client machines automatically at one time. For example, to recreate MACHINE01 and MACHINE02 (which are ISAVGA machine class clients that have MAC addresses 121212121213 and 121212121212 with the specified adapter), at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET RIPLMACH /ADD MACHINE01 /OS:BB20.US /CL:ISAVGA /ADAPTER:"IBM 100/10 EtherJet PCI Adapter (OS/2)" /MAC:121212121213 and then press RETURN. NET RIPLMACH /ADD MACHINE02 /OS:BB20.US /CL:ISAVGA /ADAPTER:"IBM 100/10 EtherJet PCI Adapter (OS/2)" /MAC:121212121212 and then press RETURN. (and so on) Note: The example commands above automatically set the swap location to the local drive of the client machines. You should append the /SWAPPER:R parameter to the command to set the swap location to Remote on all client machines that do not have a hard disk. If you have many client machines to recreate, Lotus recommends using OS/2 command files. Information on how to use and format OS/2 command files is available online in the LAN Server 4.0 Administrators Guide. 13. In the LAN Admin Public Applications folder, delete the SmartSuite applications. Select and right-click each SmartSuite application, and then select Delete from the drop-down menu. The following applications should be deleted: Approach FLG Lotus123 Organize Suitread Wordpro ODBCADM ODBCHELP Explorg Explwpro Explflg Explapp Expl123 Note: You can delete the SmartSuite applications from an OS/2 command prompt using the NET APP command. For example, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET APP APPROACH /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP FLG /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP LOTUS123 /DELETE and then press RETURN. (and so on) 14. You can now reinstall SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher. Uninstalling Release 1.5 and higher using manual steps: ------------------------------------------------------- This uninstall process does not delete all SmartSuite-specific files or the references to the SmartSuite files in the OS/2 system files. For example, the fonts that SmartSuite installs to the \RPL\BB20.US\PSFONTS\SSFONTS directory on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server are not deleted using the following procedure. These fonts are referenced in the OS2.INI file. It is not necessary to remove these fonts, however you may choose to do so. If you delete these fonts manually, you should also delete the references in the OS2.INI file. 1. Shut down all client machines and make sure that no one is accessing any SmartSuite-specific files. 2. Delete the SmartSuite application files stored in the LOTUSW4 subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files and subdirectories in X:\\LOTUSW4 and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. 3. Delete the SmartSuite installation files stored in the INSTALL subdirectory on the SmartSuite Application server. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete all files in X:\\INSTALL and also delete the INSTALL subdirectory. 4. (Optional) Delete the \ directory on the SmartSuite Application server. This directory is the redirect directory for the SmartSuite alias SSINSTAL. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete the \ directory on drive X. Caution: If you have installed other applications or files in the \ directory on the Application server, do not delete this directory. 5. Delete the Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 folder from the desktop on the server where you performed the SmartSuite installation using the WSODCID.CMD program. 6. (Optional) Files created by users are stored in a LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory on the server containing the user directories. If you want to save the files created by users, you need to backup these files before proceeding to step 7. For example, in the directory structure above, you would copy all files and subdirectories in Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4\WORK to a backup location to save the files created by USERNAME01. Repeat this step to backup the files for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). 7. Delete the user-specific SmartSuite files that are stored in the user directory path for each user. For example, in the directory structure above, delete all files and subdirectories in: * Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\OS2, and also delete the OS2 subdirectory. * Y:\HOME\USERNAME01\LOTUSW4, and also delete the LOTUSW4 subdirectory. Caution: Unless you have saved a user's files from the LOTUSW4\WORK subdirectory to a backup location, all files created by that user will be deleted. Refer to step 6 for more information. Repeat this step for each user (USERNAME02, USERNAME03, and so on). 8. If the SmartSuite installation program created the user directories and user path, and there are no other applications or users accessing these directories, you can: * Delete the user subdirectory for each user. For example, in the directory structure above, you would delete the USERNAME01, USERNAME02, USERNAME03 subdirectories in Y:\HOME. * Delete the user directory path. For example, in the directory structure above, delete the \HOME directory on drive Y. Note: If the system administrator created these directories and other applications or user directories exist, do not delete these directories. 9. If the SmartSuite installation program created the user .FIT files, and no other application statements have been added to these files since SmartSuite was installed, you can delete the user .FIT files in the \DCDB directory on the Primary Domain Controller server for each user where SmartSuite is installed. For example, delete the following files: W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME01\USERNAME01.FIT W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME02\USERNAME02.FIT W:\DCDB\USERS\USERNAME03\USERNAME03.FIT Note: For a complete list of the defined users, refer to the USER.LST file that you created during the SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher installation. If you are using the user .FIT files for other applications (like Netscape), you should edit each user .FIT file to remove the six (6) Lotus statements that reference/redirect the following: SUBDIRECTORIES FILES -------------- ----- LOTUSW4 USER.DAT SS97INST USER.~~~ SYSTEM.DAT SYSTEM.~~~ 10. In the LAN Admin Public Applications folder, delete the SmartSuite applications. Select and right-click each SmartSuite application, and then select Delete from the drop-down menu. The following applications should be deleted: Approach FLG Lotus123 Organize Suitread Wordpro ODBCADM ODBCHELP Explorg Explwpro Explflg Explapp Expl123 Note: You can delete the SmartSuite applications from an OS/2 command prompt using the NET APP command. For example, at an OS/2 command prompt, type: NET APP APPROACH /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP FLG /DELETE and then press RETURN. NET APP LOTUS123 /DELETE and then press RETURN. (and so on) 11. You can now reinstall SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher. ------------------ H. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------ For up-to-date information, check the SmartSuite Web site at http://www.lotus.com/smartsuiteos2. The latest editions of readme and other files can be found by clicking the "Downloads" link at the bottom of the Web page. Log files --------- After completing the installation, you can review the information in the primary log file, which has the extension .LG1. The location of the primary log file is displayed on the screen at the end of the SmartSuite installation. Three log files are generated during the installation. The location, name, and purpose of these files are described above in Section D, "Installing SmartSuite Release 1.5 and Higher on WorkSpace On-Demand 2.0." Open the .LG1 log file to review the information about the overall progress of the installation. If errors occurred during the installation process, the .LG1 log file will report the error, or indicate which of the other two log files to check for the specific details. If the .LG2 and .LG3 log files are empty, then check the following: * Did you specify the correct drive and directory information for the path locations on the Application server? * If you are using Warp Server 4.0, verify that the WorkSpace On-Demand server has the registry files, REGISTRY.DAT and DOS.DAT, installed on the boot drive. If not, type INST_DOS DOS from the command prompt on the server to create these files, and then retry the installation. * If you are installing a client machine, verify that the MACHINEID has a directory in the \IBMLAN\DCDB\USERS\ directory on the Primary Domain Controller server. Generally the installation will create this directory if it does not exist, but in some cases the directory is not created. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create the MACHINEID directory in the \IBMLAN\DCDB\USERS\ directory on the Primary Domain Controller server and then try the installation again. If the log files do not identify the problem, then verify the accuracy of your responses during Pre-installation. If any of those responses are inaccurate, the SmartSuite applications may not be accessible, even if the installation runs to completion. SmartSuite applications do not launch ------------------------------------- After the installation is complete, each unique SmartSuite icon should display on the client machine. If the SmartSuite application icons display correctly, but the applications do not launch, restart the client machine and then try running the applications again. If the icons display incorrectly as OS/2 Window icons (a monitor with an arrow), then the SmartSuite applications will not launch properly. Generally this problem can be caused by any of the reasons listed below. 1. The user logging on is not assigned to the SUITEGROUP. To correct this, add the user to the SUITEGROUP using the NET GROUP command. Tip: To verify assignment to the SUITEGROUP, type NET USER (where is a specific user). 2. The SSINSTAL alias does not point to the right directory. For example, the alias should not include the \LOTUSW4 directory in the alias name. Tip: To verify the SSINSTAL alias, type NET ALIAS SSINSTAL at the OS/2 command prompt. 3. The SSINSTAL alias is not currently shared on the SmartSuite Application server. Tip: To verify that SSINSTAL is shared, type NET SHARE SSINSTAL on the Application server. 4. The SUITEGROUP has not been given Read/Execute access to the SSINSTAL alias. Tip: To verify access rights, type NET ACCESS SSINSTAL at the OS/2 command prompt. 5. The Read/Execute access permissions to the SSINSTAL alias have not been successfully applied to all of the subordinate directories below the SSINSTAL alias. Tip: To verify access rights below the SSINSTAL alias, type NET ACCESS X:\\LOTUSW4\ at the OS/2 command prompt (where "X" and are the drive letter and directory where SmartSuite is installed on the Application server, and is any SmartSuite application directory that you suspect may not have the proper Read/Execute access). 6. The SUITEGROUP has not been given Read/Write/Execute access to the \\LOTUSW4\ETC directory on the Application server (where is the directory where SmartSuite is installed on the Application server). 7. The proper access permissions have not been granted and/or propagated for that user in the SmartSuite directories created in the user directory structure (on the server containing the user directories). The \OS2 and \LOTUSW4 directories are created for that user in the user directory structure. Those directories are granted full access rights for that user. Those access rights are then propagated to subordinate directories. Tip: To verify the access rights, type NET ACCESS X:\\\LOTUSW4 at the OS/2 command prompt (where "X" and are the drive letter and directory of the user path on the server containing the user directories, and is the name of the user). You should also check the access rights in a few directories below both \OS2 and \LOTUSW4 to ensure that the permissions were propagated correctly. 8. The SmartSuite installation procedure has been completed incorrectly. If the client machine and user installations are successful, but the SmartSuite applications do not launch, verify that both the client machine and user were operational in the WorkSpace On-Demand environment prior to the SmartSuite installation. The WorkSpace On-Demand client machines and users must be fully operational before installing SmartSuite. If the OS/2 Window icons display on the client machine Desktop and the applications do not launch, then one of the following error messages may display after you double-click the icon. 1. Error message: "Cannot Start..." If you attempt to launch a SmartSuite application that displays as an OS/2 Window icon, an error message "Cannot start..." may appear on the screen. To troubleshoot this problem, do this: a. In an OS/2 window on the client machine, type S: and then press ENTER. b. Type CD \LOTUSW4 and then press ENTER. If a message indicates that the directory does not exist, then verify that you specified the correct Application server name and the correct server name containing the user directories during Pre-installation. 2. Error message: "Application start error" If you attempt to launch a SmartSuite application, an error message "Application start error" may appear on the screen. To troubleshoot this problem, do this: a. In an OS/2 window on the client machine, type S: and then press ENTER. b. Type CD \SS97INST and then press ENTER. If a message indicates that the directory S:\SS97INST does not exist and the SSINSTAL alias was used as the Application Server install location, do this: * Verify that the SUITEGROUP has Read and Execute privileges to the SSINSTAL alias. * Verify that the user or client machine has been added to the SUITEGROUP. * Verify that the permissions have been propagated to the SSINSTAL alias. * Verify that the user/client machine .FIT files contain the following: S:\SS97INST \\\SSINSTAL\LOTUSW4. * Verify that the LOTUSW4 directory does indeed exist. c. Type DIR and then press ENTER. If no files are displayed after entering this command, check the following: * Was the user added to the SUITEGROUP? * Does the user have a USER.FIT file? Check for this in the \IBMLAN\DCDB\USERS\userid\ directory on the Primary Domain Controller server. * Does the USER.FIT file point to valid server aliases? - If the install was performed on a server that isn't also the Primary Domain Controller server, then the Primary Domain Controller server name must be specified as a UNC path name in the FIT entries containing references to the \IBMLAN\DCDB\USER directories. Error message "SS9000" displays during installation --------------------------------------------------- The "SS9000" error message may occur during the installation process if the MACHINE.LST and USER.LST files are missing, misspelled, Read-only, or in use. You should correct the problem(s) and begin the installation process again. Error message "Net2222" displays after typing NET ACCESS SSINSTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Typing the command NET ACCESS SSINSTAL at the command prompt on the Application server results in the error message "Net2222." In addition, the generic icons display instead of the individual SmartSuite application icons. This problem usually occurs because the SSINSTAL alias has not been defined correctly. To resolve this problem, you need to delete the SSINSTAL alias and recreate it. Follow these steps: 1. Type NET ALIAS SSINSTAL /DE to delete the SSINSTAL alias. 2. Type NET ALIAS SSINSTAL \\ X:\ (where is the name of your Application server and "X" is the drive letter and is the directory where SmartSuite is installed on the Application server). Error message NET2542 occurs when APPSSS.CMD runs ------------------------------------------------- When APPSSS.CMD is run from the command prompt, the following error occurs: "NET2542: This command can only be used with DOS public applications and WorkSpace On-Demand applications." This error occurs when the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server and the Primary Domain Controller server physically reside on different machines. Either the Primary Domain Controller server does not have FixPak 32 (on Warp 4.0) installed and/or the Primary Domain Controller server does not have the server component of the WorkSpace On-Demand package installed. To correct this: * Verify that the Primary Domain Controller server has FixPak 32 (or higher) installed (Warp 4.0 only). * Verify that the Primary Domain Controller server has the WorkSpace On-Demand server component (of the WorkSpace On-Demand install package) installed. Note: Do not run the GetRPL utility on the Primary Domain Controller server. Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) -------------------------------- SmartSuite does not work in an SMP environment on Warp Server 4.0 because the server operating system does not provide the correct level of OS/2 Open32 support. You can verify that your system is not SMP by checking for the existence of the file INST_DOS.EXE in the \OS2\SYSTEM directory. If this file exists, then your system is not SMP and you can install SmartSuite successfully. SmartSuite does work in an SMP environment on Warp Server for e-Business. Clicking on the Online Books in the Online Books Folder gives an error ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The administrator must install the Acrobat Reader application and provide access for the users before they can open the online books in the Online Books folder. For more information on resolving this issue, refer to Online Books in Section F, "Differences Between SmartSuite Server-Client and WorkSpace On-Demand Client Installations." Euro symbol does not display ---------------------------- If you want to use the Euro symbol on a WorkSpace On-Demand client machine, you need to modify the CONFIG.SYS file in \IBMLAN\RPL\MACHINES\ on the WorkSpace On-Demand RPL server. Change the statement in CONFIG.SYS from "CODEPAGE=437,850" to "CODEPAGE=850,437." The Euro is supported on code page 850, but not on code page 437, so 850 must be in front of 437. "Error launching Web browser" or " Cannot load Netscape" displays ----------------------------------------------------------------- Using the Help - Lotus Internet Support menu to access the Lotus SmartSuite Home Page, Lotus Customer Support, or the Lotus FTP site may result in an error message. * 1-2-3, Approach, and Organizer may display "Error launching Web browser. Please check the installation and try again." * Word Pro may display "Cannot load Netscape." The PATH and LIBPATH statements of the CONFIG.SYS file for each client machine needs to be updated to include the Netscape directory path. In addition, the FIT entries specific to Netscape need to be added to the APPPOST.FIT file for each SmartSuite application. To correct the problem, do this: 1. Add the Netscape directory to the PATH and LIBPATH statements in the CONFIG.SYS file for each client machine. For example, add Z:\NETSCAPE\PROGRAM to the PATH and LIBPATH statements in the CONFIG.SYS file on :\IBMLAN\RPL\MACHINES\. 2. Append the Netscape-specific lines in the APPPOST.FIT file located in the Netscape program directory to the APPPOST.FIT file located in the application directory. For example, to update the 1-2-3 application FIT file, append the Netscape-specific lines in the APPPOST.FIT file located in :\IBMLAN\RPL\BB20.US\NETSCAPE\PROGRAM to the APPPOST.FIT file located in the \123 directory on :\\LOTUSW4\123. Note: If you also want to launch Netscape from the Help menu in other SmartSuite applications, you need to update the APPPOST.FIT file located in the following application directories: * Word Pro: :\\LOTUSW4\Wordpro * Organizer: :\\LOTUSW4\Organize * Approach: :\\LOTUSW4\Approach Setting the video display mode for client machines to 64K colors ---------------------------------------------------------------- Using standard VGA video mode (640x480x16) in the SmartSuite and other applications may result in a poor display. Lotus recommends using a video resolution of 800x600x64K (64K colors) for running the SmartSuite applications. Many machine classes do not provide support for a resolution of 800x600x64K. For example, the default video mode for a client machine created using the ISAVGA machine class is standard VGA (640x480x16). The ISAVGA machine class does not support higher video resolutions. The GENGRADD machine class supports a variety of video resolutions, however there is no support for the 800x600x64K resolution in the existing driver installed by OS/2. In order for the GENGRADD machine class to support the 800x600x64K resolution, the GRADD.MOD file must be updated to support additional resolutions, including 800x600x64K. To improve the display of the SmartSuite applications, you can: * Replace the existing GRADD.MOD file with the updated version that supports additional video resolutions * Set up the client machines using the GENGRADD machine class, instead of ISAVGA machine class * Set the video mode for the client machines to 64K colors (for example, 800x600x64K) Because the SmartSuite applications display best in 64K colors, Lotus recommends that you perform the following modification on systems using Warp Server 4.0 Advanced or Warp Server for e-Business. 1. Using a Web browser, access the SmartSuite OS/2 Warp Web site located at www.lotus.com/smartsuiteos2. 2. Click "Downloads" near the bottom of the home page. 3. Locate and view the file GRADD.MOD. Note: The GRADD.MOD file available on the SmartSuite OS/2 Warp Web site has been modified to support several additional video resolution choices, including 800x600x64K. 4. Open the OS/2 System Editor and copy/paste the contents in the GRADD.MOD file to a new file in the System Editor. Save the file to a temporary location, for example, C:\TEMP\GRADD.MOD. 5. Type the following command to replace the file GRADD.MOD with the updated version of the file. REPLACE C:\TEMP\GRADD.MOD C:\IBMLAN /s This command replaces every occurrence of GRADD.MOD in the \IBMLAN tree. For example, this copies the file to C:\IBMLAN\RPL\MACHINES and C:\IBMLAN\RPLUSER. 5. Create a client machine definition using the GENGRADD machine class. During the setup, choose the appropriate monitor model (for example, IBM 2238) and resolution (for example, 800x600x64K). Note: If you want to launch Netscape on a client machine, remember to configure the client machine for the TCP/IP protocol. Print button does not function ------------------------------ When using the online Help in SmartSuite for OS/2 applications, the Print button in the Help dialog box may be greyed out and may not function. To resolve this problem, you need to: 1. Exit all SmartSuite applications. 2. On the client machine Desktop, double-click the printer icon to open the printer dialog box. 3. Close the printer dialog box. 4. Launch the SmartSuite application(s). 5. Click Help - Help Topics. 6. Double-click one of the Help topics and click Print to print the topic. Changing the drive letter for SmartSuite ---------------------------------------- When you install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher in the Workspace On-Demand environment, the Install program automatically assigns the drive letter "S" on the client machines as the location for the SmartSuite files. Some system configurations may require that the "S" drive letter be used for another purpose. If you are using Warp Server for e-Business, you can use the Lotus OS/2 Registry Utility program, REGRX.EXE, to specify a different drive letter for the location of SmartSuite files. After using RegRX to change the drive letter in the OS/2 Open32 Registry, you can install SmartSuite in the WorkSpace On-Demand environment and all client machines will use the new drive letter as the location for SmartSuite files. Note: These instructions assume that SmartSuite is not already installed in the Workspace On-Demand environment. If you have already installed SmartSuite on WorkSpace, you should first uninstall SmartSuite by following the instructions in Section G above. 1. Insert the SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Open an OS/2 Window on the Application server. 3. Create a directory named SSIMAGE. 4. Run the SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher Install program and perform a Distribution installation to the SSIMAGE directory following the instructions in the README.TXT file. 5. Make a backup copy of the SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files located in the \OS2\SYSTEM directory on the boot drive. 6. Copy the Lotus pre-defined SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files located in the SSIMAGE\ directory to the \OS2\SYSTEM directory on the boot drive. 7. Copy the REGRX.EXE file from the \SSIMAGE\\COMPNENT directory to the \OS2\SYSTEM directory on the boot drive. 8. At the command prompt, change to the \OS2\SYSTEM directory on the boot drive. 9. Type: REGRX -D=X or REGRX /D=X where "X" is the new drive letter to use in the Registry. The RegRx Utility program replaces the existing drive letters in the Registry files, SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT, with the new drive letter. 10. Copy the updated SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files in the \OS2\SYSTEM directory to the SSIMAGE\ directory. 11. Restore the backup copies (see step 5) to the \OS2\SYSTEM directory on the boot drive. 12. At the command prompt, change to the SSIMAGE\ directory. 13. Open each of the following files and manually change all drive references from S: to the new drive letter for the User Directory Path. WSODCID.CMD APPSSS.CMD CONFIG.ADD UFIT.ADD W123CFG.PKG WS123FIT.ADD WSAPPCFG.PKG WSFLGCFG.PKG WSFLGFIT.ADD WSHRCFG.PKG WSODBCFG.PKG WSWPRCFG.PKG WSWPRFIT.ADD 14. (Optional) In the message file, WSODMSG.TXT, manually change the drive reference from S: to the new drive letter in the line: ERR0098 = ""NET USER /ASSIGN S:SSINSTAL" command failed.' 15. Install SmartSuite Release 1.5 or higher on WorkSpace On-Demand from the Distribution image following the instructions in Section D above. Problem launching multiple SmartSuite applications -------------------------------------------------- A system hang and/or error message may occur when launching a SmartSuite application using a SmartIcon in the SmartIcon bar or when launching multiple SmartSuite applications. This may occur if a client workstation tries to load too many resources from the server. The parameter "MAXSESSOPENS" in the IBMLAN.INI file specifies the maximum number of files, devices, etc. that a client workstation can open at one time. To resolve the problem, change the value of "MAXSESSOPENS" to 2500 in the \IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI file. Then reboot the client workstation.