Details on CA_Set_Voice_Msg_Listened available from fix Level PTF U472519 A new custom server call, CA_Set_Voice_Msg_Listened has been added to allow custom servers to change the state of a voice message from new (or checked) to listened and set the listened date and time which can be seen in the Application Profiles windows. CA_Set_Voice_Msg_Listened() Purpose Changes message status to Listened. Libraries Voice Response library (libvae.a) Custom Server library (libca.a) Syntax #include "CA_header.h" #include "CA_access_db.h" int CA_Set_Voice_Msg_Listened( SET_VOICE_MSG_LISTENED_PARM_ST *set_voice_msg_listened_parm_sp); Description This subroutine changes the message status from New, Checked or Undeliverable to Listened and records in the database the date and time that this was performed. If an acknowledgement for a message was requested it would also be sent at this point. If a message status is already Listened then this subroutine has no effect and does not return an error. If a message status is Saved and the message has already been listened to then this subroutine has no effect and does not return an error. If a message status is Saved and the message had not been listened to before it was saved then the date and time that the message was listened to will be recorded in the database but the status will remain Saved. Parameters set_voice_msg_parm_sp A pointer to a SET_VOICE_MSG_LISTENED_PARM_ST input structure that is filled in as described below. Return Codes 0 Successful -1 Unsuccessful (global error number CA_errno is set to indicate the error) Error names CA_ACCESS_NOBUFS CA_INV_ADDR CA_INV_MAILBOX_ID CA_INV_PROFILE_ID CA_INV_REQUEST CA_NO_MSG_RECV CA_NOT_INIT CA_REQ_FAILED CA_TERMINATING CA_VOICE_MSG_NOT_FOUND Related information CA_Create_Voice_Msg(), CA_Create_Voice_Msg_Id(), CA_Delete_Voice_Msg(), CA_Get_Voice_Msg(), CA_Get_Voice_Msg_Info(), CA_Save_Voice_Msg(), CA_Send_Voice_Msg(), CA_Set_Send_Voice_Msg_Defaults() SAVE_VOICE_MSG_PARM_ST msg_id A VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID_ST structure that identifies the message to have its status set to listened. sender_profile_id Application profile ID of the message sender. sender_mailbox_id A value from 1 to MAX_MAILBOXES that identifies the sender mailbox that sent the message. receiver_profile_id Application profile ID of the message recipient. receiver_mailbox_id A value from 1 to MAX_MAILBOXES that identifies the recipient mailbox that holds the message.