DIRECTORY TREE FOR HOBBES.NMSU.EDU This directory listing is automatically-generated daily. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub The Hobbes Archive/ incoming New files which have not yet been catalogued/ text-arch / delayed Files which have had their processing delayed/ os2 Programs for OS/2/ system System configuration and administration/ drivers Hardware and software drivers/ network Network card drivers/ modem Drivers for various modems/ mouse Mouse drivers/ cdrom drivers for CD-ROM drives/ TV Television tuner related drivers/ storage Storage/backup device drivers (zip, jaz, etc.)/ filesys Drivers for alternate filesystems/ irda Infrared related drivers/ serial Serial port drivers/ video Video card drivers/ sound Sound and music card drivers/ scanner Drivers for scanners/ printer Printer drivers/ misc Miscellaneous drivers/ scsi Drivers for SCSI cards/ x11 The X Windows Operating System/ wm Window Managers/ term Terminal emulators (xterm, rxvt etc)/ XFree86 OS/2 port of XFree86/ v3.2 XFree86 v3.2.*/ v3.1 XFree86 v3.1.*/ v3.3.1 XFree86-OS/2 v3.3.1/ v3.3 XFree86 v3.3/ patches System patches, fixes and updates/ mixed patches applying to multiple versions of OS/2/ warp_3 patches specific to Warp 3/ fixpack official fixpacks from IBM/ warp_3 / warp_4 / xr_m014 Warp 4.0 Fixpack 14/ xr_m013 Warp 4.0 Fixpack 13/ xr_m004 Warp 4.0 Fixpack 4/ xr_m001 Warp 4.0 Fixpack 1/ xr_m005 Warp 4.0 Fixpack 5/ v2.x / warp_4 patches specific to Warp 4/ v2.x patches specific to OS/2 v2.x/ dev Programming and development/ jscript JavaScript development/ mm Multimedia development tools and libraries/ pm Presentation Manager development/ 16-bit 16-bit development tools and libraries/ drivers Device driver development/ perl PERL development/ asm Assembly language development, libraries and utilities/ tcl TCL development for OS/2/ database Database development/ c C development tools and libraries/ rexx REXX development tools and libraries/ vxtech VX-REXX Tech/ patches Patches related to REXX development/ unix UNIX compatability libraries/ emx EMX development tools and libraries/ v0.9c EMX v0.9c/ contrib Contributions to EMX from outside sources/ gnat GNU Ada/ bison GNU Bison (YACC clone)/ gcc The GNU C Compiler system/ g77 GNU Fortran-77 compiler/ v0.9d EMX v0.9d/ ada Ada development/ cplusplus C++ development tools and libraries/ patches Patches relating to C++ development/ basic BASIC development tools and libraries/ fortran FORTRAN development tools and libraries/ 32-bit 32-bit development tools and libraries/ smalltalk Smalltalk development tools/libraries/ help Help engines and helpfile creation/ util General development tools and libraries/ codec Compression/encryption development tools and libraries/ modula Modula-2, -3 and Oberon development tools and libraries/ awk AWK pattrn scanning and processing language/ icon ICON programming language development tools and libraries/ python Python development/ info Information and textfiles/ msjournal Microsoft Systems Journal/ dos DOS cross-development under OS/2/ orexx Object REXX/ x11 X11 development/ gtk The GIMP Toolkit/ dll Dynamically Linked Libraries to use/ lisp LISP/Scheme development tools and libraries/ pascal Pascal development tools and libraries/ misc Miscellaneous programming material/ wps WorkPlace Shell development/ dive DIVE (Direct Interface to Video Extensions)/ forth FORTH development tools and libraries/ apps Applications/ money Money-management and banking programs/ calendar Calendars/ analysis Statistics and Data Analysis/ scrnsave Screen savers/ speech Speech synthesis and text-to-speech/ database Databases/ editors Editors/ epm EPM Programmer's Editor/ emacs EMACS-related applications/ dev EMACS-related development/ emulator Emulation of other systems/ wp Word processing and desktop publishing/ tex The TeX Typesetting Language/ emtex Eberhard Mattes' TeX distribution/ psfonts Postscript printer fonts for TeX/ util Utilities for *TeX/ betatest Betatest versions of TeX and TeX utilities/ convert Conversion between different word processing formats/ diary Diaries and logbooks/ calc Calculators/ spell Spelling checkers/ clock Clocks and the like/ pim Personal Information Managers/ comm Communications and BBS programs/utilities/ bbs / adeptxbbs AdeptXBBS and related utilities/ util BBS-related utilities/ maximus Maximus BBS and related utilities/ door Door programs/ term / fossil / fax / ansmach / offline / transfer / math Numerical computation and analysis/ euler Euler and Euler-related files/ octave Octave and Octave-related files/ internet Internet-related programs/ dynip Dynamic IP static hostname clients/ dialer Dialers for connecting to the internet/ mud Multi-User Dungeons et al. (MU*)/ server MU* servers/ client Programs for connecting to MU*s/ chat General-purpose chat/talk programs/daemons/ news Newsgroups (USEnet)/ reader News readers/ util News-related utilities/ server News servers (NNTPd)/ notes Pertaining to Lotus Notes/ mirror Mirroring software/ ftp FTP-specific mirroring software/ www WWW-specific mirroring software/ telnet Programs for remote logins/ server Programs to allow remote logins (telnetd)/ client Programs to log in remotely/ ftp File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/ util FTP-related utilities/ server FTP servers (FTPd)/ client FTP clients/ time Internet time (SNTP et al)/ suite Internet suites/ ppp Programs and utilities for PPP connections/ irc Internet Relay Chat (IRC)/ util IRC-related utilities/ server IRC servers (IRCd)/ client IRC clients/ script IRC scripts and bots/ misc Miscellaneous internet programs/ archie Archie internet search/ server Archie servers/ client Archie clients/ mail Electronic Mail (EMail)/ list Programs for batch-processing/mailing lists/ reader EMail readers/ mr2i MR/2 ICE/ pmm Programs and utilities for PMMail/ util EMail-related utilities/ server EMail servers (POPd, maild, etc.)/ uucp UNIX-to-UNIX Copy (UUCP)/ www World Wide Web-related programs (WWW)/ editors HTML editors/ cgi Common Gateway Interface-based programs (CGI)/ util Web-related utilities/ server Web servers (HTTPd)/ browser Web browsers/ vrml VRML-related utilities/ religion Religion-oriented software/ science Scientific Applications/ chem Chemistry programs/ astro Astronomy programs/ ai Artificial Intelligence programs/ phys Physics programs/ human Human science (astrology, biorhythms, etc.)/ ee Electrical Engineering programs/ biology Biology programs/ robot Robotics programs/ mindstorm LEGO(tm) Mindstorms(tm)/ suite Application suites/ graphics Graphics-related programs/ fractal Fractal generators/ cad Computer-Aided Design (CAD) programs/ animate Animation programs/ draw Draw (vector) programs/ plot Plotting programs and utilities/ paint Paint (bitmap) programs/ presentation Presentation Graphics/ convert Convert between image file formats/ ray Ray tracing/ pov POVray ray-tracer/ scrncapt Screen-capture programs/ gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program/ imagepro Image processors/ viewer Image viewers/ irit IRIT solid modeller/ scan Scanning software/ spread Spreadsheets/ misc Miscellaneous applications/ wps / xfolder / xworkplace / mmedia Multimedia-related programs/ music Music-related programs/ midi MIDI-related programs/ editors Programs for recording and editing MIDI files/ util MIDI utilities/ players MIDI players/ keyboard MIDI keyboards/controllers/ mod Programs for MOD and MOD-like formats (S3M, XM, IT, etc.)/ convert Programs to convert between music formats/ util MODfile utilities/ trackers Programs for editing modules/ players Programs for playing modules/ misc Miscellaneous music formats/ editors Editors for unclassified music formats/ players Players for unclassified music formats/ cd CD-ROM/CD-audio programs/ player CD players/ cd-r CD-R/CD-RW programs and utilities/ grabber CD-audio grabbers/ util Multimedia-related utilities/ patch Patch (instrument) editors and managers/ mixers Mixers and volume controls/ codec CODEC (compressor/decompressor) modules/ scheme Sound and desktop schemes and scheme- management programs/ video Programs for video (AVI, QT/MOV, MPEG, etc.)/ capture Video/image capture utilities (video capture boards, digital cameras, etc.)/ convert Programs to convert between video formats/ players Programs for playing/viewing video/ sound Programs for digital audio (WAV, VOC, AU, MP3, RA, etc.)/ editors Programs for recording and manipulating sound files/ convert Programs to convert between sound formats/ util Sound utilities/ players Programs for playing sound files/ misc Miscellaneous multimedia applications/ jukebox Jukeboxes for playing files of varying formats/ doc Documentation on OS/2-related software/ OpenGL Documentation related to OpenGL/ util OS/2-related utilities/ system System-related utilities/ network Network utilities/ lansrv LANsrv utilities/ netware Netware utilities/ tcpip TCP/IP-related utilities (NOT internet- specific)/ ndis NDIS utilities/ virus Virus scanners and cleaners/ backup Backup programs/ mouse Mouse-related utilities/ amptr Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2/ file File- and directory-related utilities/ archiver Archival and compression programs/ disk Disk utilities (format, defrag, chkdsk, etc.)/ benchmark Benchmarking utilities/ macro Macro recorders, editors and players/ shell Alternate commandline shells/ convert Conversion between formats/ memory Memory-management tools/ startup Utilities which run at system boot/ international Drivers and utilities for other languages/nationalities/ chinese / font Font-related utilities/ batch Programs for batch-processing/ schedule Process execution schedulers (cron)/ config Configuration editors/ process / browser File browsers/ encrypt Encryption and digital signatures/ clipbrd Clipboard-related utilities/ printer Printer-related utilities/ ghost Ghostscript (Postscript emulation)/ keyboard Keyboard-related utilities/ misc Miscellaneous utilities/ wps WorkPlace Shell/Presentation Manager utilities/ power Power management and UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) support/ patches / mboard Motherboard-related utilities/ info Information/ tips Technical tips from the OS/2 Tech Support Team/ newsltr Newsletters/ mm Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group/ voice VOICE OS/2 Virtual Users group/ tmos2 Team OS/2 News/ connect OS/2 Connect/ tmb Team Brief/ sd San Diego OS/2 User Group/ warpfl The Warp Flash/ pros PROS/2, Tampa Bay OS/2 Users Group Newsletter/ mnth OS/2 Monthly/ edm EDM/2 Newsletter/ hhgos2 The Hitchhiker's Guide to OS/2/ to2 Toronto OS/2 User's Group/ gamerev OS/2 Game Review/ dsn IBM Developer Support News/ mn Minnesota OS/2 Users Group/ midwest Midwest OS/2ers/ forum OS/2 Discussion Forum/ faq Frequently Asked Questions lists (FAQs)/ games Games and entertainment/ network Networked/multiplayer games/ board Board games/ chess Chess/ checkers checkers/ adventure Adventure/role-playing games/ mahjongg Mahjongg/ rogue Rogue and rogue-like semi-graphical adventure games/ educ Educational games (edutainment)/ action Action games/ quake Quake by id software/ doom DOOM by id software/ word Word games/ sport Sports etc./ casino Card and casino games/ puzzle Puzzle games (*tris, etc.)/ toys Toys and miscellaneous eyecandy/ misc Miscellaneous games/ patches / txtadv Text adventure/role-playing games/ strategy Strategy games/ galciv Galactic Civilizations/ win32os2 / multimedia Music, sound, video, images, demos, fonts, etc./ music Files in music formats (mod/mid/s3m/etc.)/ mpeg Music in MPEG (i.e. mp3) format/ midi Songs in MIDI format/ collect Collections of songs/ unlabelled Unlabelled archives/ Doors The Doors/ mod Songs in tracked (mod/s3m/xm/it/etc.) formats/ Dr.Awesome dr.awesome/ Clyde Clyde of Triumph/ MadMax mad-max/ NgPeiSin Ng Pei Sin/ GPS GPS/ Ice88 ice88/ Delorean Delorean / Vertigo/ Froggie Froggie's Swamp/ Panzer Panzer Boy/ Essex essex/ KGB KGB/ 4mat 4mat/ DkKnight dark knight/ Pothead Pothead Pixie/ Darkwolf darkwolf/ Arc arc/ GHarp Greg Harp/ Axel axel/ U4ia / coop Songs written by two or more musicians/ Wieder wieder einmal/ JS js/ WoW World of Wonders/ RKnight romeo knight/ unknown Songs by unknown composers/ Pseudonym pseudonym/ TmTravlr Time Traveller/ Shyguy Shyguy/ Maestro mr. maestro/ ACSoft acsoft/ Kaktus kaktus/ Hamish Hamish Moffatt/ Spock spock/ Fugazi fugazi/ FrAnder frederik andersen/ FHahn frederic hahn/ Bigmac bigmac / decay/ Deathstar Deathstar/ JPN jpn/ unlabelled Unlabelled songs/ Moby Moby/ Fermi fermi/ Walkman / artists Artist directories/ demos Demonstrations of programmer skill/ sd Success Denied/ fonts Fonts/ truetype Fonts in Truetype format/ ps PostScript printer fonts/ type1 Fonts in Adobe Type 1 format/ pointer Mouse pointers for OS/2 Warp/ animated Animated mouse cursors/ images Images/ gif Images in GIF format/ jpeg Images in JPG/JPEG format/ icons Icons for OS/2/ bmp Images in BMP format/ bootlogo OS/2 Warp bootup logos/ misc Images in miscellaneous formats (POT, PBM, etc.)/ video Animations, movies, and videos/ qtime Video in QuickTime (.mov) format/ mpeg Video in MPEG format/ avi Video in AVI format/ winavi AVI files which only play in W*nd*ws/ webexani Animations for IBM WebExplorer/ fli Animations in FLI (fli/flc/flh/flt/etc.) format/ wave Files in waveform formats (wav/voc/au/mp3/etc.)/ mpeg MPEG-format (.MP1/.MP2/.MP3) files/ au Sun (.AU) files/ ra RealAudio (.RA, .RAM) files/ voc Creative Labs (.VOC) files/ wav .WAV-format sound files/ misc Miscellaneous-format sound files/ new Files which have been catalogued within the past week/ java Programs for Java/ system System-specific Java items (interpreters, etc.)/ dev Java development tools, libraries and classes/ apps Applications for Java/ database Databases/ editors Editor programs/ wp Word Processing/ clock Clocks/ comm Terminal/communication programs/ internet Internet-related apps for Java/ mud Multi-User Dungeons et al. (MU*)/ chat Internet realtime chat programs/ news USEnet (news) programs/ ftp FTP-related programs/ util Internet and TCP/IP-related utilities/ misc Miscellaneous Internet-related programs/ mail Email-related programs/ www World Wide Web-related programs/ browser Programs for navigating the World Wide Web/ suite Application suites/ misc Miscellaneous programs/ mmedia Multimedia-related programs for Java/ util Utilities for Java/ benchmark Benchmarking utilities/ games Games for Java/ board Board games/ card Card games for Java/ action Action games/ dos OS/2-related programs for MS-DOS/PC-DOS/ windows OS/2-related programs for MS-Windows/ text-archives / delayed / -------------------------------------------------- generated by