time.mp3 2301688 1998/01/29 MPEG-1/III sample (clocks, chimes...2:30) Contact: 40th Floor (mp3@40th.com) warworld.mp3 9189230 1998/02/03 War of the Worlds 1938 Broadcast (51:03) Long desc: This is an episode of The Mercury Theater On The Air: The War of the Worlds. It aired 30 October 1938 on CBS radio and sparked a nationwide panic that is legendary to this day. Despite disclaimers aired during the program that it was just a radio drama, thousands believed that Martians were really landing in Grovers Mill, New Jersey, and that the Earth was doomed. Contact: 40th Floor (mp3@40th.com) windows95-sucks.mp3 2081018 1998/02/03 Win'95-related parody of "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones Contact: Bob Rivers and Twisted Radio gerstner.zip 254339 2003/02/10 mp3 of Lou Gerstner decscribing his decision to end OS/2 development. Long desc: An .mp3 excerpt of an interview with former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner where he describes how he made the decision to stop fighting with Microsoft and end OS/2 development. Contact: David Johnson nuage.zip 3715379 1998/10/05 NuAge music, MPEG1 III+ Long desc:
 NuAge.mid NuAge.wav (not incl.) -----
                                    ---- --------- MIDI SMF type 1 44100 Hz,
                                    16-bit stereo XG recorded by tWaveR 1.1y
                                    from .mid 21 tracks midi played by MIDI DB
                                    1.3 192 PPQN AT 3D-XG (DB60XG) hardware
                                    4/4 time 130 BPM NuAge.mp3 03:54 runtime -
                                    -------- 128 measures 64k bps per channel,
                                    JS128 Zombie/2 encoder Most apps used can
                                    be download from http://40th.com/ 
Contact: 40th Floor Source: http://40th.com/