upmlg101.zip 24763 1999/02/05 (v1.01) UPMLOGIN - TNLOGIN with local and *DOMAIN* LAN Server authentication - FREEWARE Long desc: Ultimate TNLOGIN replacement for TCP/IP with local **AND DOMAIN** password verification. Configure your telnet users completely within the User Profile Management (UPMACCTS) of OS/2. More features: privilege verification, local group membership verification and logging feature. All features completely configurable via UPM !!! Runs on: OS/2 WARP 3 Requires: TCP/IP for OS/2, either Peer Client/File&Print Client/LAN Requester Contact: Christian Langanke (C.Langanke@TeamOS2.DE) Source: http://www.online-club.de/m1/clanganke/upmlogin.eng radius116c.zip 293766 1999/02/01 RADIUS version 1.16 ported to OS/2 Long desc: RADIUS stands for "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service". Full native multithreaded port made with IBM Visual Age C++ with source code and additional utilties. This version corrects problem with detecting multiple logins and adds an interface to MRTG. Runs on: OS/2 Warp V3 or higher Contact: Mike Nice tnlgn100.zip 38846 1998/02/23 TnLogin 1.00 OS/2 LAN server Telnet authentication Long desc: TnLogin is a public domain program replacing a standard OS/2 Telnet authentication utility TNLOGIN.XEE. This version allows validation according to server UAS database and more flexible access control. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or later Requires: TCP/IP 3.x or later Contact: Konstantin Boyandin (ralionmaster@geocities.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dungeon/3456/dc.htm tnlogin.zip 98999 1997/01/25 Telnet login replacement login.zip 60675 1996/02/28 Replacement login.exe for telnetd aplog100.zip 39178 1995/01/30 Enhanced TELNET daemon for IBM TCP/IP tn_enh11.zip 121217 1995/01/30 Enhancement for IBM TCP/IP 2.0 telnet daemon