dvddao-2.0.4.zip 142638 2008/05/07 dvddao 2.0.3 - CD/DVD/HD DVD/BD writing tool for os/2 Long desc: Console writing utility for OS/2. It writes CD-R(W), DVD-R(W), DVD+R(W), DVD-RAM, BD- R(E), HD DVD-R(W), HD DVD-RAM. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) ndpiso-2.5.zip 35954 2007/09/10 ISO FS plugin for netdrive. Long desc: ISO FS plugin for netdrive. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: netdrive Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) pxtool-0.0.2.zip 609008 2007/08/22 pxtool 0.0.2 - Plextor control tool for os/2 Long desc: Tool for updating Plextor firmware, setting Plextor work modes and so on Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) lsdvd-0.16.zip 49416 2006/06/16 Tool for printing some info about video dvd content Long desc: Tool for printing some info about video dvd content Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: innotek libc Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) dvdauthor-0.6.12-alpha-2992.zip 1626694 2006/04/20 dvdauthor 0.6.12 alpha 2992 - DVD VIDEO gerenator Long desc: Tool for generate DVD VIDEO structure from given mpeg2 files Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) cdrtools2-2.01.01a04.zip 998031 2006/01/26 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3 Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) cdrdao2-1.2.1.zip 737814 2006/01/03 cdrdao2 1.2.1 - enhanced os/2 port of cdrdao Long desc: Enhanced Os/2 port of cd writing program in DAO mode. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) batchburn.zip 68653 2006/01/03 Batchburn 3.02 batch files for CDRECORD Runs on: OS/2 Contact: Martin Vieregg Source: http://www.hypermake.com cdrwsel_v4beta2.zip 2584223 2005/09/06 CDRWSel V4 beta2a for RSJ or DVDDAO(New) or both Long desc: New beta version of CDRWSel. This is a GUI for RSJ and now DVDDAO * Updated design * Updated install program (simplified install) * RSJ GUI has some modifications + a few corrections since V3 (multi burner attach. Add author, publisher etc comments and many more options) * DVDDAO GUI (New), burn your data or video DVD (this is not a ripper) Read the PDF file from the package for more information Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ V3 or up from http://www.rsj.de trk2iso.exe on Hobbes cdrtools2- 2.01a32.zip on Hobbes dvddao-1.1.1.zip on Hobbes (use above 1.0.0 version, best 1.1.x) rxu1a.zip on Hobbes cdrom.exe on Hobbes z.exe on http://dink.org/z/download.htm Contact: (DODIN) audiocdcreator_056.zip 1809571 2005/02/21 WPS aware application for CD and DVD writing (GPL freeware). Supports audio and data CDs, data DVDs, MP3 encoding, writing of MP3 files, CD grabbing. Tutorial and help available. Included is Batchburn 2.0 by Martin Vieregg. Long desc: These are folder classes for the WPS which work as frontends for cdrecord/2, cdrdao/2, dvddao for creating of Audio- and Data-CDs and data DVDs. Just put files/folders or shadows of files/folders into the Creator-folder and press 'write'. MP3 encoding and decoding support. On-the- fly MP3 encoding from CD. On-the-fly writing of MP3 files as an audio CD. ISO image creation and writing. and much more. Full WPS aware. GPL freeware so full source is available (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/). Included is Batchburn 2.0 by Martin Vieregg. Runs on: Warp 4 and above or eCS Requires: EMX runtime libraries 0.9d fix 4, WPS- wizard (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting), CDRecord/2 (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting) Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (see tutorial) Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/ cdrtools2-2.01.zip 975494 2004/10/12 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3, latest aspirout.sys Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) cdrwselv3_04.zip 1362241 2004/09/07 GUI to RSJ command line mode (full package) Long desc: CDRWSel is a GUI to RSJ command line mode with more options. It allows you to attach and work with all your burners (one or more) Last changes since V3.0.2 m07 * Corrected a visual bug under cdcopy after changing source path * Now, Integrated filemanager can be called from 'V1 Window' popup on a selected path And a few enhancement under integrated filemanager: * Corrected a visual bug (list refresh) * Now, directory can be renamed (RMB) * Names with blank caracteres are supported * Direct translate filename blank characters to underscore characters (popupmenu) * Drop new font into file window + ok or cancel saves new font value Up to V3.0.4 (m06) * Added -SDM parameter * Updated installation programs to add - sdm parameter as default. * 6 CDRWSel.ini file entries are now under one entry (performance issue) note: older INI file is saved as CDRWSel.BAK for fallback. * Smaller CDRWBMP.DLL file * Smaller "expand" " collapse" icons * Now, you can choice between kill and pkill process for the 'pid kill' feature. * Corrected several bugs * If drive names differs for a few caracters only, attach may use the wrong drive. * MP3toCD function didn' stop process if MP3 convertion failed. * MP3toCD convertion wrongly increases output wave file name after "9" * A few other bug ... * During backgound burn process, a program called CDRWpba.exe (e.g. progress bar program) can be started. Available parameters are burn progress temp file name, burn commands etc... (function is activated if cdrwpba exist under cdrwsel directory) * Changed docs and CDRWSel help file. * Changed some coding to reduce line code. Since V3.0.3 * Ctl and Id input field are checked for numerical value * Corrected a Bug with DVD when finalize is requested while burning is in progress. * If drive name contains "DVD" during refresh and speed is enable, 4x is use as default (for DVD, I suggest to use max speed or reset the speed to max to prevent write errors) * Corrected a bug using the eject option from "V1 window" RMB menu. * Refesh or Deep Refresh add now a default Drive with Ctl=99 and Id=99 (these values are ignored during process and result into a CDR: parameter (This entry is needed if you would like use cdview to burn your ISO file. Adding RECORDER entry under Vpath is no more needed but available) * Now, ISO->Cd, Trk->CD, Wav->CD, MP3->CD and Cdcopy are available under "J Window" popup menu (Click 2 times on a drive calls this menu). From this window style, each option except Cdcopy prompt you for a path where files are supposed to be. Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ from http://www.rsj.de Optional tools : TRK2ISO.exe from Hobbes Kill.exe or pkill.exe (top210.zip) from Hobbes cdrom.exe from hobbes z.exe on http://dink.org/z/download.htm Contact: (DODIN) audiocdcreator_055.zip 1681553 2004/06/28 WPS aware application for cd writing (GPL freeware). Supports audio and data CDs, MP3 encoding, writing of MP3 files, CD grabbing. Tutorial and help available. Long desc: These are folder classes for the WPS which work as frontends for cdrecord/2, cdrdao/2 for creating of Audio- and Data-CDs. Just put files/folders or shadows of files/folders into the Creator-folder and press 'write'. MP3 encoding and decoding support. On-the-fly MP3 encoding from CD. On-the-fly writing of MP3 files as an audio CD. ISO image creation and writing. and much more. Full WPS aware. GPL freeware so full source is available (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/). Runs on: Warp 4 and above or eCS Requires: EMX runtime libraries 0.9d fix 4, WPS- wizard (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting), CDRecord/2 (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting) Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (see tutorial) Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/ audiocdcreator_054.zip 1691205 2004/06/28 WPS aware application for cd writing (GPL freeware). Supports audio and data CDs, MP3 encoding, writing of MP3 files, CD grabbing. Tutorial and help available. Long desc: These are folder classes for the WPS which work as frontends for cdrecord/2, cdrdao/2 for creating of Audio- and Data-CDs. Just put files/folders or shadows of files/folders into the Creator-folder and press 'write'. MP3 encoding and decoding support. On-the-fly MP3 encoding from CD. On-the-fly writing of MP3 files as an audio CD. ISO image creation and writing. and much more. Full WPS aware. GPL freeware so full source is available (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/). Runs on: Warp 4 and above or eCS Requires: EMX runtime libraries 0.9d fix 4, WPS- wizard (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting), CDRecord/2 (http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting) Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (see tutorial) Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting/ cdrtools2-2.01a32.zip 967973 2004/06/28 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3, latest aspirout.sys Contact: nickk (nickk@nm.ru) cdrwselv3_02m7.zip 165058 2004/05/18 GUI to RSJ command line mode (Update V3.0.2 m7) Long desc: A few corrections for CDRWSel V3.0.2 (not full package) CDRWSel must be at V3.0.2 >>>> Unzip this update into current CDRWSel directory and replace older files <<<< Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: CDRWSelV3.ZIP package installed + V3.0.2 RSJ from http://www.rsj.de TRK2ISO.exe on Hobbes Kill.exe on Hobbes cdrom.exe on hobbes z.exe on http://dink.org/z/download.htm Contact: (DODIN) cdrwselv3_02.zip 999660 2004/05/10 GUI to RSJ command line mode (Update for V3 to V3.0.2) Long desc: This is an upgrade for CDRWSelV3.ZIP package (not full package) * Added a window to list all current background processes requested under CDRWSel * Added the possibily to run 'finalize' in detach mode (It allow you to run a new finalize request without waiting the end of the previous finalize) >>>> Unzip this update into current CDRWSelV3 directory and replace older files <<<< Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: CDRWSelV3.ZIP package installed RSJ from http://www.rsj.de TRK2ISO.exe on Hobbes Kill.exe on Hobbes z.exe on http://dink.org/z/download.htm Contact: (DODIN) inscdrw1.zip 3388 2004/04/27 Updated INSCDRW1.CMD for CDRWSel (V2.14 or higher) Long desc: A few instructions for ecs or trash cam users Read the read me for more information. Contact: DODIN cdrwselv3.zip 1575653 2004/04/26 GUI to RSJ command line mode (great improvements) Long desc: CDRWSel upgraded to V3 (multiple CD burner attach, Create CD from ISO, Create audio CD from MP3...) and mutch more new functions + new help + new icon toolbar (easier to use as before) Read the read.me file or cdrwselv3.pdf or start the new help to find out all news Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ from http://www.rsj.de TRK2ISO.exe on Hobbes Kill.exe on Hobbes z.exe on http://dink.org/z/download.htm Contact: (DODIN) cdrtools2-2.01a27.zip 954675 2004/03/24 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3, latest aspirout.sys Contact: nickk (nickk@nm.ru) dvdauthor-0.6.7-897.zip 1311990 2004/03/22 dvdauthor 0.6.7 b897 - DVD VIDEO gerenator Long desc: Tool for generate DVD VIDEO structure from given mpeg2 files Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: nickk (dev.nul@mail.ru) cdrtools2-2.01a25.zip 1011242 2004/02/17 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3, latest aspirout.sys Contact: nickk (nickk@nm.ru) cdrwsel-2140.zip 712676 2004/01/26 GUI to RSJ command line mode (great improvements) Long desc: CDRWSel detects your burner (new changed process). It allow you to Make CD's from *.ISO files, attach each device with you prefered drive letter, It performs "cdattach" , "cdview" for the correct drive, unseal CD, erase CD and complet Finalize possibilities (Publisher ID, Author ID, Copyright...). RSJ daemon parameters can be modified without reboot ex: change cache size, unlock drive door etc... (read the cdrwsel.pdf doc file to find all additions and changes) * NEW changed "drive detection process". Result is mutch better as before and different configuration where tested * Added more functions e.g. Create or Restore finalize profiles... * Added and updated popup window or menu ("V1 Window" has the most enhancements) e.g. Make CD's from *.ISO files * New parameters are available -vol (display volume at attach time if exist), -l (start a small debug trace) * A few small (english only) help display with RMB on several dialogs * Updated docs (only EN/US version of PDF up to now) cdrwsel2.13_1.zip 986700 2004/01/12 GUI to RSJ command line to attach one or more Burner at the same time Long desc: CDRWSel detects your burner (less user action needed). It allow you to Attach each device with you prefered drive letter, It performs "cdattach" , "cdview" for the correct drive, unseal CD, erase CD and complet Finalize possibilities (Publisher ID, Author ID, Copyright...). RSJ daemon parameters can be modified without reboot ex: change cache size, unlock drive door etc... NEW with CDRWSEL V2.13.1 a/ Program path name accept any valid path name 'with or without blanks' until it isn't used for temp files.(temp files are under set tmp=...) b/ "V1 Window", once a device is selected, remains selected until you decide to change the drive (wasn't the case before !) c/ All *.bmp files are no more needed. Bmps are taken from the DLL now d/ If "Error" occurs at attach, icon changes immediatly + message and returns immediatly to free after answering the message. It is faster and a new selection can be done quickly. e/ You can add up to 6 paths or CD-Rom with tracks (Vpaths option) and they are selectable from "View". New Icon was added for HD or CD- ROM tracks. f/ trkcopy allow you to do a full copy of tracks to a different location. * Datas * Audio * Audio DAO (with speed selection 1x to 12x) * Video g/ If trk2iso is installed, call it with MRB (V1 window) when on a CD_view path h/ You can call PM cdboot from MRB (V1 Window) when CD is attached i/ "Window" and "J-Window" support limited drag and drop color (Status & Finalize have same color). "Bar" doesn't support drag and drop color but background, A and V buttons have same color as under any other window. j/ If config.sys isn't found at cdrwsel start, a message is now displaied instead of a scrash. k/ Eject function for CD-rom available under popup window Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ from http://www.rsj.de Contact: (DODIN) cdrwsel2.12_6.zip 956179 2004/01/12 GUI to RSJ command line to attach one or more Burner at the same time Long desc: CDRWSel detects your burner (less user action needed). It allow you to Attach each device with you prefered drive letter, It performs "cdattach" , "cdview" for the correct drive, unseal CD, erase CD and complet Finalize possibilities (Publisher ID, Author ID, Copyright...). RSJ daemon parameters can be modified without reboot ex: change cache size, unlock drive door etc... NEW with CDRWSEL V2.13.1 a/ Program path name accept any valid path name 'with or without blanks' until it isn't used for temp files.(temp files are under set tmp=...) b/ "V1 Window", once a device is selected, remains selected until you decide to change the drive (wasn't the case before !) c/ All *.bmp files are no more needed. Bmps are taken from the DLL now d/ If "Error" occurs at attach, icon changes immediatly + message and returns immediatly to free after answering the message. It is faster and a new selection can be done quickly. e/ You can add up to 6 paths or CD-Rom with tracks (Vpaths option) and they are selectable from "View". New Icon was added for HD or CD-ROM tracks. f/ trkcopy allow you to do a full copy of tracks to a different location. * Datas * Audio * Audio DAO (with speed selection 1x to 12x) * Video g/ If trk2iso is installed, call it with MRB (V1 window) when on a CD_view path h/ You can call PM cdboot from MRB (V1 Window) when CD is attached i/ "Window" and "J-Window" support limited drag and drop color (Status & Finalize have same color). "Bar" doesn't support drag and drop color but background, A and V buttons have same color as under any other window. j/ If config.sys isn't found at cdrwsel start, a message is now displaied instead of a scrash. k/ Eject function for CD-rom available under popup window cdrtools2-2.01a20.zip 1180910 2003/12/18 enhanced os/2 port of cdrtools. Long desc: enhanced Os/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3, latest aspirout.sys Contact: nickk (nickk@nm.ru) cdrwsel2.12_6fix1.zip 106102 2003/11/12 Correction for CDRWSel 2.12.6 Long desc: Correction for CDRWSel 2.12.6 - corrected speed selection under "V1 Winsow" Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: CDRWSel 2.12.6 Contact: (DODIN) cdrwsel-en.lwp.zip 1273476 2003/11/12 Word-pro format of CDRWSel documentation Long desc: Word-pro format of CDRWSel documentation. EN is for US/EN version of the doc. You'll have similar information as in the CDRWSel.doc file but with images. Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ from http://www.rsj.de Contact: (DODIN) cdrwsel2.12.3.-screenshots.zip 111848 2003/10/27 A few screenshots of latest CDRWSel Long desc: The file contains 4 screenshots about new updates for placement: /pub/os2/apps/mmedia/cd/cd-r Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: RSJ from http://www.rsj.de Contact: (DODIN) cdrutils-1.30.zip 264875 2003/09/19 Command line utilities to make use of CDRTOOLS[3~[3~[3~[3~ Long desc: Command line utilities to make use of CDRTOOLS Runs on: OS/2 2.1 and newer Requires: emx runtime 0.9d, cdrtools Contact: Michel Such (such.michel@wanadoo.fr) cdrwsel2.11.0.lwp_french.zip 1436010 2003/09/12 Lotus WORD doc for CDRSel 2.11.0 (French doc) Long desc: Lotus WORD doc for CDRSel 2.11.0 (French doc including screenshots) Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: CDRWSEL2.11.0.zip Contact: (DODIN) (remy.dodin@NOSPAM.libertysurf.fr) cdrwsel2.11.0.lwp_english.zip 1395828 2003/09/12 Lotus WORD doc for CDRSel 2.11.0 (English doc) Long desc: Lotus WORD doc for CDRSel 2.11.0 (English doc including screenshots) Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: CDRWSEL2.11.0.zip Contact: (DODIN) xcdroast-0.98alpha14.zip 1367959 2003/09/02 Port of xcdroast for XFree86/OS2 Long desc: A graphical user interface for cdrtools running under XFree86/OS2 Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: cdrtools-2.0, XFree86, gtk. gdk, glib, gdk- pixbuf, df, uname, sh Contact: Frank Giessler Source: http://www.xcdroast.org cdrwsel2.10-screenshots.zip 94500 2003/07/23 GUI (updated design and functions) to attach multiple CDRW at the same time Long desc: GUI using RSJ commands possibilities. (a few screenshots of cdrwsel v2.10.x) Runs on: OS/2 - eCS Requires: cdrwsel2.10.1.zip Contact: DODIN audiocdcreator_053_src.zip 1986945 2003/02/24 Source for Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.53. WPS integrated CD writing solution. GPL freeware. Long desc: This package contains the source for Audio/data-CD-Creator V0.53. New folder classes usable as a frontend for CDRecord/2 cdrdao/2 and any textmode cd grabber. Create your CD-R/RWs using drag and drop. Fully integrated into the WPS. DAO and TAO audio CD burning. Multisession- and singelsession support. Full online help. Direct writing of MP3 files. Wave->MP3 conversion. Direct MP3 grabbing from CD. Use Shadows to create samplers or data CDs and much more... The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with Warp 3 and eCS Requires: MMOS/2 must be installed. REXX. EMX runtime libraries fix 4, CDRecord/2, mkisofs, textmode grabber; optionally: cdrdao/2, z!, MMIOMP3, LAME Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting audiocdcreator_053.zip 1663347 2003/02/24 Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.53. WPS integrated CD writing solution. GPL freeware. Long desc: This distribution contains folder classes usable as a frontend for CDRecord/2 cdrdao/2 and any textmode cd grabber. Create your CD-R/RWs using drag and drop. Fully integrated into the WPS. DAO and TAO audio CD burning. Multisession- and singelsession support. Full online help. Direct writing of MP3 files. Wave->MP3 conversion. Direct MP3 grabbing from CD. Use Shadows to create samplers or data CDs and much more... The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with Warp 3 and eCS Requires: MMOS/2 must be installed. REXX. EMX runtime libraries fix 4, CDRecord/2, mkisofs, textmode grabber; optionally: cdrdao/2, z!, MMIOMP3, LAME Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting cdrecord-2_00_os2.zip 1532135 2003/01/22 Cdrtools V2.00 final. Stable version of the cdrtools package ported from unix for writing CD-R/W. Long desc: This is the binary distribution of the cdrtools package for OS/2. The package has the full feature set of the original program written by J. Schilling. There're no differences to cdrtools on other systems like Solaris, BSD, Linux etc. or limitations in the OS/2 version. For your convenience I included the ASPIROUT.SYS driver (beta 6) by P. Ratcliffe in the distribution. See the file ASPIROUT.TXT for more information. An installer is provided. Runs on: Warp 3 and higher. Probably any 32Bit version will do. Requires: EMX runtime 0.9d Fix 4 Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.os2world.com/cdwriting audiocdcreator_052_src.zip 2067155 2002/07/31 Source for Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.52. WPS integrated CD writing solution. GPL freeware. Long desc: This package contains the source to Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.52. New folder classes usable as a frontend for CDRecord/2 cdrdao/2 and any textmode cd grabber. Create your CD-R/RWs using drag and drop. Fully integrated into the WPS. DAO and TAO audio CD burning. Multisession- and singelsession support. Full online help. Direct writing of MP3 files. Use Shadows to create samplers or data CDs and much more... The licence is the GPL Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with Warp 3 and eCS. Requires: EMX runtime libraries fix 4, CDRecord/2, mkisofs, textmode grabber; optionally: cdrdao/2, z!, MMIOMP3 Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/ audiocdcreator_052.zip 1623473 2002/07/31 Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.52. WPS integrated CD writing solution. GPL freeware. Long desc: This distribution contains folder classes usable as a frontend for CDRecord/2 cdrdao/2 and any textmode cd grabber. Create your CD-R/RWs using drag and drop. Fully integrated into the WPS. DAO and TAO audio CD burning. Multisession- and singelsession support. Full online help. Direct writing of MP3 files. Use Shadows to create samplers or data CDs and much more... The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with Warp 3 and eCS. Requires: EMX runtime libraries fix 4, CDRecord/2, mkisofs, textmode grabber; optionally: cdrdao/2, z!, MMIOMP3 Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth cdboot2v200.zip 377412 2002/05/28 Create a single bootable OS/2 installation CD-ROM Long desc: CD Boot/2 is a utility to enhance bootable OS/2 CD- ROMs so that when the CD-ROM is inserted into the drive, a menu is displayed immediately after BIOS has started booting from it. From that menu, the user has to press the spacebar to continue booting from the removeable media, or if the customizeable period expires, the boot process continues booting from the first harddisk instead. That avoids having to shuffle the 2 CD- ROMs as required by IBM's approach. CD Boot/2 can be used to modify any FAT-based (OS/2, DOS, WIN9x, WIN NT) bootable diskette to display that menu. Source is included (req. MASM 6.0, IBM VisualAge C++ V3, Warp Toolkit or compatible). Runs on: Aurora, MCP, ACP Contact: Roman Stangl (Roman_Stangl@at.ibm.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/ xcomp2v310.zip 412659 2002/05/28 Multithreaded recursive file comparison tool Long desc: XComp/2 is a multithreaded recursive file comparison tool (as a counterpart to XCOPY) that is especially useful to compare CDs burned with the original data. Support for CRC32 and MD5 Checksums is included. Source (and WIN32 port) is included (req. IBM VisualAge C++ V3.6.5, Warp Toolkit or compatible). Runs on: Warp/Win NT and above Contact: Roman Stangl (Roman_Stangl@at.ibm.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/ ucdmaker.zip 3260575 2002/03/15 DEMO of Unite CD Maker Long desc: Includes a driver to allow writers to function as a reader. Demo version is limited to writing CDs of 100 meg (data) or 11 minutes (audio) or less. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.0 Requires: Supprted CD-R/CD-RW drive trk2iso.zip 40079 2001/12/17 RSJ's .TRK to .ISO format convertion utility Runs on: OS/2 Warp xcomp2v250.zip 184749 2001/09/14 Multithreaded recursive file comparism tool Long desc: XComp/2 is a multithreaded recursive file comparism tool (as a counterpart to XCOPY) that is especially useful to compare CDs burned with the original data. Source is included (req. IBM VisualAge C++ V3, Warp Toolkit or compatible). Source (and WIN32 port) are included. Runs on: Warp and above Contact: Roman Stangl (Roman_Stangl@at.ibm.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/ cdrecord-1_11a06_os2.zip 821562 2001/09/04 CDRecord/2 V1.11a06. Free VIO programs to grab and burn audio and data CD-R/RW. Long desc: The programs in this package are capable to write singlesession and multisession CD- R/RW in various formats. Creation of CDs in TAO and DAO mode. Mkisofs for image building and cdda2wav for audio grabbing included. The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Get a decent frontend from here: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sec tor/5785/ Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with all 32 bit versions and eCs Requires: EMX runtime libraries fix 3. ASPIROUT.SYS: aspir101.zip Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/index.html xcomp2v240.zip 82256 2001/04/04 Multithreaded recursive file comparism tool Long desc: XComp/2 is a multithreaded recursive file comparism tool (as a counterpart to XCOPY) that is especially useful to compare CDs burned with the original data. Source is included (req. IBM VisualAge C++ V3, Warp Toolkit or compatible). Runs on: Warp and above Contact: Roman Stangl (Roman_Stangl@at.ibm.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/ normalize-0.5.2.zip 309197 2001/03/19 Normalize 0.5.2, a textmode program to adjust the volume of several files to the same level. Source included. Long desc: Normalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of wave files to a standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mp3 mixes, where different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song. Runs on: Any 32bit version of OS/2 Requires: EMX runtime libraries 0.9d fix 3 Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (see Readme.os2) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/ cdboot2v120.zip 368472 2001/03/08 Create a single bootable OS/2 installation CD-ROM Long desc: CD Boot/2 is a utility to enhance bootable OS/2 CD- ROMs so that when the CD-ROM is inserted into the drive, a menu is displayed immediately after BIOS has started booting from it. From that menu, the user has to press the spacebar to continue booting from the removeable media, or if the customizeable period expires, the boot process continues booting from the first harddisk instead. That avoids having to shuffle the 2 CD- ROMs as required by IBM's approach. Source is included (req. MASM 6.0, IBM VisualAge C++ V3, Warp Toolkit or compatible). Runs on: Aurora, MCP, ACP Contact: Roman Stangl (Roman_Stangl@at.ibm.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/ bchunk-1.0.0.zip 78288 2001/01/22 converter from bin/cue images to iso and audio tracks accepted by cdrecord. Long desc: converter from bin/cue images to iso and audio tracks accepted by cdrecord. Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: Emx 09d fix3 Contact: Nick Lepehin (nickk9@nettaxi.com) c-side304.zip 338806 2000/10/03 Cd-label & cover dessigner V.3.04 Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: Kim Foder (kimfoder@inet.uni2.dk) Source: http://inet.uni2.dk/~kimfoder/C-SIDE.HTM audiocdcreator_041.zip 455020 2000/10/02 Audio Creator Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (chris.wohlgemuth@cityweb.de) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/creator/creatormain.htm audiocdcreator_039.zip 414750 2000/06/08 Audio/Data-CD-Creator V0.39. Free WPS classes for CD-R/RW creation. Long desc: This distribution contains folder classes usable as a frontend for CDRecord/2 cdrdao/2 and any textmode cd grabber. Create your CD-R/RWs using drag and drop. Fully integrated into the WPS. DAO and TAO audio CD burning. Multisession- and singelsession support. Full online help. Direct writing of MP3 files. Use Shadows to create samplers or data CDs and much more... The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with V3.00 Requires: EMX runtime libraries fix2. CDRecord/2 binary distribution. Cdrdao/2. Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/index.html cdrecord-1_8_1a05_os2.zip 721072 2000/04/13 CDRecord/2 V1.8.1a05. Free VIO program to burn audio and data CD-R/RW. Long desc: This program is capable to write singlesession and multisession CD-R/RW in various formats. Creation of audio CDs in TAO mode is possible and with some writers even in DAO mode. The licence is the GPL so full source is avaiable. Mkisofs for image building and cdda2wav for audio grabbing included. Runs on: Tested with V4, should work with all versions since V2.11 Requires: EMX runtime libraries fix2. ASPIROUT.SYS: aspir101.zip Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/index.html cdrdao-os2-1_1_3_a1.zip 306618 2000/02/02 CDRDao v1.1.3 write CD-R/RW in Disc-At- Once mode Long desc: This is the OS/2 port of cdrdao 1.1.3. cdrdao is an open-source application for writing CD-R/RW in Disc-At-Once mode. Includes support for .CUE files and cd copy. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.x or higher Requires: SCSI CD-R / CDRW drive Contact: Chris Wohlgemuth (chris.wohlgemuth@cityweb.de) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/5785/cdrdao/cdrdaomain.htm c-side.zip 363840 2000/01/18 Cd-label & cover dessigner V.2.01 Runs on: OS/2 Warp Contact: Kim Foder (kimfoder@inet.uni2.dk) Source: http://inet.uni2.dk/~kimfoder/C-SIDE.HTM bchunk-1.0.0_os2.zip 49409 1999/12/21 binchunker for Unix, version 1.0.0 Runs on: OS/2 2.0+ Contact: Samuel Audet (guardia@cam.org) Source: http://hes.iki.fi/bchunk/ pmcdrecv002.zip 290029 1999/11/29 Frontend for cdrecord Long desc: PM frontend for cdrecord and mkisofs to burn audio and data cd's including cdr(w) tools Runs on: Warp Requires: you need emx 0.9d, cdrecord and mksiofs (all freeware) Contact: Markus Hannig Source: http://en.os2.org/projects/indos2/ cdwrit12.zip 264122 1999/08/10 PM frontend for CDRecord/2 Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3,4 Requires: CDRecord/2 Contact: Thomas Kellerer cdtest105.zip 43568 1999/02/03 CD-ROM Speed Test 1.05 Long desc: CD-ROM Speed Test 1.05 - Thoroughly tests the reading speed of CD-ROM tracks for further critical use such as with a CD-R Software. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3+ Requires: CD-ROM Drive Contact: Samuel Audet (guardia@cam.org) Source: http://www.cam.org/~guardia/smallutils.html mkisofs_112b4_os2_2.zip 69497 1999/01/25 CD image file creation tool 1.12b4 Long desc: CD image file creation tool 1.12b4 build 01/23/99 Includes some fixes and limited multisession support. (Does not contain the CDRecord/2 SCSI library) Runs on: OS/2 v3, v4 Requires: EMX runtime dlls 0.9c Contact: Robert Lalla (rlalla@stepnet.de) cdwos271.zip 837239 1999/01/13 The best CD/RW mastering & editing software (Native OS/2) Long desc: This CD/RW mastering software uses an IFS to make the CD Recorder also act like a WORM drive. Works on all CD formats including rock-ridge and Joliet level 3. Also gives OS/2 the power to read these CD formats Vastly superior in performance to Adaptec's(R, tm) products. can multitask a write with other *real* work. Fully integrated with the Workplace Shell. 30- day limit/trialware. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 and up Contact: http://www.rsj.de Source: http://www.rsj.de mkhybrid.zip 590240 1998/10/16 make ISO9660/HFS shared hybrid CD image, supports Joliet Long desc: Port mkhybrid v1.12a4.7 from James Pearson to OS/2. http://www.ge.ucl.ac.uk/~jcpearso/mkhybrid .html Code based on mkisofs v1.12 - since this now supports Joliet, the extras in mkhybrid are just the HFS hybrid and Apple ISO9660 extensions. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3+ Requires: EMX Contact: Bohumir Horeni