horos.zip 258510 2005/01/28 Horoscope program (Dutch) Long desc: I release my hoscope program now including the register key-gen all for free because its old but still very usefull and I lost the sources :-( Runs on: eCS WARP Contact: Chris (islemro@excite.com) Source: http://roossien.tk astrolog.zip 498329 2002/10/21 Port of Astrolog to OS/2 Warp Version 1.00 Long desc: Astrolog for OS/2 can be used to calculate all sorts of astrological charts including natal charts for personality profiling. FreeWare. Source code available. Runs on: Warp 4 Contact: Magnus Olsson (astrolog@cosmicledger.com) Source: http://www.cosmicledger.com/software/astrolog/ biog12a.zip 334809 1997/07/31 BioGraph 1.2 - the ultimate biorhythm program for OS/2 Warp lifecyc.zip 138751 1996/05/27 Biorhythms viewer, query and search key and/or common dates pmbio.zip 47941 1995/01/30 Biorhythm Chart Maker