players/ DIR 2000/04/25 Programs for playing/viewing video capture/ DIR 2000/04/25 Video/image capture utilities (video capture boards, digital cameras, etc.) convert/ DIR 2000/04/25 Programs to convert between video formats 193306 1999/07/15 Digital TV MCD Driver and application BETA 3 Long desc: Additional Digitalvideo MCD driver and VSD driver for the Hauppauge Wincast/TV drivers. The MCD/VSD pair will use either the GRADD direct draw or DIVE to display TV images on the desktop. Now supports clipping for the GRADD drivers. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 4 FP 6 or higher Requires: Hauppauge Wincast/TV and drivers version 1.041V Contact: Lorne Sunley ( Source: .041V Contact: Lorne Sunley ( Source: