289832 2002/10/10 Beta Lucent Winmodem driver Long desc: OS/2 driver for Lucent PCI soft modems, updated to support V.90. Use at -v90=23 to enable V90 (value can range from 0 to 23) Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 and higher Requires: Lucent PCI Softmodem Contact: Beta T. Ester lucent.exe 189039 2001/08/13 self extracting archive - lucent winmodem driver for IBM Thinkpad t20+ Long desc: lucent.exe is a 'beta' driver released by IBM. Enables the built in lucent chipset based winmodem in the IBM Thinkpad T20 but only runs at 33.6 Contact: ibm (ibm) 10784 1999/11/03 USB modem driver Long desc: USB modem driver, (+) supports non 3Com hardware, (+) bugfixed send buffer, (*) enlarged receive buffer Runs on: OS/2 Warp4 (maybe others) Requires: USB base drivers Contact: Robert Lalla ( 149453 1999/08/27 beta lucent modem driver Long desc: OS/2 driver for Lucent PCI soft modems. This package currently uses the VDD vltmodem.sys. In following updates, the functionallity of this driver may be merged with vcom.sys. This means future packages may require you to manually edit config.sys to remove this driver. This driver works on Thinkpad 390e's and Thinkpad 570's. I have not tested it on the Thinkpad 390. Runs on: warp Contact: Eric Bentley ( 148772 1999/08/25 beta lucent modem driver Long desc: OS/2 driver for Lucent PCI soft modems. This package currently uses the VDD vltmodem.sys. In following updates, the functionallity of this driver may be merged with vcom.sys. This means future packages may require you to manually edit config.sys to remove this driver. This driver works on Thinkpad 390e's and Thinkpad 570's. I have not tested it on the Thinkpad 390. Runs on: warp Contact: Eric Bentley ( 82186 1999/02/05 OS/2 Warp driver for Lucent based PCI- Modems Long desc: OS/2 Warp driver for Lucent based PCI- Modems v5.15B Downloaded from IBM's PC- Website Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.0 and higher 3240340 1997/04/29 Beta drivers for Dynalink and similar OEM MWave cards. 33.6kbps support. 940073 1995/01/30 IBM WindSurfer OS/2 telephony drivers 2096 1995/01/30 Driver to boot DSI Connection 96+ SoftModems