README - Prometheus Audio Device Driver (ARIA16) Aptiva Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This readme file contains information on how to install the Aria16 audio device drivers for OS/2 on an "IBM Aptiva". Attention PS/1 owners - follow the instructions under "Aria Audio Installation for OS/2" (below). This device driver was specifically tested ONLY on the Aptiva systems. SETUP ------ This installation requires OS/2 WARP version 3.0 or later. This device driver requires the IBM OS/2 Aptiva Update diskette when installing on an Aptiva system. To obtain an update diskette in the USA call IBM Support at 1-(407)-994-5544. This is IBM's Voice Recognition Unit (VRU). Select the following options: Technical Assistance OS/2 or Pen for OS/2 Support OS/2 Warp on Aptiva To record on the Update Voice Mailbox Leave your Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number and type of media needed. 1: Ensure that the Aptiva Update Diskettes were installed. 2: REMark the following lines in CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\ARIA\BIN\SOUNDCFG.SYS C:\ARIA\ARIA.CFG 298 DEVICE=C:\ARIA\BIN\SNDSAVER.SYS /R298 The above lines should look like the following example: REM DEVICE=C:\ARIA\BIN\SOUNDCFG.SYS C:\ARIA\ARIA.CFG 298 REM DEVICE=C:\ARIA\BIN\SNDSAVER.SYS /R298 3: Open OS/2 window. At the C: drive type cd OS2\boot . Type attrib -r clock01.sys . Type attrib -r clock02.sys . 4: SHUTDOWN and REBOOT ARIA16 Audio Installation for OS/2 ------------------------------------------ From the Multimedia folder, double click the Multimedia Application Install Icon. Insert the Aptiva Aria16 Audio diskette in drive A:and select source drive A: highlight "Aria Audio System 16" and select "install". The Aptiva Aria16 Audio device driver installation adds the following 3 statements to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=X:\MMOS2\TIMER0.SYS DEVICE=X:\MMOS2\ARIA16DD.SYS /B:290 /I:10 /M:330,9 /N:ARIA161$ DEVICE=X:\MMOS2\AUDIOVDD.SYS ARIA161$ X: is the drive where MMOS2 is installed The following parameters are valid for the ARIA16DD.SYS driver: PARAMETERS VALID VALUES DEFAULT --------------------- ------------------ ------- Base I/O port address 280, 290, 2A0, 2B0 290 Aria Interrupt level 10, 11, 12 10 Midi Port 320, 330 330 Midi Interrupt level 5, 7, 9 9 SHUTDOWN and REBOOT Using Audio in DOS and WIN/OS2 Sessions ---------------------------------------- To improve audio in DOS and WINOS2 sessions, set the following DOS properties: AUDIO_ADAPTER_SHARING Required DOS_HIGH On HW_TIMER On INT_DURING_IO On VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION Off XMS_Memory_Limit 7000k Audio Concurrency Issues - OS/2, DOS, Win-OS/2 ---------------------------------------------- Using a single audio device, it is not possible for two programs (device drivers) to use the device at the same time. DOS applications do not participate in MMPM/2 resource management. When DOS sessions use the audio device, all other programs are unable to access the audio device. DOS ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following 2 lines need to be added to the DOS_DEVICE settings for any DOS session that requires audio. These drivers are shipped on the Aptiva Preload and may not be present on other systems. C:\ARIA\BIN\SOUNDCFG.SYS C:\ARIA\ARIA\ARIA.CFG 290 C:\ARIA\BIN\SNDSAVER.SYS /R290 Problems --------- 1: When opening a WIN/OS2 session an error is generated, "Midi Error". Select "Don't display this warning in the future". Click OK. Please ignore this message. 2. This driver does not support Advance Power Management (rapid resume).