fcs4new1.zip 7476 2008/02/07 REXX program to help new OS/2 installation. Long desc: Automates some basics such as editing CONFIG.SYS, copying files, and making program objects. You may not install often, but this reduces the drudgery. Customizable. It's even slightly more than trivial. Runs on: OS/2 from 2.1GA at least Contact: Denzil Danner (ddan@cableone.net) lcss_008.zip 18559 2006/12/21 Logical Config.Sys Sort Long desc: LCSS (Logical CONFIG.SYS sort) was written to address the shortcomings (IMO), of the cfgsort that is used with eCS 1.2,and later. It sorts CONFIG.SYS, into more logical sections,which I find much easier to find things in. WARNING: This is still a beta program. Be sure to READ the README. The changes, in this release, are: - Added support for OpenSSH - Updated LCSS.DAT file. Runs on: All versions of OS/2 warp3, and up, and all versions of eComStation. Requires: REXX Contact: Doug Bissett (dougb007 at telus dot net) lcss_007.zip 18501 2006/09/16 Logical Config.Sys Sort Long desc: LCSS (Logical CONFIG.SYS sort) was written to address the shortcomings (IMO), of the cfgsort that is used with eCS 1.2 (and later, I would presume). It sorts CONFIG.SYS, into more logical sections,which I find much easier to find things in. WARNING: This is still a beta program. Be sure to READ the README. The changes, in this release, are: - My e-mail address is changed - Updated LCSS.DAT file. Runs on: All versions of OS/2 warp3, and up, and all versions of eComStation. Requires: REXX Contact: Doug Bissett (dougb007 at telus dot net) lcss_006.zip 18404 2006/07/07 Logical Config.Sys Sort Long desc: LCSS (Logical CONFIG.SYS sort) was written to address the shortcomings (IMO), of the cfgsort that is used with eCS 1.2 (and later, I would presume). It sorts CONFIG.SYS, into more logical sections,which I find much easier to find things in. WARNING: This is still a beta program. Be sure to READ the README. There are changes in the way that it operates. Runs on: All versions of OS/2 warp3, and up, and all versions of eComStation. Requires: REXX Contact: Doug Bissett (doug.bissett at attglobal.net) os2csm.zip 322526 2004/07/28 Config.Sys Filter Long desc: OS2CSM allows customizing of config.sys during OS/2 load to adjust things like disc cache, device drivers, shell,... Runs on: 3+ Contact: Veit Kannegieser (Veit.Kannegieser@gmx.de) Source: http://www-user.tu-cottbus.de/~kannegv/programm cfgtoolupd2.zip 692380 2004/01/12 Update for Cfgtool 1.3.0 Long desc: Updated cfgtool.dat, cfgtool.chk and cfgdat.inf with 1593 entries for Cfgtool 1.3.0 Runs on: OS/2 Warp3 with FP35 and above, Warp4 with FP6 and above Requires: Rexx, cfgtool130.zip Contact: Goran Ivankovic,Klaus Staedtler (duga1@pu.hinet.hr,staedtler- przyborski@web.de) Source: http://www.os2world.com/goran/cfgtool.htm cube330.zip 173747 2003/12/18 CUBE V3.3 and tools to configure multiple boot dives Long desc: update config.sys, batch files and text profiles, selected INI, CLASS & WPS, with multiple boot drive support to configure a fresh install unattended. REXX source. Runs on: WARP, SWC, eCS Requires: WPTOOLS.DLL Contact: Greg Jarvis (gjarvis@ieee.org) Source: http://www3.sympatico.ca/gjarviseng/cube impin141.zip 58097 2003/10/17 (v1.41) IMPINI - FREEWARE Long desc: This command line program can copy or delete INI entries. A compare function lets you determine changes within INI files. The active user and system INI are accessible like normal files, so that you easily can backup and restore user/system INI file entries for certain applications. cfgtoolupd1.zip 685408 2003/09/02 Update for Cfgtool 1.3.0 Long desc: Updated cfgtool.dat, cfgtool.chk and cfgdat.inf with 1578 entries for Cfgtool 1.3.0 Runs on: OS/2 Warp3 with FP35 and above, Warp4 with FP6 and above Requires: Rexx, cfgtool130.zip Contact: Goran Ivankovic,Klaus Staedtler (duga1@pu.hinet.hr,staedtler- przyborski@web.de) Source: http://www.os2world.com/goran/cfgtool.htm cfgtool130lng.zip 789960 2002/12/03 Croatian, French, German, Swedish, Russian language for Configtool 1.10 Long desc: ConfigTool is CONFIG.SYS editor with searchable database which explains the entries, sort and checking routines, boot/recovery options and suggestions for optimization. This is the Languagepack with Croatian, French, German, Swedish and Russian Runs on: OS/2 Warp3 with FP35 and above, Warp4 with FP6 and above Requires: Rexx,cfgtool130.zip Contact: Goran Ivankovic,Klaus Staedtler (duga1@pu.hinet.hr,staedtler- przyborski@web.de) Source: http://www.os2world.com/goran/cfgtool.htm cfgtool130.zip 1143069 2002/12/03 CONFIG.SYS editor with searchable database and language support Long desc: ConfigTool is CONFIG.SYS editor with searchable database which explains the entries, sort and checking routines, boot/recovery options and suggestions for optimization. Language: English. Croatian, French, German, Swedish and Russian are in seperate language pack cfgtool130lgn.zip Runs on: OS/2 Warp3 with FP35 and above, Warp4 with FP6 and above Requires: Rexx Contact: Goran Ivankovic,Klaus Staedtler (duga1@pu.hinet.hr,staedtler- przyborski@web.de) Source: http://www.os2world.com/goran/cfgtool.htm tyra_191e_p2.zip 432153 2002/06/19 Patch 2 for the Config.sys analyzer and editor (English) Long desc: Tyra/2 is a PM application to easily edit your OS/2 config.sys file. All commands of your config.sys are displayed logically in a Notebook. You don't have to worry about the correct spelling or what parameters are availbe. You can set up the most commands with a mouseclick. For all commands is a help page availbe with description about the command and witch parameters are possible. Get the German version from my homepage. Runs on: OS/2 3.0 and later Requires: VX-Rexx Runtime Contact: Joerg Sievers (jogi@warpsite.de) Source: http://www.warpsite.de/ tyra_191d_p2.zip 432181 2002/06/19 Patch 2 des Config.sys-Analysieres und - Editors (Deutsch) Long desc: Tyra/2 ist eine PM Applikation zum einfachen Editieren des OS/2 config.sys. Alle Anweisungen sind logisch in Tabreitern zusammengefasst. Man muss sich keine Gedanken mehr ueber Parameter oder der korrekten Schreibweise machen. Die meisten Anweisungen kann man mit einem simplen Mausklick konfigurieren. Fuer viele Anweisungen ist die Hilfe mit den Parametern eingepflegt worden. Runs on: OS/2 3.0 and later Requires: VX-Rexx Runtime Contact: Joerg Sievers (jogi@warpsite.de) Source: http://www.warpsite.de/ cfgmt105.zip 452374 2002/01/07 ConfigMaint/2 is a CONFIG.SYS analyzer/optimizer/information tool for PM Long desc: ConfigMaint/2 is a CONFIG.SYS analyzer / optimizer / information tool for OS/2 PM with searchable database, sort and checking routines, editor for boot / recovery options etc. Freeware. Runs on: Warp 3 and up Requires: Rexx installed Contact: Kai Evers (ke@LB.maus.de) Source: http://www.s.netic.de/kevers/ configedit18.zip 169919 2001/07/18 Config.sys Data Base Manager Long desc: Config.sys Data Base Manager, can auto- generate config.sys files from a Data Base which can be either imported or created by hand. It can be used to hold multiple config.sys files and generate new ones. Can manage OS/2's Recovery Choices, and also use the cm2cfg database. Runs on: OS/2 Warp, any version (tested with WSeB). Requires: VROBJ.DLL and your config.sys :) Contact: Dimitris 'sehh' Michelinakis (sehh@altered.com) Source: http://www.michelinakis.gr/Dimitris/soft.html cfgsrt22_rev.zip 109711 2001/04/24 ConfigSort sorts CONFIG.SYS into readable sections Long desc: ConfigSort is a small application which will process OS/2's config.sys and structure it into discreet sections, making the resultant file much more readable. Standard system entries are pre- programmed into the program, but ConfigSort now has the ability to be configured to process user-definable application entries. Requires: Classix Rexx interpreter (not Object Rexx Contact: Philip A. O'Malley ("Philip A. O'Malley" <phil.omalley@zetnet.co.uk>) ndfsconf.zip 16305 2000/10/19 NDFS (NetDrive) GUI configuration utility Long desc: Configuration utility for NetDrive. Lets you easily manage FTP mounts, without having to fight the command line... Runs on: OS/2 2.x or above Requires: NetDrive 1.0.1 or better Contact: Eirik Overby (ltning@anduin.net) configedit17.zip 170055 2000/08/28 tyra191g.zip 811889 2000/06/09 Powerful Config.sys analyzer and editor (German) Long desc: Tyra/2 is a PM application to easily edit your OS/2 config.sys file. All commands of your config.sys are displayed logically in a Notebook. You don't have to worry about the correct spelling or what parameters are availbe. You can set up the most commands with a mouseclick. For all commands is a help page availbe with description about the command and witch parameters are possible. Get the German version from my homepage. Runs on: OS/2 3.0 and later Requires: VX-Rexx Runtime Contact: Joerg Sievers (jogi@warpsite.de) Source: http://www.warpsite.de/ tyra191e.zip 835076 2000/06/09 Powerful Config.sys analyzer and editor (English) Long desc: Tyra/2 is a PM application to easily edit your OS/2 config.sys file. All commands of your config.sys are displayed logically in a Notebook. You don't have to worry about the correct spelling or what parameters are availbe. You can set up the most commands with a mouseclick. For all commands is a help page availbe with description about the command and witch parameters are possible. Get the German version from my homepage. Runs on: OS/2 3.0 and later Requires: VX-Rexx Runtime Contact: Joerg Sievers (jogi@warpsite.de) Source: http://www.warpsite.de/ cfgupd8.zip 266002 2000/03/16 Update for ConfigMaint and ConfigEdit Long desc: Freeware, updated cm2cfg.dat and howto.dat files to be used with ConfigMaint and ConfigEdit. Runs on: Warp Requires: cfgmnt100.zip or ConfigEdit16.zip, rexx installed Contact: Klaus Staedtler (stadt@ibm.net) initool110.zip 586856 2000/01/04 INI editor with tools to compare and search INI files Long desc: An INI editor for binary OS/2 INI with integrated tools to compare INI files and search multiple files for a string. NLS: English, Croatian, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Polish. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 Requires: Rexx Contact: Goran Ivankovic (duga1@pu.tel.hr) Source: http://Goran_Ivankovic.tripod.com/ iniser04.zip 181874 1999/11/15 Remote INI file editor Long desc: A client/server approach to the editing of INI files, for remote system management. The package includes the server (including program source and documentation) and a demonstration client. Freeware. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or later Contact: Peter Moylan Source: http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/os2/software.html installer.zip 210861 1999/10/25 Self installer package. Long desc: Self installer package, requires gcc and several utilities to generate the self install archives. 2.2.0 Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3+ Requires: ACE/2, IBM RC Resource Compiler. Contact: Brian Smith (dbsoft@technologist.com) Source: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bridge/1318/installer/ cfgmt100.zip 342457 1999/04/13 ConfigMaint Ver.1.00 Config.Sys analyzer/optimizer Long desc: ConfigMaint is a free config.sys analyzer / optimizer / information tool for PM. Runs on: Warp Requires: REXX installed Contact: Klaus Staedtler, Kai Evers (stadt@ibm.net, ke@lb.maus.de) cfginfo7.zip 192766 1998/11/03 ConfigInfo 7 - config.sys editor Long desc: ConfigInfo 7 - config.sys editor with a bunch of informations for the config.sys Runs on: OS/2 Warp Requires: vrobj.dll Contact: Klaus Staedtler (stadt@ibm.net) inid2152.zip 90274 1997/02/06 INIEdit/2 v1.52. OS/2 Binary INI file editor coned02.zip 33659 1996/12/20 Non-interactive command-line config.sys editor for WARP 3/4 warpngor.zip 244825 1995/10/09 Warp'n'Go v3.0, CONFIG.SYS configuration notebook inimt33j.zip 934200 1995/04/05 IniMaint v3.3j, .INI-file maintenance utilities cpyini2.zip 16059 1995/01/30 Make a copy of OS2.INI/OS2SYS.INI, reducing their size shwini32.zip 41703 1995/01/30 INI file editor/veiwer/backup/restore (Rexx) inios2.zip 20552 1995/01/30 Allini v1.1, point and click .INI file editor