20memu.zip 95361 1995/01/30 OS2XMEMU v1.02, memory usage display allocmem.zip 83343 1997/09/23 Swap/unload as many DLLs to disk as possible (free up memory map) awacs357.zip 256745 1997/02/01 AWACS v3.57 - sys/swap/working set monitor (MDA|PM) countmem.zip 5781 2001/07/18 shows how much RAM is visible to OS/2. Long desc: shows how much RAM is visible to OS/2. The purpose of this program is to check if OS/2 detects all the installed RAM. Runs on: OS/2 3.x and up Contact: Alessandro Cantatore (alexcant@tin.it) Source: http://acsoft.yi.org memlink.zip 50573 2005/01/04 MEMLINK.DLL (1995-09-09) is an OS/2 Dll that provides an alternative means for IPC (interprocess communication) between two concurrently running OS/2 threads. Includes Source Code Long desc: MEMLINK.DLL (1995-09-09) is an OS/2 Dll that provides an alternative means for IPC (interprocess communication) between two concurrently running OS/2 threads. The threads can be in the same process, or in two different processes. It was written to replace the named pipe mechanism of passing user-defined data structures between 4 concurrently running processes. The application was acquired from an outside source and the named pipe code was poorly written, with initialization, termination, and the stuff in-between coded poorly. This caused the application to lock-up in various situations and the pipes to "break" on occasion. Includes Source Code Runs on: OS/2 V4.0 Contact: Jeff Orth memos2.zip 45689 1999/07/19 Memory utility. Stress test your system Long desc: Displays detected RAM, swapfile size and stress tests system Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3+ Contact: Trevor Hemsley memwatch.zip 226057 2002/12/10 Memory Watcher ver 1.2.00 With Source Code. (19 mar 1999) This is a freeware (with source code) OS/2 memory watcher tool. Developed by Jostein Ullestad Long desc: Memory Watcher ver 1.2.00 With Source Code. (19 mar 1999) This is a freeware (with source code) OS/2 memory watcher tool. Developed by Jostein Ullestad Runs on: Warp 4 Contact: Martin Iturbide (martin@os2world.com) protime10.zip 36024 2004/02/02 Watch and kill programs that spend to much time in memory. Good for watching server CGIs. Long desc: {Start Long Description} What does ProTime do? Protime is a simple utility that watches programs in memory. If a program stays in memory for to long it can terminate that program or another program. Protime tracks the time of each seperate loaded occurrence and will not terminate until a specific loaded EXE goes beyond it’s allotted time checking once every "x" min. Runs on: OS/2 any 32 bit. Requires: PS.EXE from http://www.dink.org/neatutils.htm Contact: Gene Angel (fuzzydog@whiteshepherd.net) ramtest.zip 61562 2005/07/20 Memory test utility, v 0.4a Long desc: Memory test utility. May be used for burning memory and stress test your system, as well as last chance to fight with memory's rakes. Source code included. Runs on: OS/2 Contact: Evgeny Kotsuba ([Evgen]@os2russian.efnet.irc) thes3003.zip 1204646 2003/01/13 Theseus3 (2001-Jun-28) Theseus is a memory analysis program for the OS/2 system. Long desc: Theseus is a memory analysis program for the OS/2 system used to: Runs on: Warp 4 / eCS 1.1 or later Contact: IBM Corporation (martin@os2world.com) Source: ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v4warp/theseus3/