LOGV102.EXE 1047816 2001/08/24 Logviewer/2 v1.02 (viewing,analyzing,managing logfiles) Long desc: Logviewer/2 is powerfull program to view,analyze and manage logfiles locked or unlocked as well normal text files in a PM 32bit interface. Features full drag&drop and many more ... What's new ?More docs & bugfixes Runs on: OS/2 / 2.xx Requires: VROBJ.DLL Contact: Septima Legio (VIILegio@softhome.net) logv101b.exe 222227 2001/07/20 Logviewer/2 v1.01b (viewing,analyzing,managing logfiles) Long desc: Logviewer/2 is powerfull program to view,analyze and manage logfiles locked or unlocked as well normal text files in a PM 32bit interface. Features full drag&drop and many more ... Runs on: OS/2 / 2.xx Requires: VROBJ.DLL Contact: VIILegio@softhome.net logv104.exe 938075 2003/09/12 Logviewer/2 v1.04 (viewing,analyzing,managing logfiles) Long desc: Logviewer/2 is powerfull program to view,analyze and manage logfiles locked or unlocked as well normal text files in a PM 32bit interface. Features full drag&drop and many more.What's new ? Printing enabled Runs on: ECS or OS/2 2.xx Requires: VROBJ.DLL Contact: Septima Legio Source: http://http:/septimalegio.da.ru 8dot3.zip 12852 1998/03/11 REXX program to shorten long filenames Long desc: REXX program to shorten long filenames to the usual MSDOS pattern of 8.3 in order to let DOS programs see them Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or later Requires: REXX, REXXUTIL Contact: Father John Missing, O.C.F.M. (jmissing@gte.net) SigmaFR.zip 816082 2006/11/22 alf099b.zip 27070 1999/12/23 Alfons version 0.99 beta Long desc: Alfons is a program that copies the information from a Audio Compact Disk (CD) digitaly. Because it copies the information (ones and zeros) digitaly there is no quality loss. It makes a perfect digital copy of the original information (CD) and saves it as a standard RIFF WAVE or a RAW PCM-file on your harddrive. Not all CD-ROM drives supports this thou. Contact: Mikael Kjellstrom (mikkje@algonet.se) Source: http://www.algonet.se/~mikkje/alfons.html ascii-3.0.zip 26529 2000/10/06 Prints aliases and tables for ASCII character. Long desc: A programmer's utility that recognizes different ways of naming ASCII characters (hex, octal, binary, decimal, C escape, ISO character table pair, slang names, and others) and prints out all equivalent aliases. Requires: emx Contact: Kyosuke Tokoro (NBG01720@nifty.ne.jp) Source: http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA000199/os2/ beep01.zip 7660 2003/12/05 BEEP.EXE plays a sequence of sounds. Long desc: BEEP.EXE plays iteratively a sequence of sounds of constant or variable duration via the PC loudspeaker. bibdayo1.zip 73079 1995/01/30 Bibday/2, Bible verse of the day display program bigsrt44.zip 36559 1998/01/21 Fast unlimited sort program with multiple sort fields bmi.zip 73351 2007/05/16 Program to calculate the BMI Long desc: Program to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) Runs on: eCS 1.2 or OS/2 Warp 4.52 Requires: non Contact: Hermann Mahr (h_mahr@t-online.de) buffer2.zip 139650 2006/01/17 High prformance FIFO buffer for OS/2 V 0.11 Long desc: This utility is designed to buffer data during real time processing like on the fly audio encoding or tape backups. It is optimized for high throughput, fast and reliable response and low CPU load. The data is not copied around in memory. Runs on: OS/2 2.x Contact: Marcel Mueller Source: http://www.maazl.de/project/misc/buffer2.html ccash.zip 428572 1997/03/26 ChronoCash/2: program that keeps track of how much time a user uses the computer and lets you know how much they should pay for that time crc.zip 3228 1997/04/24 computes CCITT CRC-32, CCITT CRC-16, CRC-16 checksums (w/src) d2fn103.zip 7334 1997/04/14 Assigns current date as a file's name dhfilt01.zip 25431 2000/06/20 various text filters Long desc: filters to fix most text formatting problems caused by email programs Runs on: Warp 3 and up Contact: Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@southwind.net) elapsed.zip 218613 1999/06/15 PM program that shows time in days:HH:mm:ss since OS/2 was started Long desc: PM program that shows the amout of time your computer has been running. Also allows the writing of a txt file with that information. Will work for systems that are up for more than 50 days. This version, 1.30 has a flag that will start the program minimized. Runs on: OS/2 3/4 Contact: Dan Holmes (dholmes@trellis.net) Source: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hollow/3097 elapsed1.zip 28573 1998/03/19 Shows time in HH:MM:SS since OS/2 was started Runs on: OS/2 3/4 Requires: EMX Contact: Dan Holmes (dholmes@trellis.net) fake.zip 25246 1997/04/24 Record all arguments to send any program fwautor2.zip 7258 1995/05/29 Startup FaxWorks for receive all w/status window off fwmod.zip 27766 1996/01/14 FaxWorks Modify, change behavior of FaxWorks gh01.zip 15128 1997/09/16 Small 00indexd.txt|files.bbs|... to index.html converter hibertkt.zip 240135 2001/04/24 Hibernation toolkit Long desc: A set of patches to resurrect the hibernation and dedicated session support in OS/2 Warp. Runs on: OS/2, v 3.00 Requires: The OS/2 boot drive must be C: primary FAT16. Contact: Andrew Belov (andrew_belov@newmail.ru) hobbes17.zip 89057 1996/07/07 Expertly crafted PM viewer for HOBBES OS/2 archive v1.7 infidx13.zip 44280 1995/01/30 Infidx, dynamically create .INF-file objects informer.zip 32815 2002/11/13 small utility for getting system information. Could work like screen saver or Cgi. Long desc: small utility for getting system information. Could work like screen saver or Cgi. Runs on: OS/2 Requires: iopl32.dll. Included in bundle. Contact: Alex Gankov (admin@pilot-film.com) instai.zip 139873 1996/08/09 PM software installer for developers. Uses REXX functions isrun01.zip 20858 1998/07/06 Is a program running? Long desc: Utility that queries the task list to determine whether a program is running or not Contact: Stephane Bessette julian.zip 19137 1995/01/30 Getdate, get today's date in a variety of formats kldir158.zip 166604 1996/02/22 KL-DIR, Automate directory listings for cc:Mail mobile logit102.zip 15101 1997/09/15 Logs mesages with time and date to textfile logplr10.zip 22453 1996/11/10 LogPiler v1.0 - Calculates phone costs of ISDNPM logfiles makefi.zip 62029 2001/12/17 Display and rebuild Feature Install fi.ini Long desc: Display and rebuild Feature Install fi.ini Contact: Steven H. Levine (steve53@earthlink.net) more13.zip 34967 1999/04/13 A feature-rich MORE command Long desc: Just like the MORE command included with OS/2, but allows changing to display 1 screen, 1 line, nonstop, or exit the program, while viewing the output. Also pauses at the end of display so you don't accidently miss the end of the output. FREEWARE Runs on: OS/2, DOS Requires: EMX Runtime required for OS/2 version Contact: Craig Miller (craiger@cwe.cx) Source: http://cwe.cx/files/cwesoft/ mrsr200.zip 41035 1998/08/27 Multiple Recursive Search and Replace version 2.00 Long desc: Multiple Recursive Search & Replace (MRSR) is a command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. Rather than being limited to a single file at a time, or a single search and replace at one time, MRSR allows multiple files and a virtually unlimited number of search and replace operations at once. MRSR also does BLOCK searches. MRSR will optionally go through an entire sub-directory tree. MRSR allows updates to Web pages and also source code. Version 2 uses English-like commands rather than the obscure single letter commands of version 1. Much better :-)) Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.0+ Contact: Byte Of Software Systems Inc. (mrsr@bossi.com) Source: http://www.bossi.com/utility/mrsr/mrsr.html objdsply.zip 11075 1995/03/30 Display version of VX-Rexx VROBJ.DLL, if present ongutils.zip 98195 1997/04/14 ONG Utilities I: three utilities to make OS/2 a little easier and friendlier os2clu01.zip 372372 1999/08/10 OS/2 Command Line Utilities version 1.0 Long desc: A suite of native (16-bit) OS/2 command- line utilities, including enhanced versions of several common commands such as ATTRIB, FF (find files), WC (count words), WHAT, WHICH (locate commands), XDEL, and XDIR, all of which support UNIX-style wildcards and a common standard option syntax. FF can find files that are contained in compressed ZIP, ARC, PAK, ARJ, LZH, and ZOO archives as well as normal files. XDIR can produce a sorted list of an entire directory tree. The suite includes native OS/2 utilities to change the number of screen lines, display BBS-style ANSI files a page at a time, change the state of the keyboard locks, and dump the contents of the PC's CMOS NVRAM. Runs on: OS/2 2.0 or later. May even work on OS/2 1.x! Contact: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (Jonathan de Boyne Pollard at FIDONET 2:257/609.3) os2clu02.zip 589012 1999/09/02 OS/2 Command Line Utilities version 2.0 Long desc: A suite of native 32-bit OS/2 command-line utilities for a wide variety of tasks, too many to describe individually so I'll just give the names: ANACLOCK, ARCDIR, ATTRIB, BCOMP, CALCTZ, COMP, CONVCASE, CPUIDG, CPUIDT, DELTREE, DIGCLOCK, DIRSIZE, DUMP, FF, FIND, FINDDUPS, FITSIZE, GREP, HELP, MEM, PARTLIST, PLAYTUNE, RESETINI, SAYDATE, SETDATE, SORT, STRINGS, STRIP, SUM, TASKLIST, TEE, TEXTCONV, TOUCH, TREE, WC, WHAT, WHICH, WINSIGHT, XDEL, XDIR, and Y. The utilities support enhanced UNIX- style wildcards, long filenames, and deep directory trees. They support standard ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990 (POSIX 1003.1) timezones, operation until the year 2106, and automatic unattended changes to and from daylight savings time in multiple different timezones simultaneously. They take advantage of the architecture of 32- bit OS/2 for things like efficient directory searches and the ability to deal with more than 64KiB of data. Utilities such as ATTRIB, COMP, FIND, HELP, SORT, and TREE provide workalike replacement 32- bit executables and REXX scripts, with several enhancements, for the 16-bit utilities and batch files of the same names that are supplied with 32-bit OS/2, allowing one to finally replace some of the 16-bit vestiges that remain in OS/2 Warp. Installation instructions are in README.TXT. Runs on: OS/2 2.0 or later. Contact: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (Jonathan de Boyne Pollard at FIDONET 2:257/609.3) os2clu03.zip 783421 2002/02/18 OS/2 Command Line Utilities version 2.1 Long desc: A suite of native Pure 32-bit OS/2 command- line utilities (ANACLOCK, ARCDIR, ATTRIB, BCOMP, CALCTZ, COMP, CONVCASE, CPUIDG, CPUIDT, CYCLOG, DELLNAME, DELTHUMB, DELTREE, DESCEDIT, DIGCLOCK, DIRSIZE, DUMP, DUPDIR, FF, FIND, FINDDUPS, FITSIZE, GOVWIPE, GREP, HEAD, HELP, MEM, NEWMBR, PARTLIST, PLAYMORSE, PLAYTUNE, RESETINI, RUNSVC, SAYDATE, SERVICE, SETDATE, SETBOOTG, SIGNAL, SORT, STRINGS, SUM, TAIL, TASKLIST, TEE, TEXTCONV, TOMORSE, TOUCH, TREE, UNIQ, UNSTAMP, W2KFIX, WATCHLOG, WC, WEAVESVC, WHAT, WHICH, WINSIGHT, XDEL, XDIR, Y) for a wide variety of tasks, from service management to finding files, including several workalike replacements, with several enhancements, for the 16-bit utilities and batch files of the same names that are supplied with IBM OS/2, allowing one to finally replace some of the 16-bit vestiges that remain in OS/2 Warp. The utilities support enhanced UNIX-style wildcards, long filenames, and deep directory trees. They support standard ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990 (POSIX 1003.1) timezones, operation until the year 2106, and automatic unattended changes to and from daylight savings time in multiple different timezones simultaneously. They take advantage of the architecture of 32- bit OS/2 for things like efficient directory searches and the ability to deal with more than 64KiB of data. Installation instructions are in README.TXT. Runs on: OS/2 2.0 or later. Contact: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (Jonathan de Boyne Pollard at FIDONET 2:257/609.3) os2clu04.zip 860952 2004/01/12 OS/2 Command Line Utilities version 2.2 Long desc: A suite of native Pure 32-bit OS/2 command- line utilities (ANACLOCK, ARCDIR, ARCSTAMP, ATTRIB, BCOMP, CALCTZ, COMP, CONVCASE, CPUIDG, CPUIDT, CYCLOG, DELLNAME, DELTHUMB, DELTREE, DESCEDIT, DIGCLOCK, DIRSIZE, DUMP, DUPDIR, ENSTAMP, FF, FIND, FINDDUPS, FITSIZE, GOVWIPE, GREP, HEAD, HELP, MEM, NEWMBR, PARTLIST, PLAYMORSE, PLAYTUNE, PMLOCK, RESETINI, RUNSVC, RUNWHEN SAYDATE, SERVICE, SETBOOTG, SETDATE, SIGNAL, SORT, STRINGS, SUM, TAIL, TASKLIST, TEE, TEXTCONV, TOMORSE, TOUCH, TREE, UNIQ, UNSTAMP, W2KFIX, WATCHLOG, WC, WEAVESVC, WHAT, WHICH, WINSIGHT, XDEL, XDIR, Y) for a wide variety of tasks, from service management to finding files, including several workalike replacements, with several enhancements, for the 16-bit utilities and batch files of the same names that are supplied with IBM OS/2, allowing one to finally replace some of the 16-bit vestiges that remain in OS/2 Warp. The utilities support enhanced UNIX- style wildcards, long filenames, and deep directory trees. They support standard ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990 (POSIX 1003.1) timezones, operation until the year 2106, and automatic unattended changes to and from daylight savings time in multiple different timezones simultaneously. They take advantage of the architecture of 32- bit OS/2 for things like efficient directory searches and the ability to deal with more than 64KiB of data. Installation instructions are in README.TXT. Runs on: OS/2 2.0 or later. Contact: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (Jonathan de Boyne Pollard at FIDONET 2:257/609.3) Source: http://homepages.tesco.net./~J.deBoynePollard/Softwares/clu.html os2prob.zip 212262 1995/10/20 Produce PROBLM.TXT for use when calling IBM Support pci104vka.zip 526703 2005/10/13 PCI+AGP bus sniffer Long desc: shows PCI, AGP and CardBus device informations, has huge database of known vendors and devices, can tell what IRQ are supported by which slot. Requires: OS/2 3+, DOS 3+, Linux, Win32 Contact: Veit Kannegieser (veit@kannegieser.net) Source: http://members.datafast.net.au/dft0802 pciutils_2.2.3_os2_dos.zip 421692 2006/06/07 the PCI Utilities, version 2.2.3 Long desc: This package contains various utilities for inspecting and setting of devices connected to the PCI bus. Runs on: DOS 3+, OS/2 3+ Contact: Veit Kannegieser (veit@kannegieser.net) Source: http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mj/pciutils.shtml pkill.zip 40291 1999/06/14 Terminates a process (version 1.0) Long desc: This is a command-line program that uses PStat to get all current processes and tries to terminate the desired process (given by name or the decimal number of the PID) by sending a SIGTERM. This is my first incursion in developping for OS/2 but it seems to work correctly to close Comm/2 when it hangs. Runs on: Tested on Warp 4 FP#7 Contact: Michel Goyette (Exovede@Videotron.Ca) pmasc.zip 5638 1995/01/30 ASCII code table display pmbrowse.zip 13993 1997/05/02 PM-based 'more' util pmcrc32-20.zip 579679 2002/11/04 SFV&MD5 File Checker for OS/2 PM Long desc: SFV&MD5 File Checker for OS/2 PM Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.0 & higher (eCS as well) Contact: Reinhard Berger (geist@chello.at) pmcrc32.zip 579679 2002/11/13 SFV&MD5 File Checker for OS/2 PM Long desc: SFV&MD5 File Checker for OS/2 PM Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3.0 & higher (eCS as well) Contact: Reinhard Berger (geist@chello.at) pmpentax.zip 47969 2004/11/15 Screen capturing utility for all OS/2 flavours Long desc: This utility can take screen shots of all OS/2 versions, including OS/2 1.1, 1.31, and 2. Runs on: OS/2 Requires: A computer, your two hands, and Something between your ears. Contact: The Shadow (k-n-o-p-p-e-r-@-r-o-g-e-r-s-.- c-o-m (Get Rid of All Dashes)) pmskey.zip 59701 1998/12/03 PM One Time Password Generator (skey) Long desc: PMKey is a one-time password (OTP) generator for one-time password system described in RFC 1938. It is based on the opiekey program from NRL's OPIE 2.x distribution, with enhancements for a graphical user interface. Source code included. Runs on: OS/2 2.0+ Contact: David Aylesworth (dave@tlogic.com) Source: ftp://ftp.tlogic.com/pub/skey/OS2/ pnp014vk.zip 122363 2002/01/28 PnP BIOS resource lister Runs on: OS/2 3+;DOS 3+ Contact: Veit Kannegieser (Veit.Kannegieser@gmx.de) Source: http://members.hyperlink.net.au/~chart/pnpinfo.htm ptdem3.zip 444198 1995/01/30 Pegasus Monitoring Tools demo pterm.zip 42859 1999/11/15 Terminates a process (version 1.2) Long desc: This is a command-line program that uses PStat to get all current processes and tries to terminate the desired process (given by name or number of the PID) by sending a choice of termination signals. This is my first incursion in developping for OS/2 but it seems to work correctly to close Comm/2 when it hangs. Runs on: Tested on Warp 4 FP#7 Contact: Michel Goyette (Exovede@Videotron.Ca) ramscop2.zip 22999 1995/01/30 Ramscope, show any part of OS/2 memory repltext.zip 44359 1999/06/15 Simple string replacing utility (command line) Long desc: Version 1.03 (don't use earlier versions) Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or better Contact: Robert Schroeder (rob@schroeder.net) Source: http://home.ivm.de/~schroeder/os2 rwpc.zip 39764 1998/02/16 Find duplicate EXEs along the PATH Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or later Contact: Rupert Weber-Henschel (rupert.weber@physik.uni-muenchen.de) Source: http://www.cip.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~weber/ rxtools.zip 19329 1999/04/29 set of small utilities written in REXX Runs on: OS/2 3.0, 4.0 Requires: rexxutil.dll, rxFTP.dll Contact: Olexander Lebid' (cygnus@erriu.ukrpack.net) sample.zip 37787 1995/01/30 High speed sampling (700kB/s or more) from any I/O port serialport.zip 6868 2002/04/16 Serial Port Source Code. This is a wrapper class to access OS/2 serial port. Long desc: Serial Port Source Code. This is a wrapper class to access OS/2 serial port. It is not complete. But it is useful to understand what is needed to access a serial port. It can be extended to be a complete wrapper around a serial port without too much work. This source code is not supported anymore by its author. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 3 or later Contact: Andrew B. Lundgren (lundgren@byu.net) sigmamd5-1-0.zip 375199 2005/10/20 PM MD5 checksum gen & checker V1.0. with large file support. Runs on: Warp,eCs Contact: Keith Merrington (k.merington@gmail.com) sigmamd5.zip 248007 2005/07/05 PM MD5 checksum generator and checker Long desc: Reads & Creates checksum files compatable with the output of Linux GNU MD5SUM and can check the eCs CD's for correct data using the MD5 checksum list files on the CD's. Provides a clear visual indication of checksum status (error's etc.) as well as error sorting and comprehensive logging facilities. Contact: Keith Merrington sigmamd5v-1.41fr.zip 816625 2006/12/08 French Language support UPDATE for SigmaMD5 V1.41. Contact: Keith Merrington (k.merington@gmail.com) sigmamd5v1.41de.zip 439830 2006/08/24 German Language support UPDATE for SigmaMD5 V1.41. Long desc: German Language support UPDATE for SigmaMD5 V1.41. Runs on: Warp4, eCs Contact: Keith Merrington (k.merington&gmail.com) smart.zip 3508313 1996/05/18 Lotus SmartCentre for OS/2 (German Language Version) subdir.zip 34160 1996/03/19 Sub-directory lister. Many options. Handles 4G size tcs_1-7.zip 317664 2000/10/06 tcs translates character sets from one encoding to another. Long desc: Supported encodings include utf (ISO utf- 8), ascii, ISO 8859-[123456789], koi8, jis- kanji, ujis, ms-kanji, jis, gb, big5, unicode, tis, msdos, and atari. Requires: emx Contact: Kyosuke Tokoro (NBG01720@nifty.ne.jp) Source: http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA000199/os2/ timup121.zip 57180 1995/01/30 Timeup v1.21, display time since last reboot tlbin009.zip 45069 1996/05/05 Tape Label Editor, Requires emxrt v0.9a trapstat.zip 1334 1997/04/24 Trap stats from POPUPLOG.OS2 uniq1.zip 20046 1995/12/14 Uniq, grab all the uniq lines from a file vgasync.zip 2429 1995/01/30 Keep VGA sync polarities for fixed- frequency monitors warplogo.zip 355759 1995/07/14 Some replacement OS/2 Warp boot logos winstart.zip 88431 1996/05/14 Solves problem with OS/2's 'working directory' for windows objects