IBMPCCOH - IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER REFERENCE DISKETTES, BIOS UPDATES, AND DRIVERS 08/28/96 ====================================================================== IBM Personal Computer Reference Diskettes, BIOS Updates, and Drivers ====================================================================== Please Read Entire Document for Full Explanation of Procedures -------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION For IBM Personal Computer specific drivers, reference diskettes, BIOS updates, and tips, visit the IBM Personal Computer Web site, ftp site, or the PCCO BBS. RESOLUTION The IBM Personal Computer Company maintains drivers, reference diskettes, BIOS updates, and tips at the following sites: IBM Personal Computer File Library: IBM Personal Computers World Wide Web site: IBM PC Company ftp site: IBM PC Company BBS: 919-517-0001 ______________________________________________________________________ IBM disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of fitness and merchantability with respect to the information in this document. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any related patents or copyrights. Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 IBM Corporation. Any trademarks and product or brand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.