
        Enhanced Presentation Manager (EPM)--All OS/2 Releases

Please Read Entire Document for Full Explanation of Procedures


This document contains common questions and answers about Enhanced 
Presentation Manager (EPM), an ASCII text file editor in OS/2.


EPM, an editor for creating and modifying files in ASCII, is in the 
Productivity folder on the Desktop. You can use EPM for text editing, 
or as a programmer's editor. You can set it up through the Options menu,
use macros, or use the REXX language that comes with OS/2.

There are two types of editors:

Line Editor: Uses a file as a sequence of lines that are separated by an
end-of-line (EOF) character.

Stream Editor: Uses the file as a long stream of characters.

EPM is a line editor, but can be set up in a stream mode. The System 
Editor, on the other hand, is a stream editor and can handle long lines
of text.

The EPM editor has its own system routines for functions such as 
converting data types, exchanging data areas, and interfacing to system
functions, such as commitment control or accessing data from I/O 
feedback areas. The EPM editor also has its own debugging tools to 
allow working with multiple entry-point languages. Most AS/400 languages
(RPG, COBOL, PL/1, BASIC, CLP) have a single entry.

Why shouldn't I use EPM to edit my CONFIG.SYS file?

  EPM has a limit of 254 characters per line. It is common for certain
  lines in the CONFIG.SYS file to exceed this limit. Using EPM could
  make the file unusable. It is recommended that you use the System
  Editor when editing the CONFIG.SYS file.

Why can't I get CTRL+H to bring up context-sensitive help in EPM (for C 
functions and APIs)?

  The HELPNDX and DPATH statements in the CONFIG.SYS file must be set
  correctly. For C Set++, the HELPNDX statement should be as follows,
  and all on one line:


  Note: There must NOT be a semicolon at the end of the line.

  All of the files must be able to be found via the DPATH statement.
  x:\TOOLKT21\BOOK must be in the statement.

Why can't I get different fonts and styles to print? They display 
correctly but are printed as plain text.

  When you print from EPM, select Formatted print in the Print Document
  window. Also, make sure you have selected WYSIWYG. If you are not in
  the Print Document window:

  1. Select Options.
  2. Select WYSIWYG in the Print Options window.
  3. Close the Print Options window.
  4. Select the Print button.

EPM keeps a list of my previously opened files and lists them in the 
File Open window. How can I delete files from this list?

  There is no way to selectively remove files from the list. The entire
  list can be removed by renaming or deleting EPM.INI from the \OS2
  subdirectory. The drawback to this is that your options will be reset
  to the defaults.

  Note: You might need to do ATTRIB to remove SYSTEM and READONLY
        attributes before deleting EPM.INI.

EPM stopped working after I put TCP/IP on my system. Why?

  TCP/IP comes with its own version of EPM. Having two versions on one
  system can create conflicts. To resolve the problem, rename or delete
  the files ETK*, *.EX (not .EXE), and EPM.EXE from the TCPIP directory.
  Make sure you do NOT remove the ones from the \OS2 subdirectory.

When I print formatted or WYSIWYG, nothing prints. Printing ASCII works 
fine. What should I do?

  Edit your CONFIG.SYS file and look for RUN...\EPW.EXE and 
  RUN...\EPWROUT.EXE. If they are present, remark-out both of them; for
  example, REM RUN...\EPW.EXE. You can start EPW detached from
  STARTUP.CMD without having this problem. Simply copy the two
  statements to your STARTUP.CMD; then change the RUN statement to
  DETACH; for example, DETACH C:\OS2\EPW.EXE.

  If these statements are in the CONFIG.SYS file, you might experience
  other problems such as:

  * Can't print from HELP or VIEW.
  * Can't display metafile in PicView.
  * Can't print from various applications.

Does EPM contain an ASCII chart in its Help?

  Yes. Select Help and then Quick reference; then scroll to the bottom
  of the file.

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