4dizzy96.zip 10-28-96 Processes archive info into 4os2 descriptions b_dir132.zip 07-14-97 BDir v1.32, directory statistics/file lister browse.zip 237490 05-19-97 Allows disk content browsing, labelling, drive | info butcher2.zip 07-23-97 Make smaller volumes from large files case16a.zip 111329 05-07-98 Case-conversion of file/dir names and .LONGNAME | EAs cc108os2.zip 148156 07-28-97 Advanced, flexible, powerful file copier/mover clone240.zip 822026 04-17-98 Clone Cleaner finds duplicate files on your HD cmntm030.zip 01-23-97 PM appl. to manage .SUBJECT .COMMENT & .KEYPHRASES EAs cv112.zip 02-05-98 Converts filenames case in batch dhg_103.zip 376325 04-17-98 PM version of grep diskct16.zip 200896 01-25-97 DiskCat, Shareware disk catalog program for | archiving your diskettes, CD-ROM's, audio CDs, | hardisks, lan drives and magneto-optical disks diski113.zip 03-30-97 Hard disk and CDROM benchmark utility diunp303.zip 06-15-97 Uncompresses disk images created via SAVEDSKF to your | hard drive drchk034.zip 01-23-97 DriveCheck v.034, graphical wasted drive space scanner dskio114.zip 01-06-98 Hard disk and CD-ROM benchmark dskxtr11.zip 138348 03-30-98 DSKXTRCT and DSKCOMPR - Version 1.1 efcomm.zip 529951 06-06-98 A powerful and full featured file/directory mgr eject100.zip 01-06-97 Removable drive eject/lock/unlock applet ext2_240.zip 2314472 08-11-97 Linux ext2fs file system driver (IFS) V2.40 fc2_151.zip 233681 08-11-97 File Commander/2 v1.51, file management utility ff2.zip 325323 01-31-98 FileFinder Batch Cmd gen / GREP filecheq.zip 133259 01-07-98 IBM AV front end allowing check of single files filefr15.zip 112755 01-23-97 File Freedom 1.5 is a fast PM file manager c/w | Zip Viewer fileq223.zip 110090 11-29-96 FileQuery v2.23, Enhanced DIR,ATTRIB,text/file | SEARCH command with nice, configurable, | COLORED output filsiz06.zip 08-20-96 A tyne file size totalization utility fj728e.zip 458293 10-15-97 FileJet v7.28, text-mode file manager/editor flcp24.zip 267847 02-25-97 Floppy-Copy: fast format, load .DSK images, | etc. fm2_258.zip 1459392 01-13-98 File Manager/2, Swiss army knife for files fm2utils.zip 565081 02-25-97 FM/2 Utilities: A collection of utilities | designed for use with FM/2 (they can also be | used without FM/2). FATOPT, HPFSOPT, QFORMAT, | RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more. fpart2.zip 10-03-98 1.1 File partitioner - splits & combines files fst03f.zip 137105 08-14-96 Check HPFS and FAT partitions (with source) hdspace.zip 126328 02-11-97 Display disk usage statistics hfs010.zip 528939 04-14-97 A Hierarchical File System Driver for OS/2 hfsuo010.zip 800390 07-31-97 HFS Utilities for DOS and OS/2 hpfspm12.zip 123721 08-12-96 HPFSPm v1.2 PM Utility for HPFSRem (for | Ez-Drive and removable media) hpfsrem.zip 10-19-96 Allows HPFS to be used on some removable disks listpm4.zip 979264 04-22-98 PM text file lister look232.zip 118555 09-07-97 LOOK2 - OS/2 Directory/File Viewer makdskv4.zip 01-12-97 Makes DualStor3 recovery floppies for OS/2 v4 mc3543b.zip 283399 06-11-97 Midnight Commander (OS/2 port). This is a | norton-commander-like file tool newdasd.exe 155372 11-15-96 OS/2 support for Removable Disk Beta Drop 1 ntfs_003.zip 313780 11-03-97 Windows NT NTFS IFS (file system driver) os2hdd2.zip 08-10-96 Extracts OS/2 image (loaddskf) files to harddisk pmc_13a.zip 326804 07-31-97 PM CHECKSUM v1.3 Tells you when a file on your | harddisk has changed pmd24d.zip 660845 08-26-98 Diskette copier and file manager (German) pmd24e.zip 649910 08-26-98 Diskette copier and file manager (English) pmdif40a.zip 239624 05-20-97 PMDiff, side-by-side graphical file comparison | v4.0 runfor19.zip 201410 04-04-98 Run a command for a set of files/dirs tfile10.zip 297385 03-08-97 Tom's File utility. Handle files by date, | size, etc treedo18.zip 12-24-96 TreeDo v1.8, traverse a directory tree performing | command trsize12.zip 06-19-98 Shows size of subdirectory-tree, Textmode tvfsrm10.zip 06-24-97 Tool for Using TVFS with removable media vfat_003.zip 184595 02-09-98 Windows 95 VFAT IFS (file system driver) for | OS/2. Allows OS/2 to access Windows 95 VFAT | partitions as normal OS/2 drive letters. which213.zip 146962 06-03-97 A clone of the Unix locate command xlistos2.zip 217323 09-02-97 X-List/2 2.71g, a file/directory utility ztb175.zip 221653 04-14-96 ZTreeBold v1.75, text-mode file/directory mgr