By now you probably know that you can use FastKick to apply a Fixpak to your Warp System.
But did you know that you could also use it to either Commit the Fixpak or Backout the Fixpak.
To BACKOUT to a previous level
1. Open an OS/2 Command prompt window 2. Change to the directory where you have stored the Fixpak and FastKick The directory that you installed the Fixpak from. 3. Run FIX.CMD 4. Click on the Change Product List button. 5. Select the Archived Products radio button. 6. By default, all archived products are selected. De-Select any products that you do NOT wish to Backout 7. Select the Backout push button.
To COMMIT the Fixpak
1. Open an OS/2 Command prompt window 2. Change to the directory where you have stored the Fixpak and FastKick The directory that you installed the Fixpak from. 3. Run FIX.CMD 4. Click on the Change Product List button. 5. Select the Uncommitted Products radio button. 6. By default, all products are selected. De-Select the products that you do NOT want to commit 7. Select the Commit push button.