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Warp 4.5x FixPak (Convenience Packages for Warp 4 and Warp Server for e-business)

Y2K compliant

The Convenience Packages are "Year 2000" ready!


The (Merlin/Aurora) Convenience Packages (MCP/ACP) are the new way to offer continuing support and features for the OS/2 Warp Version 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business operating systems. Based on OS/2 Warp Server for e-business code, the CPs are refreshes of the OS components including the latest FixPak levels, new drivers, and new features which where current at the release date as well. They require an active support contract and a valid licence of the respective operating system (either OS/2 Warp Version 4 or OS/2 Warp Server for e-business). Shrink-wrapped retail versions are not available for purchase, but you can buy an OEM version based on the last Merlin Convenience Package called eComStation.

The following versions were released:

  • Convenience Package 1 dated November, 2000, OS version 4.51, CSD level XR*4501
  • Convenience Package 2 dated December, 2001, OS version 4.52, CSD level XR*4502
  • Manufacturing Refresh of Convenience Package 2 dated April, 2002, OS version 4.52, CSD level XR*4503

The Convenience Packages will reach their end-of-service date at 2006-12-31.

The detection problem of memory > 64 MiB found with a BIOS supporting ACPI can be fixed by applying a kernel dated Oct 31, 2000 or later (corrected for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class CPUs, already supported in MCP2/ACP2) or a third party patch.

Systems running the 1. release of the second Convenience Package (MCP, ACP dated December 2001, CSD level XR*4502) experience a boot failure after a memory extension beyond 512 MiB or during installation with more than 512 MiB of memory. The application of either FixPak XR*F001 or higher or a kernel with a buildlevel of 14.088 or higher will fix the problem. The manufacturing refresh of the Convenience Packages (MCP, ACP dated April 2002, CSD level XR*4503) already includes the fix.

Convenience Package FixPak (Warp 4.5x)
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
ACP, MCP, eCS 2005-03-07;
2005-04-06, 2005-03-04
technical document reserved (16 diskimages);
xr0c005[1-8].zip reserved (eCS)
XR_C005 (14.103) English-US restricted access - requirements:
ACP, MCP 2001-07-26 reserved ÷ English-US fix for "Selective Install for Networking";
restricted access - requirements:
Convenience Package 2 (1. Release!) FixPak (Warp 4.52)
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
ACP, MCP 2002-02-25 technical document reserved,
directory reserved (6 diskimages), reserved (fix before installation)
XR_F001 English-US Special FixPak for Convenience Packages 2 (1. release!) and Pentium 4 systems with more than 512 MBs of memory, superseded by FixPak XR*C002;
belonging Debug Kernel;
restricted access - requirements:
Convenience Package READMEs
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
ACP 2000-11-30
ftp access readme.txt (ACP1)
readme2.txt (ACP2)
ADDENDA English-US  
MCP, eCS 2000-11-30
ftp access readme.txt (MCP1)
readme2.txt (MCP2)
ADDENDA English-US  
ACP, MCP, eCS 2002-01-11 Translations of section 7, "General Euro Currency Support" (xCP2):
ftp access Brazilian, French, Spanish
ADDENDA Brazilian
Warp 4.5x Kernel Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W4C, W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2005-xx-xx Upgrade - Kernel - Use at own RISK (directory) 14.103a, 14.103b, 14.104a Generic last post-FixPak XR*C005 Testcase kernels; files are named,, (* for debug);
  • FixPak XR*M013 or higher for Warp 4 as prerequisite
W5S, ACP, eCS 2001-10-26 ftp access (UNI retail kernel), (UNI debug kernel), (SMP retail kernel), (SMP debug kernel), (dump formatter), (Security Enabling Services)
14.085 Generic post-FixPak XR*C001, XR*E002 kernel fixes, more current OS2KRNL in later FixPaks or Extended Partition Support (14.091_UNI)
W4C, MCP, eCS 2001-10-26 ftp access (retail kernel), (debug kernel), (dump formatter), (Security Enabling Services)
14.085 Generic post-FixPak XR*C001, XR*M015 kernel fixes, more current OS2KRNL in later FixPaks or Extended Partition Support (14.091_W4);
  • FixPak XR*M013 or higher for Warp 4 as prerequisite
Warp 4.5x Loader Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W4C, W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2004-06-30 os2ldr.exe ≡ 14.100 English-US
fixes system freeze on PCs with many different PCI cards, prerequisite for Enhanced SpeedStep Technology Device Driver for OS/2;
  • FixPak XR*M013 or higher for Warp 4 as prerequisite
W4C, W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2002-08-16 technical document reserved,
os2ldren.exe, os2ldrbr.exe, os2ldrcx.exe, os2ldrtw.exe, os2ldrfr.exe, os2ldrit.exe, os2ldrjp.exe, os2ldres.exe reserved (all)
÷ English-US
recommended for USB Basic Device Support;
restricted access - requirements:
Warp 4.5x Dump Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W4C, W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2002-03-04 ftp access PJ28457 Generic fixes problem with OS2DUMP overwriting partitions on LBA-enabled systems, more current OS2DUMP in Extended Partition Support
Warp 4.5x WPPRINT Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2006-06-21 (2006-04-21) contact IBM support; reserved (eCS)
PJ31068 Generic fix for printer installation listing only the first 1024 printer entries;
restricted access - requirements:
Warp 4.5x WPCONFIG Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2006-04-21 contact IBM support; reserved (eCS)
Generic fix for user call requesting a suspend and user additions to mouse configurator not functioning correctly;
restricted access - requirements:
Warp 4.5x PMCTLS Fix
OS Date Files/Source Ver/Bld Lang. Notes
W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS 2006-07-09 contact IBM support; reserved (eCS)
PJ31319 Generic fix for SYS3184 (integer divide-by-zero exception) in PMCTLS.DLL;
restricted access - requirements:
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