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About this Site


The author and the site are independent (okay, excepting the software which is used to create, maintain, and upload the files <g>) from the International Business Machines Corporation external link! I am exclusively maintaining the site for my private pleasure, and because I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time. 8*)


The feedback page can be reached by clicking on the picture in the upper left corner next to the caption on every other page.


The correct rendering of the site has been verified with the Netscape external link browsers Navigator 2.02 (service level 8), Communicator 4.04 (service level 6), 4.61, Mozilla from 0.9.4, Links external link, and ELinks v0.4 pre 3 external link. Because the IBM WebExplorer is not able to render colored table cells, the text cannot be read with it.
The HTML code was checked with HTML Tidy external link.

Topics of this Site

This site covers the following products and their components:

  • OS/2 Warp operating system (client and server)
  • OS/2 Warp BonusPak (including third party products)
  • OS/2 Warp Software Choice features (for exceptions see below)

This site does not cover the following products and components:

  • anything from the OS/2 Device Driver Pak Online CD
  • third party products from the Application Sampler CD
  • third party products from Lotus external link (e. g. Lotus Mail)
  • third party products from Tivoli external link (e. g. Nefinity)
  • WorkSpace On-Demand (WSoD) or any Software Choice features for this product

As a rule, only files stemmed from IBM are taken into account. To keep a clear arrangement and ensure a reliable maintenance, drivers, fixes, and extended functions for the operating system from third party vendors are mentioned in exceptions only.

Outdated Fixes

If a correct link to a file cannot be executed, it is possible that IBM has withdrawn it.

Information about Fixes

Some updates/fixes/features require additional installation tools; these are mentioned separately. There is a link to them at the appropriate places.

Fundamentally, all FixPaks include the fixes of all previous FixPaks (cumulative FixPaks). Because of that, only the most current one is required. Nevertheless, there exist some single archives which update or fix parts of a component.

If you want to learn about FixPaks/fixes/updates in advance, you should download the first disk image first of all. It contains the appropriate documentation as ASCII or IPF files.
Some Readmes can be downloaded via ftp directly. These are listed together with the source of the FixPaks/fixes/updates in the tables.


First stop for (new) drivers should be the OS/2 Device Driver Pak On-Line external link.
Because that site is very extensive, I have renounced the complete registration of all drivers. This site lists drivers which I consider remarkable only, because they have been removed from a FixPak, extend the functions of the operating system, or are important for the installation of OS/2.
Since August 1999 the Device Driver FixPak is available. It includes the drivers which formerly were part of the FixPak for the base operating system (removed since FixPaks XR*W041 resp. XR*M011).


Finally a big thank you to the TeamOS/2 Cincinnati Users Group, for creating the OS/2 Warp Masterupdate-Site (maintained later by the OS/2 Super Site as the Master OS/2 Warp Update List external link). It has been an invaluable foundation for the creation of the German site, which I have translated into English now.

... and of course to IBM for a great operating system, which made it possible (not just for me) to avoid the products of a certain very well known company.

As well, many thanks to the maintainer of external link, who offers the pictures of the various flags for free.

Language Symbols and Abbrevations
English-US/Generic The Software is assigned for US versions or generic (English messages may appear). Generic versions of FixPaks have an underscore "_" as the third character in the CSD level (US versions have a zero: "0").
Multilingual The package supports multiple languages; nevertheless some of the messages can appear in English. Please see the respective NLV (National Language Version) page for your language, if the package supports it.
English-UK The software is explicitly assigned for UK versions (example).
Just so any other flag means that the software is explicitly assigned for the respective language version.
reserved The download requires user ID and password after registration with the supplier.
ftp access The following link uses the ftp protocol (supported by most browsers).
external link The link (marked in text only, not in the "Links" section) leads to an external site.
Wikipedia The link leads to a Wikipedia entry.
LS4 LAN Server Version 4 (separate product)
W3 OS/2 Warp (with Win-OS/2) Version 3
W3C OS/2 Warp Connect (with Win-OS/2) (Version 3)
W3S OS/2 Warp Server (Advanced) (Version 4)
W3M OS/2 Warp Server Advanced (Version 4) SMP Feature
W3* any OS/2 Warp 3 version (W3, W3C, W3S, W3M)
W4C OS/2 Warp (Version) 4
W34 any OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 version (W3*, W4C)
W5S OS/2 Warp (4.5) Server for e-business
ACP OS/2 Warp (4.51, 4.52) Server for e-business (Aurora) Convenience Package
MCP OS/2 Warp (Version) 4(.51, .52) (Merlin) Convenience Package
eCS eComStation (MCP OEM versions)
W* any OS/2 Warp version (W3*, W4C, W5S, ACP, MCP, eCS)
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